Chp 2 Book Flashcards
based on the idea that all behaviors are learned and can be changed. This form of therapy looks to identify and help change potentially self-destructive or unhealthy behaviors.
Behavior therapy
Mind-body technique that uses non-invasive equipment to help people learn to control their body’s involuntary functions. (HR, RR)
Biofeedback uses electrodes to meause muscle tension, HR, HH and client attempts to alter involuntary body functions through thought.
Which disease can biofeedback be used to treat
Chronic pain, Fatigue, Insomnia, Anxiety, Urinary incontinence, Fecal incontinence, Migraine headaches, Epilepsy, and Raynaud phenomenon
Give an example of Classical Conditioning
Pavlovs dogs
Therapy: Stressful situation paired with relaxation tech
School: Candy to a student who finishes homework on time
Exposing yourself to situations that cause anxiety, like going into a crowded public space.
Journaling about your thoughts throughout the day and recording your feelings about your thoughts.
Are examples of this type of therapy
Biiased thoughts distort the way a person sees themselves, their life, their specific day-to-day situations, their relationships, and other people.
These thoughts can contribute to mental health conditions such as depression and anxiety.
Cognitive distortions
Basic learning process that involves changing the strength, formation, or weakening of a connection between a stimulus and a response.
Classical ( Pavlovs dog ) Neutral pairing
Operant ( Positive reinforcers added / Megative reinforcers removed
Id, Ego, Superego
The impulsive, animalistic, and selfish part of the personality that’s driven by pleasure and motivated by instinctual desires
The ego, controlled by the reality principle, is what prevents you from acting on the Id’s urges.
For example, if you are craving chocolate, the ego will make you wait until you can get your own chocolate bar instead of snatching the one your friends chocolate.
Superego- Moral part.
Exp. One steals a chocolate bar Superego makes you feel Guilt.
If one waits until after a healthy dinner and eats the chocolate bar - Superego makes you feel proud.
The ID & Superego lie in the unconscious while the Ego is in…
The ego develops ____ to ward off anxiety by preventing conscious awareness of threatening feelings
Defense mechanism
Freud believed that by age ___ determins individuals lifetime adjustment pattern and personality traits
Free association - patient freely says whatever words or thoughts come to mind.
Dream analysis
Defense mechanism recognition- Analyst helps recognize & change over used maladaptive Defense mechanism ( Denial, Projection, Rationalization)
Used in this type of therapy
Psychoanalysis Sigeumon Freud
Transference (Client attributes qualities of person from their past on Therapist)
Counter-Transference (Therapist attributes qualities of person from their past on patient)
Can be either good or bad
Are key concepts from this type of therapy
Psychoanalysis Sig Freud
This type of therapy uses principles of Psychoanalysis (Free association, Dream Analysis, Transfernce)
However, it focuses on the here and now.
May last 20 sessions (Lengthy in Insurance View)
Best candidates are Healthy - Well Functioning people
Psychodynamic therapy
Interpersonal theory by Harry Sullivan main principle is…
That human being are driven by a need for interaction with eachother
The goal of interpersonal therapy is reduction or elimination of psychiatric symptoms (depression esp.) By improving interpersonal functioning and relationships
3 types of problems that have responded well to interpersonal therapy
Greif & Loss
Interpersonal disputes: (Conflict with Sig Other)
Role Transition:
Important Mental health nurses
Patrica Benner, Dorothy Orem, Sister Callista Roy, Betty Neuman, Joyce Travelbee, Hildegard Peplau
Goal Self-Care integral to nursing
Caring foundation for nursing
Communication using the Interpsonal Theory “Sullivan”
Impact of internal & External stressor on equalibrum
Continue need for people to adapt, physical, mental, social
Meaning in nurse-patient relationship & importance of communication
Patrica Benner: Caring foundation for nursing
Dorothy Orem: Goal Self-Care integral to nursing
Sister Callista Roy: Continue need for people to adapt, physical, mental, social
Betty Neuman: Impact of internal & External stressor on equalibrum
Joyce Travelbee: Meaning in nurse-patient relationship & importance of communication
Hildegard Peplau: Communication using the Interpsonal Theory “Sullivan”
Behaviorist the opposite of Freud state that Behavior and consequencly personality can be change through ___
Classical Conditioning (Behavioral)
When a neutral stimulus (bell) is paired with another stimulus (Food) that with time the Neutral Stimulus will evoke same reaction as the excitory stimulus
John Watson started behavioral theory that states that anyone could be trained to be anything.
He demonstrated it with this famous experiment
Little Albert, the rat, and loud banging noise
BF Skinner researched ____ a method of learning that occurs through rewards & punishment for voluntary behavior .
The key term to this theory is reinforcement
Operant Conditioning
Operant Conditioning
Positive reinforcement
Negative reinforcement
Positive reinforcement: Push level get food
Negative reinforcement: Floor is electrified, push level stop shock
Operant Conditioning
Teacher ignores student Acting Out. Student stops acting out.
This type of therapy maybe useful in Phobias, Alcohol use disorder, Schizophrenia
____ is the basis for behavior modification and uses positive reinforcement to increase desired behaviors
Operant Conditioning
____ therapy maybe used to treat phobias, panic, social anxiety, OCD, PTSD, GAD.
It involves facing the fear
Exposure therapy
Describe aversion therapy
Use a negative stimulus in connection with behavior that is trying to be avoided.
A gay man forced to watch gay porn and recieves a shock during the film. But when straight porn is played no shocks
Rational-Emotive Therapy - Albert Ellis
Main Goal: …….
Main goal: remove Irrational beliefs by helping people to recognize thoughts that are not accurate, sensible, useful. “ Shoulds, Ought, Must”
Albert Ellis
Described negative thinking as A-B-C
A (Activating Event)
B ( Belief about event )
C ( Consequences- emotional)
This type of Theory
This type of therapy
Cognitive theory
Rational- Emotive Therapy
Focus of this therapy is on present attitudes, painful feelings, and dysfunctional behaviors
Rational-Emotive therapy
Cognitive theory
Automatic thoughts aka Cognitive Distortions are Irrational & lead to false assumptions.
Exp. After release from the hospital my friend says “ How’s it going?” Automatic thought = I must look really bad for them to be concerned.
Therapeutic tech can ID, reality test, and correct distorted Automatic thought.
Is a main theme in this therapy
Cognitive behavioral
Aaron T Beck
Homework plays a role in this therapy
Columed thought where patient writes
Event, Feeling, Automatic thought, Other possible Interpretations
Cognitive behavioral Therapy
Aaron T Beck
Name the therapy
Treatment Focus:
Unresolved past relationships & Core conflicts
Therapist Role:
Significant Other Transference Object
Primary disorders treated:
Anxiety, Depression, Personality Disorder
Length of therapy:
Therapeutic alliance
Free association
Understanding Transference
Challenging Defense mechanism
Psychodynamic Therapy
Name the therapy
Treatment Focus:
Current interpersonal relationship & social support
Therapist Role:
Problem solver
Primary disorders treated:
Length of therapy:
Shirt 12 - 20
Facilitate new patterns of communication & expectations for relationships
Interpersonal therapy
Name the therapy
Treatment Focus:
Thoughts & Cognitions
Therapist Role:
Active, directive, challenging
Primary disorders treated:
Depression, Anxiety/ Panic, Eating Disorders
Length of therapy:
Short 5 - 20
Evaluating thoughts and behaviors
Modifying dysfunctional thoughts and Behaviors
Cognitive behavioral Therapy
Name the therapy
Treatment Focus:
Learned maladaptive behavior
Therapist Role:
Active, directive teachwr
Primary disorders treated:
PTSD, OCD, Panic Disorder
Length of therapy:
Typically <10
Relaxation, thought stopping, self-reassurance, seeking social support
Behavioral Therapy
This therapy model was developed for individuals with intratable behavior issues (Chronically Suicidal/ Self Injuring women w/ borderline personality)
The strategies help the patient and therapist give up extreme posistions
Long term 1 - 1.5 years
Uses the following tech
Mindfulness - being present
Distress tolerance - Tolerating Pain in challenging situations
Interpersonal effectiveness- Asking for what you want & saying No
Emotional regulation- Choosing & Changing emotions that are problematic
Dialectical Behavior Theory
Maslow’s theory is this type of “theory”
Set about to focus therapy on Potential, Free Will, Personal Growth
Piaget & Cognitive Development Stages
Sensorimotor Stage birth - 2 yrs
Basic reflexes to purposeful movement
Spatial ability & Hand eye coordination
Basic understanding of world
9 months object permenance - ability to conceptualize that objects are no longer there - Peekaboo
Piaget & Cognitive Development Stages
Preoperational Stage 2 - 7
No abstract thinking
Piaget & Cognitive Development Stages
Concerte operational stage 7 - 11
Abstract problem solve starts
Able to see from others POV
Conversation is possible
Able to classify based on descrete characteristics, pattern
Piaget & Cognitive Development Stages
Formal operational stage 11 - adult
Starts near same time as puberty
Abstract thoughts & problem solving abilities mirror adult levels
Theory developed by interpersonal theorist who emphasize that sense of self & nature & quality of relationships in the present are affected by past relationships.
Theory if object relations
Kohlberg Stages of moral development
Preconventional: Goal is individual survival- Selfishness.
Action: Caring for self
Name the 2 stages
Obedience & Punishment: At this stage people belive that Obedience is a means to avoid Punishment
Individualism & Exchange: People are aware that not everyone sees the rules the same. Still if they or other decide to break the rules they risk Punishment.