apprehension, unease, dread from real or perceived threat
reaction to specific danger
normal anixety
necessary for survival and provides energy to live and achieve goals
mild anxiety
grasps info effectively and perceives reality in focus
S/S of mild anxiety
discomfort, restless, foot tapping, nail biting
S/S of moderate anxiety
pounding heart, high RR/HR, gastric issues, urinary urgency, tremors
moderate anxiety
selective inattention with decreased problem solving and clear thinking
severe anxiety
no problem solving and difficulty concentrating with reduced perceptual fields
marked disturbed behavior with inability to process reality
S/S of severe anxiety
headache, insomnia, nausea, hyperventilation, sense of impending doom
S/S of panic
hallucinations, erratic and compulsive behaviors, exhaustion
defense mechanisms of anxiety
nature vs nurture coping, maintain self image by blocking feelings, conflicts and memories
adaptive coping
lowers anxiety for good achievement of goals
maladaptive coping
overuse of immature defenses
separation anxiety disorder
inappropriate levels of concern from being away from another with fear of doom and distracts from norm activities
S/S of separation anxiety disorder
harm avoidance, worry, shy, uncertainty, lack of self direction
specific phobias
irrational fear of thing that leads to avoidance with poor normal functioning
S/S of specific phobias
high levels of anxiety and fear
social anxiety disorder
severe anxiety from social situations that is viewed negatively by others, will withstand with distress
Risk factors of social anxiety disorder
childhood mistreatment, ACEs, genetics
Comorbidities of social anxiety disorder
bipolar, substance use, body dysmorphia
panic disorder
feeling of terror so severe it impairs functioning with impending doom and intense fear
S/S of panic disorder
cardiac arrhythmias, COPD, IBS, hyperthyroidism, dizzy, asthma
associations of panic disorder
MDD, substance use
comorbidity of agoaphobia
alc use disorder, depression
excessive anxiety/fear in places where leaving is embarrassing/hard
generalized anxiety disorder
excessive worry lasting months about finances, heath, relationships
S/S of GAD
lack of sleep, avoidance
selective mutism
children do not speak in fear of negative response, may speak at home and like nonverbal activities
thoughts, impulses, images that persist so they cannot be dismissed from mind
ritualistic behaviors a person feels driven to perform in order to reduce anxiety
associations of body dysmoprhia
MDD, social anxiety, OCD, substance use
DSM 5 for OCD
obsessions compulsions or both, not due to condition, not explained by psych disorder, time consuming, interferes w norm functioning
body dysmorphic disorder
false assumptions about appearance with fear of rejection and perfectionism with disgust and depression
hoarding disorder
obsessive accumulation of objects that consumes life where letting go of item is painful
associations of hoarding disorder
MDD, anxiety, OCD
hair pulling from the root due to anxiety or OCD and is considered self harm behavior
skin picking to point of damage and is considered a self harm behavior
risk factors of OCD
child abuse/trauma, post infectious autoimmune syndrome, genetics, comorbid anxiety/eating/tic disorders