Checkride prep Flashcards
Kinds of equipment list - Specifies what equipment is required for certain operations (Day and night VFR, IFR)
Minimum equipment list - A list of equipment that can be inoperative and still be safe to fly
Types of hypoxia
Hypoxic hypoxia - Insufficient oxygen available to the body as a whole
Hypemic hypoxia - Usually caused by carbon monoxide poisoning, it is when hemoglobin cant transport oxygen
Stagnant hypoxia - A result of blood not being able to flow due to high G force
Histotoxic hypoxia - A result of drinking or doing drugs
Types of icing
Induction - Carb icing
Structural - Wing or window
Instrument - Pitot icing
Going from a high to a low, look out below
Flying from a high pressure area to a low pressure area without adjusting to altimeter, the altimeter will read high
What is an isobar?
An elongated line on a weather chart connecting areas of equal pressure
Meteorological terminal air report - Updated every hour
Types of Airmets
Sierra - IFR conditions, mountain obscurations, haze
Tango - Turbulence or surface winds greater than 30kts
Zulu - Icing conditions
Airmets are put out every 6 hours
Severe turbulence, thunderstorms, visibility obscurations, and icing. Issued as needed
Convective Sigmets
Severe thunderstorms, tornados, other convective weather. Issued as needed
Flight service station frequency
Mode C requirements
Echo above 10,000’, mode C veil, A, B, and C airspaces
Radio operating license
Required for PIC, aircraft and safety pilot if present for international flights
IFR conditions
Ceiling less than 1000 feet AGL and/or visibility less than 3SM
VFR conditions
Ceiling greater than 3000 feet AGL and visibility greater than 5SM
MVFR conditions
Ceiling between 1000 & 3000 feet AGL and/or visibility between 3 & 5SM
Low IFR conditions
Ceiling less than 500 feet AGL and/or visibility less than 1SM
What are the 4 factors that contribute to torque effect?
Torque reaction of the engine & propeller (Newtons 3rd law)
Gyroscopic effect of the propeller
Corkscrew effect of the propeller slipstream
P-factor, or asymmetric loading of the propeller. (Downward moving blade getting more bite+