Chemical Equilibrium (OG version) Flashcards
The exact balancing of two processes, one of which
is the opposite of the other
chemical equilibrium
A dynamic state where the concentrations of all
reactants and products remain constant.
- Irreversible reactions
Reactions in which the entire amount of the reactants are converted
into product
- Reversible Reactions
A reaction which can be made to go in either direction
The rate (speed) of a reaction can be determined by the various concentrations of each species.
equilibrium is reached when
The concentrations stay the same until something else happens to disturb this equilibrium.
The Equilibrium Constant is constant at
constant temperature.
The equilibrium constants changes as the temperature is varied.
We do not include the concentration
of pure solids or pure liquids in the
- Homogeneous equilibria
– reactions occur in the same phase:
The position of a heterogeneous equilibrium does not depend on
the amounts of pure solids or liquids present.
▪ The concentrations of pure liquids and solids are constant.
- Heterogeneous equilibria
– involve more than one phase:
K always has the same value at a given temperature regardless of the
amounts of reactants or products that are present initially.
- For a reaction, at a given temperature, there are many equilibrium
positions but only one value for K
▪ Equilibrium position is a set of equilibrium concentrations.
If K»_space; 1 e.g. 108
. The ratio of product concentrations to
reactant concentration favours products.
Equilibrium lies to the right
If K «_space;1 e.g. 10-10 .
The ratio of product concentrations to
reactant concentration favours reactants.
There is no relationship between the rate of reaction and the
numerical value of K.
Also referred to as molar concentration
* Defined as the number of moles of solute dissolved in 1 litre of
* Symbol M
C = n/v
The units are moles per litre (mol L
-1 or M)
c = concentration
n = number of mols (mol)
v = volume (L)
Volumetric flask
A narrow-necked flask which can be used
to prepare an accurately known volume
of solution
* A graduation mark high on it’s neck
* When filled ‘up to the mark’, the flask
contains the volume given on the flask’