Charles I: religion and religious divisions Flashcards
how was religion an issue of the royal prerogative?
- the King was the Supreme Governor of the Church of England (not of the Scottish Kirk)
- the Church of England had an episcopal structure which the king had the prerogative of appointing
how did royal personality affect religious policy?
their personal preferences influenced religious policy and their personality influenced how religious policy was implemented
what was the biggest difference between James and Charles’ approach to religion?
- James tried to establish a religious half way house between Catholicism and Protestantism, hoping that a display of tolerance for his Catholic subjects would be rewarded with Papal concession
- Charles was not committed to being a royal peacemaker and adopted an aggressive pro-war stance
how was Charles’ approach to religion similar to James?
Like James, he was committed to tolerating Catholics but was down to the obligations he had incurred due to Buckingham’s negotiations for his marriage to Henriette Maria
what did people become suspicious about Charles’ sympathies?
He became widely suspected of sympathy with the Catholic faith when this was fatal in English Catholics
what did Charles seek to do within the Church of England?
Charles sought to bring about a far-reaching reform of the Church of England - a matter which caused grave disquiet not just amongst Puritans, but amongst the political nation as a whole
what was Charles’ attitude to Arminianism?
Charles was impressed by the body of thought associated with Arminianism and immediately gravitated to this form of Protestantism
where was Arminianism derived from?
a Dutch theologian Jacobus Arminius
what were the three core tenets of Arminian beliefs?
- emphasis on ceremony and ritual (Holy Communion)
- rejection of predestination and emphasis of free will
- supports of hierarchy and the royal prerogative
were bishops important in Arminian beliefs?
the office of bishops was an essential belief:
- for ensuring that the Church was governed appropriately
- for providing an effective support system to the king
why did Puritans fear government by bishops?
Puritans believed that government by bishops was dangerous because they have no scriptural authority, as they are not mentioned in the Bible and have too much power over parish ministers, especially through the Church courts
what did Arminians believe about the Reformation?
Whilst the Catholic doctrine contained errors, the Reformation went too far in denying the worth of the contribution the Catholic Church made to Christianity
what did Arminians believe the Church of England could safely appropriate from medieval Catholicism?
- a love of the ‘beauty of holiness’ which could be found in the surviving Catholic rituals used in the Church of England - needed to be revived and strengthened
- ceremony, order and ritual are important in ensuring the continued existence of a divinely-sanctioned social order based on rank and privilege
what did Puritans believe about the Arminian celebration of mass?
The Commons could see that mass as being openly celebrated at court and it seemed only logical that Arminianism was the first step toward tyrannical Catholicism
what did Arminians believe about Calvinist ideas on predestination?
The Calvinist belief in predestination was both harsh and mistaken; salvation was open to all who choose to follow Christ
what did Arminians believe about minister’s preaching?
The minister’s ability to preach as they saw fit at the parish level must be curbed (there needed to be a sense of uniformity)
- trying to eradicate divisions and create a democracy
what is the link between religion and politics?
politics was inseparable from the religious realm, both factors becoming closely intertwined