Chp 9-10—Exam 4 Flashcards
Which of the following is not a differences between naïve B cells and plasma cells?
plasma cells can be induced to undergo somatic hypermutation, but naive cells cannot.
Diphtheria and tetanus antibodies work by
neutralizing receptor binding fragments.
The epithelial cells of the mucosa respond to extracellular pathogens through the endosomal response system but are unable to detect pathogens or their antigens in the cytosol.
IgM, but not IgA will lead to complement fixation in the lumen of the intestine.
Whereas —— is the predominant immunoglobulin in intestinal fluid, —— is the dominant immunoglobulin in the urogenital tract.
dimeric IgA; pentameric IgM
activation of naive B cells begins with…
cross linking from multiple antigens
without T cells, —– can promote some IgM production in B1 cells
densely packed antigen
response seen in Digeorge patients without thymus
production of IgM in response to densely packed antigen
TFH cognate pair begins B cell transformation into…
soluble IgM
2 pathways for lymphoblast
primary or secondary focus
primary focus
cognate pair moves toward medulla and reproduce
—– focus makes plasma cells
—- focus makes memory cells
results in germinal center
secondary focus
2 types of cells and zones in germinal center
centroblasts – dark zone – dedicated to making Ab
centrocytes – light zone – wait to bind antigen with TFH
within ——, germinal center drives immune response
a week
plasma cells are only long lived if…
they return to the bone marrow
can activate oncogenes
somatic hypermutation
—- deficiency prevents germinal centers from forming
isotype switching to —- is the norm for memory cells
mobile eosinophils destroy pathogen by…
cumulative action
eosinophil reaction to innocuous substances
binary toxins
toxin component and binding component
toxin fragments
pentameric IgM takes —- form on cell surface
C1q has —- Fc binding domains
best at complement activation
IgM and IgG3
not able to fix complement
deficiency that cannot allow complexes to be cleared
C1, C2, C3, C4
leads to cyclical binding and release until pathogen is engulfed
y dimer signalling
70% weight of mucin
mucin sugars are —–
Gi commensals produce….
menadione and vit K
compartment with dendritic cells and lymphocytes
inductive compartment
effector compartment
lamina propria
B cell area ONLY
isolated follicles
mucosal proactive immunity
“inviting” pathogens via endocytosis into lamina propria allows immune response to be limited to that area, while creating B and T cells appropriate to attack that pathogen
innate epithelial immunity allows…
limitation of inflammation
intestinal macrophages arrive to lamina as…
intestinal macrophages uniqueness
Do not express receptors for IgA, IgG, complement, or IL-2
No chemotaxis, respiratory burst, cytokine production, or costimulation
No B7
monitoring of gut commensals leads to…
large IgA repertoire
survives endocytosis and causes tissue damage leading to bloody diarrhea
infects Peyer’s patches
vitamin produced by dendritics
specialized CD8 cell - has granulytic activity - may be 𝛼:β or 𝛄:𝛅 type - limited in their antigen repertoire - bind through 𝛼E:β7 to E-cadherin
intraepithelial CD8
specialized CD8 cell - has granulytic activity - may be 𝛼:β or 𝛄:𝛅 type - limited in their antigen repertoire - bind through 𝛼E:β7 to E-cadherin
intraepithelial CD8
Penatmeric IgM is carried to gut lumen by —– receptor on stem cells in crypts
In respiratory and urogenital tract, B cells switch to —- - transported to mucosa by —–
antigen protein B is neutralized - normally binds GMI