Chris Metabolism/Glycolisis test Flashcards
Kinetic energy
Energy in motion
Potential Energy
Work energy
Transfer of energy from one place to another
First law of therodynamics
Energy is constant
Energy can’t be created or destroyed
Can convert
Example of first law therodynamics
Plants capture sun energy and convert to energy in carbohydrates
Second law of therodynamics
Energy can’t be transfered without loss of useful energy
Increases entropy
Random energy
Can’t do work
Gibbs free energy
Some energy is useful and can do work
Exergonic reaction
Involves decrease in gibs free energy
Endergonic reaction
Not spontaneous
Involves increase in gibs free energy
Lost energy
Thermal energy
Can’t be recovered
Lost heat can keep body temp stable
Sun provides energy to keep cycle going is an example of what energ
Lost energy
Bond energy
How stable or easily broken
describes structure
Activation energy
Minimum energy required for a reaction to occur
Change food into energy
Provides energy
breakdown substances
Catabolic reaction
Breaks larger molecules
Breakdown ATP
Anabolic reaction
Larger molecules
Build muscle, protiens
Lose electrons
Gain electrons
ATP ases
Direct energy
Hydrolysis of ATP to ADP
energy to be released for work (gibs free energy)
Aerobic reaction
generates ATP using OXYGEN
uses ADP as substrate
enzyme will add phosphate
*Oxidative phosphorylation
needs co enzyme
pumps ions to other side of membrane
Carries hydrogen ion
Energy carriers
Pyrouvate oxidation occurs in
Entropy is always increasing is which law of therodynamics
*ATP synthesis is an ______ process that phosphorylates ADP
goal of cellular respiration?
to capture as much of the available free energy in the form of ATP
*substrate level phosphorylation
ATP is directly formed.
transfers PO4 directly to ADP forming ATP
glycolysis occurs
In the cytosol of the cell
*Glycolosis___ Activation phase which uses ATP molecules.
Glycolysis 1
*reduce glucose to pyruvate and also produce ATP molecules.
gycolisis 2
Glycolysis 2 summary
formation of ATP and NADH
Metabolic rate
The amount of energy consumed by an organism in a given amount of time
Basal metabolic rate
The minimum amount of energy needed to keep and organism alive. This is dependant on age growth and development
Explain the correlation between age and Basal metabolic rate
As we age our basal metabolic rate decreases which in turn means our metabolism slows down. This can cause things like the freshman 15 in people around the age of 20.
**Why does lactic acid fermentation occur?
Your cells cannot get enough oxygen through aerobic respiration so instead they use anaerobic respiration in the form of lactic acid fermentation to allow continuous production of ATP.
What is the lactate threshold?
blood lactate concentration begins to increase sharply. Once reached a burning sensation is felt and exercise is limited.
Why is 2 acetyl CoA 2NADH 2H+ 2CO2 not accurate
Nothing is 100% efficient
Can’t gaurentee it will produce that yeild
An organism that makes its own food
An organism that cannot make its own food.
Electron Transport Chain Summary
Electrons pass through from redox reactions
Release Energy
makes atp
*Why does exercise improve metabolic rate
Muscles use calories
More used to the burning sensation
Increases Basel metabolic rate (relate to freshman 15)
*Explain the process of a heart attack
Flow of blood becomes blocked
heart can’t get oxygen
Heart begins to die
*Why is citrate important
Used by aerobic organisms
Immune cell function
How do enzymes lower activation level
co factors and co enzymes, work directly and help catalysts