types of abuse
physical, sexual, emotional, neglect, economic, educational
crisis situation
situation that puts stress on family w violent member
any person who is violent toward another
vulnerable person
whom the abuse is happening too
recognize recovery and healing process of abuse
acts of commission in child abuse
intentional form of physical, emotional or educational aubse
acts of omission in child abuse
basic physical, emotional, educational needs not met(neglect) and not being protected from harm
comorbidity of abuse
anxiety, depression, suicidal ideation, MDD, PTSD
risk factors of putting a child at risk for abuse
alcohol/substance use, fam hx, child is different, kid is fragile, transference, child doesnt live up to expectation, unwanted preg, interrupted emotional bonding
characteristics of abusive parents
hx of abuse/neglect, fam, self esteem, crisis, parental expectation, psych hx, behaviors, mental health disorder, poor temper
intimate partner violence risk factors
male, uncalled for jealousy, MH disorder, resentment, separation
tension/building stg of violence
fights, not getting along
acute/battering stg of violence
emotional/physical/mental abuse
honeymoon stg of violence
apologies and gift giving
older adult types of abuse
physical, sexual, economic (financial)
older adult mistreatment
failure to provide basic needs and to protect
risk factors of older adult abuse
females over 75, poor mental/physical health, resentment from family, reliance on fam, altered cog state, if they abused their kid
violence indicators
body language, eye contact, flinching, distant/removed
primary prevention of abuse
measures taken to prevent occurence of abuse
secondary prevention of abuse
early intervention in abusive situations and minimize long term effects
tertiary prevention of abuse
healing/rehab process and support