Checklist Manifesto Flashcards
How many people a year do medical errors kill?
Annually, medical errors disable at least 7 million people and kill 1 million worldwide — the equivalent of six sold-out 747s crashing every day, killing everyone on board
Intensive care succeeds only when what?
we hold the odds of doing harm low enough for the odds of doing good to prevail
the average ICU patient requires how many actions a day?
error rate for an ICU nurse-to-patient action
how many errors a day on average occur with an ICU patient
ICUs put how many lines in patients per year?
5 million
after 10 days, what percent of lines become infected?
How many line infections occur in how many people per year in the US?
Line infections are fatal what percent of the time?
5 and 28 percent of the time, depending on how sick one is at the start
Those who survive line infections spend on average how much longer in the ICU?
1 week
After 10 days with a urinary catheter, what percent of American ICU patients develop a bladder infection?
After 10 days on a ventilator, what percent develop bacterial pneumonia, and resulting in death what percent of the time?
6%; 40-45%