Cholesterol Flashcards
What are the four major lipids found in the blood stream?
Where is cholesterol found?
What 4 things is cholesterol the precursor for?
NRTI Clinical
- Almost all require dose adjustments in CrCl
- Who are the exceptions 2
- What 3 have activity against hep b
- Which one should not be mixed with Alcohol?
- Which one needs to be given on an empty stomach
- What is given to mothers and infants
- What isnt a major issue?
NRTI Clinical Pearls More
- Class Adverse Effects
- Individual AEs
- 2 are pretty good but have Nausea and Vom
- Which one causes osteoporosis and renal toxicity
- Associated with MI and Hypersensitivity?
- Causes “m” toxicity, bone marrow suppression and myopathy
- “p” toxicities, pancreatitis, peripheral neuropathy, pink skin
- Which one straight up isnts used because of toxicity?
Cholesterol is the biosynth pathway
Bile acids/salts
What is coverted into these? What do they do? What are the steps in the pathway?
Biosynth of Cholesterol
Pathway in depth
Triglycerides and Phospholipids
How are TGs used in the body?
What do phospholipids form?
How do Cholesterol, TGs, and Phospholipids become solublized?
What do they do what are they?
How are they identified? What are the four types?
Describe, VLDL, IDL, LDL, HDL
Role of LDL in Plaque formation
Plasma cholesterol levels
Diseases and lipid disorders
3 of them describe them
Coronary Heart Disease
What is an underlying cause?
Drug therapy options chart
To decrease plasma cholesterol and LDL 3 of them
To increase TG clearance 1
To decrease VLDL formation only one
Bile Acid Sequesterants
What are they chemically classified as?
What do they do?
What is their indirect effect?