Childhood Language Impairments Flashcards
Critical Age for Language
0-5 years
When do babies start hearing sounds?
29 weeks intrauterine. 8 weeks of hearing before birth if full term.
0 months
Baby can differentiate speech sounds from all languages.
Differential Crying
Crying for different needs. Early expression of language.
6 months
Plasticity for English/language he/she is exposed to. Loses ability to differentiate sounds from different languages. This is a sign of proper language development. Babbling using the same sound begins.
8 months
Babbling using different sounds begins. Beginning of mimicking adult speech and syllables.
12 months
1st word
18 months
50 word vocabulary
2 years
150-300 vocabulary
3 and 4 years
900-1500. Most utterances contain a subject and a verb.
SLI (Specific Language Impairment)
Language delay disorder. Symmetry in left and right brain hemispheres. Deficits in working memory, impaired language, executive function, typical non-verbal intelligence,
The process of having one thing stand for another.
Using an arbitrary symbol to stand for something.
Each child has a personal dictionary that reflects his or her environment.
Fast mapping
Inferring meaning from context and using the word in a similar manner.
MLU (mean length of utterance)
Used by speech pathologists to indicate how advanced someone’s language is.
Executive Function
The organizing and directing function of the brain. Hearing and vision are included.
Autism Spectrum Disorder
May have impairment in verbal and/or nonverbal intelligence. Characteristic behaviors such as echolalia, easily distracted, repetitive motor movements, excessive reliance on routines, abnormally intense interests of focus. Sensory integration deficit.
Trauma/Head Trauma
May have impairment in verbal and non-verbal intelligence. Impaired language. Results from TBI, stoke, any damage to the brain.
Intellectual Deficiency
Down syndrome and Fragile X. Severity is based on IQ from mild to profound. Can occur for many reasons such as complications during birth.
Learning Disabilities
Examples include Dyslexia, ADHD. - Attentional difficulties, perseveration (compulsive tasks), confuse similar sounds, reading problems. - Poor ability to attend selectively, concentrating on inappropriate or unimportant stimuli.
Social Communication Disorder
-Deficit is primarily in pragmatics aspect of language.
- Children with autism also present with social communication disorder.
- Theory of mind: everyone has different knowledge, which is recognized and considered in communication. Developed at ages 4 or 5. People with SCD may not have this skill.
Other Language Impairments
- Childhood schizophrenia, selective mutism, FASD, PCE.
- Effect of chronic otitis media can be delayed language development.
- Pragmatics is the most affected area of language.