Chp 21 Vocab Flashcards
A substance that causes an allergic reaction.
allergic reaction
The body’s exaggerated immune response to an internal or surface agent.
An extreme, life-threatening, systemic allergic reaction that may include shock and respiratory failure.
Localized areas of swelling beneath the skin, often around the eyes and lips, but can also involve other body areas as well.
The act of injecting venom.
A substance produced by the body (commonly called adrenaline), and a drug produced by pharmaceutical companies that increases pulse rate and blood pressure; the drug of choice for an anaphylactic reaction.
Chemical substances released by the immune system in allergic reactions that are responsible for many of the symptoms of anaphylaxis, such as vasodilation.
immune response
The body’s response to a substance perceived by the body as foreign.
immune system
The body system that includes all of the structures and processes designed to mount a defense against foreign substances and disease-causing agents.
The study of the body’s immune system.
Chemical substances that contribute to anaphylaxis; released by the immune system in allergic reactions.
A harsh, high-pitched respiratory sound, generally heard during inspiration, that is caused by partial blockage or narrowing of the upper airway; may be audible without a stethoscope.
A harmful substance produced by living cells or organisms.
Small areas of generalized itching and/or burning that appear as multiple raised areas on the skin; hives.
A raised, swollen, well-defined area on the skin resulting from an insect bite or allergic reaction.
A high-pitched, whistling breath sound that is most prominent on expiration and which suggests an obstruction or narrowing of the lower airways; occurs in asthma and bronchiolitis.