Chest and Abdominal Trauma Flashcards
Chest injuries are a result from?
blunt or penetrating trauma
accumulation of air in the pleural space
Pneumothorax causes
compression of lung space
gas exchange prevention
Tension Pneumothorax
a progressive collapsing of lung tissue
What is a late sign of tension pneumothorax?
Open pneumothorax
sucking chest wound
Penetrating thoracic injuries can be covered with what?
three sided occlusive dressing to prevent air from entering the cavity
bleeding into the pleural space
Cardiac Tamponade
when blood or other fluid accumulate in the pericardial sac and compress the heart
Becks Triad (indicative of cardiac tamponade)
muffled heart sound
Narrowing pulse pressure
Flail Chest
when portion of the thorax becomes separated from the rest of the thorax
What causes flail chest?
fracture of at least two consecutive ribs in two or more places or if the sternum becomes separated from the rib cage
Paradoxical Motion
occurs when a portion of the chest wall appears to move in the opposite direction of the rest of the thoracic cage
Patients suspected of flail chest should be helped by
ventilating with a BVM and high flow oxygen
Solid organs ______ when injured?
Types of Solid organs
spleen, liver, kidneys, and pancreas
Hollow organs can _____ when injured?
spill their contents leading to infection
Types of Hollow organs
stomach, intestines, and urinary bladder
What is cushings response?
altered respiratory pattern
What does cushings response indicate?
possible closed head injury