Chp 9 Flashcards
Methods for identifying reinforcers
Reinforcer surveys and stimulus preference assessments
Dimensions of a reinforcer that affect its efficacy
Habits are behaviors that…
Occur in specific settings even when our motivation to obtain the reinforcer is low.
Brushing your teeth even when you don’t want to
Behavior analytic principles can increase….
The probability of forming good habits
Mentalistic explanations of behavior
These explanations put the cause of behavior in the individual’s free-will mind.
This can lead to the assumption that a mind can be “full of motivation” and others not.
Circular explanations of behavior
Using the behavior (exemplary performance) to explain motivation and using motivation to explain the behavior.
How do we know someone has motivation? By their exemplary performance.
Motivating operation (MO)
How much the individual wants the reinforcer and is willing to emit behavior to get it.
An environmental/biological event that temporarily alters the value of the specific reinforcer and increases/decreases the probability of behaviors yielding that reinforcer
Motivating operations example
Food deprivation. We know we need food when the environment tells us we haven’t eaten in a while and biology tells us our stomach is hungry. This MO reinforces the value of food
Establishing operation
An MO that temporarily INCREASES the value of a specific reinforcer and INCREASES behaviors that yield that reinforcer. (Food deprivation)
Abolishing operation
An MO that temporarily DECREASES the value of a specific reinforcer and DECREASES behaviors that yield that reinforcer
Reinforcer survey
Structured interview or written survey that asks the person to identify highly preferred activities
Stimulus preference assessment
Used with individuals with limited languages capabilities. The assessment is a rank ordered list of preferred stimuli and the individual chooses which stimuli they want to obtain
Premack principle
Access to a high-probability behavior will function as a reinforcer when made contingent upon a low-probability behavior
(You can’t play video games until you wash the dishes)
Maximum amount of behavior the reinforcer will maintain
Purchase task
Participants indicate how many reinforcers they would hypothetically purchase if they were available at a range of prices. More $= better reinforcer
The size of the reinforcer needs to be…
Big enough to get behavior going but not too big that the accumulated reinforcers have an abolishing effect
Operant behavior that is evoked by antecedent stimuli and persists despite the imposition of AO
Habits are formed when…
An operant response has been repeatedly reinforcers many many times in the presence of the same antecedent stimulus
Strategies to replace bad habits with good habits
- Identify the antecedent stimuli that reliably evoke our bad habit
- Replace those stimuli that evoke bad habits with stimuli that will evoke good ones
- Reinforce the desired behavior many times using shaping
- Make sure the behavior is reinforced. Do it.
- Continue with shaping