CHART Flashcards
Wc tickets are exobitantly expensive
in a way that is much too much or much too expensive
significant oscillations /ˌɒs.ɪˈleɪ.ʃən/
Another interesting point is that, whereas Italy and the UK had significant oscillations and subsequently a decline in their road and transport spending
những dao động đáng kể == fluctuation
repeated movement from one position to another:
sake /seɪk/
Their parents only stayed together for the sake of the children.
They were very unhappily married but kept up appearances for the sake of their children.
Portugal, Italia and the UK, respectively, spent about 27, 22, and 10 percent of their national budget for the sake of road and transportation.
for the sake of someone/for someone’s sake, in order to help or bring advantage to someone: