CHN CHAPTER 2 Flashcards
Philippine health care delivery system is composed of two sectors:
the public sector
the private sector
Philippine health care delivery system which is
-financed through a tax-based budgeting system both national & local events.
-Health care is given free at point of service.
-national (DOH) & local government agencies
Public sector
Philippine health care delivery system which is
-a market oriented
-health is paid through user fees at point of service.
Private sector
At the national level ___ is appointed as the lead agency in health.
With the devolution of health services, the local health system is now run by___
Local Government Units (LGUs)
health centers/rural health units (RHUs) and barangay health stations (BHSs) are under
city/municipal government
Provincial & district hopsital are under___
Public/provincial Government
Its function is mainly to serve as advisory body to the local executive and the sanggunian or local legislative council on health-related matters.
local chief executive
public health nurse to population ratio
EO 851
-combines public health
and hospital operations under the Provincial Health Officers.
EO 119
“Reorganizing the Ministry of Health”
transformed the Ministry of Health back to the Department of Health.
RA 7160
Local Government Code/ DECENTRALIZATION of entire government
mandates the Department of Health to provide assistance to local
government units, people’s organization, and other members of civic society
- implementing programs, projects and services that will promote the
health and well being of every Filipino
EO 102
Roles and Functions of DOH
-Leadership in Health
-Enabler and Capacity Builder
-Administrator of Specific Services
-Serve as a National policy and regulatory institution,which other insitutions will anchor their thrusts and
directions for health.
- leadership in the formulation, monitoring and evaluation of national
health policies, plans and programs.
- Serve as advocate in the adoption of health policies, plans and programs.
leadership in health
-Innovate new strategies in health to improve the effectiveness of health programs. ensure informed public participation in policy decision-making.
- evaluation of national health
plans, programs and policies.
- Ensure the highest achievable standards of quality health care
-Enabler and Capacity Builder
-Manage selected national health facilities and hospitals with modern and advanced facilities.
-national and sub-national levels that are referral centers for health system.
- Administer direct services for emergent health concerns that require new complicated technologies. specific programs like tuberculosis, schistosomiasis,
- Administer health emergency response services
Administrator of Specific Services
The DOH is the leader, staunch advocate and model in promoting Health for All
in the Philippines.
Vision of DOH
Guarantee equitable, sustainable and quality health for all Filipinos, especially
the poor and shall lead the quest for excellence in health.
Health Sector Reform Agenda (HSRA)
-Support mechanisms
will be through sound organizational development, strong policies, systems and
procedures, capable human resources and adequate financial resources.
Rationale for Health Sector Reform
- Slowing down in the reduction in the Infant Mortality Rate (IMR) and the Maternal Mortality Rate (MMR).
- Persistence of large variations in health status across population groups and
geographic areas. - high burden from infectious diseases.
- Rising burden from chronic and degenerative diseases.
- Unattended emerging health risks from environmental and work related factors.
- Burden of disease is heaviest on the poor.
It intends to implement critical interventions as a single package-backed by effective management infrastructure and financing arrangements following a sectorwide approach.
Framework for Implementation of HSRA: FOURmula ONE for Health
Goals of FOURmula ONE for Health
- Better health outcomes
- More responsive health systems
- Equitable health care financing
The four elements of the FOURmula one strategy are:
Health financing : better investment in health
Health regulation: quality & affordability of health services
Health service delivery: accessibility & availability of basic and essential health care
Good governance: enhance health system performance
The NHIP as key feature of FOURmula one supports each of the elements in terms of:
financing: reduce financial burden on filipino health care cost
governance: influencing healthcare market
regulation: accreditation and improved performance in health sector
service delivery: fair compensation in providing essential goods & services
-espoused by the Department of Health in order to ensure
quality of health care service at the local level.
-individuals, communities and all other
health care providers in a well- defined geographical area participate together in
providing quality equitable and accessible health care.
Inter local health system
Composition of the Inter-Local Health Zone
People: vary from zone to zone; population size between 1 00,000
and 500,000 for optimum efficiency and effectiveness.
Boundaries: Locations and access to referral facilities
Health Facilities: health services deciding to work together as an
integrated health system.
Health Workers: f health providers is needed to deliver
comprehensive health services.
-An essential health care made universally accessible to
individuals and families in the community
-Acceptable to them through
their full participation and at a cost that the community and country can afford at
every stage of development
PHC Primary Health Care
PHC was declared during
During First International Conference; held in alma ata USSR (Soveit Union) on September 6-12, 1978 by WHO
“Health tor All by the year 2000”.
“Health in the Hands of the
People by 2020.”
LOI 949; by President Marcos on October 19, 1979
Elements/ Components of Primary Healthcare
-Environmental Sanitation (adequate safe water & good waste disposal)
-Control of Communicable Diseases
-Health Education
-Maternal and Child Health and Family Planning
-Adequate Food and Proper Nutrition
-Provision of Medical Care and Emergency Treatment
-Treatment of Locally Endemic Diseases
-Provision of Essential Drugs
Strategies of PHC
- Reorientation and reorganization of the national health care system, under devolution/local government code
-Effective preparation and enabling process for health action at all levels.
-Mobilization of people and know their communities
-Development and utilization of appropriate technology - Organization of communities
-Increase opportunities for community participation
-Development of intra-sectoral linkages
-Emphasizing partnership
**Four Cornerstones/Pillars in Primary Health Care
I. Active community participation
2. Intra and inter-sectoral linkages
3. Use of appropriate technology
4. Support mechanism made available
Primary & Secondary
The types vary in different communities depending upon:
- Available health manpower resources
- Local health needs and problems
- Political and financial feasibility
Two levels of primary health care workers have been identified
-Village or Barangay Health Workers (V/BHWs)
-Intermediate level health workers.
Village or Barangay Health Workers (V/BHWs)
-Community health workers
-Health auxiliary volunteer
-traditional birth attendant/ healer
Intermediate level health workers.
Medical practiotioners
Public Health Nurse
Rural Sanitary Inspectors
the first
contact between the community members and the other levels of health facility.
Primary health facility
-by center physician
capable of performing minor surgeries and
perform some simple laboratory examinations.
Secondary facilities
-physician with basic health training
-is the referral
center for the secondary care facilities.
-Complicated cases and intensive care
Tertiary level of care
-Community hospital & health centers
-Private practitioners/Puericulture centers
-District hospital/ Emergency
-Provincial/ city health services/ City Hospital
-Regional health services
-National Health services