Charles I: Personal Rule -> extent of Personal Rule in Scotland + Ireland + England Flashcards
What was Ireland’s historical attitude towards England?
- Filled with simmering resentment toward England
- Signified by the Nine Years’ War of 1593-1603 -> culminating form of resistance to English rule
What 3 distinct groups were living in Ireland by the 1630s?
- The Irish, who were Catholic
- The ‘old English’ who were Catholic
- The ‘new English’, who were Protestant settlers
What nickname was given to Thomas Wentworth?
‘Black Tom Tyrant’
Who was ‘Black Tom Tyrant’ ?
A political opportunist who rose following Buckingham’s death
What had Wentworth previously done in 1627 and 1628?
- 1627: refused to pay the forced loan
- 1628: played a key role in drafting the Petition of Right
What had changed in 1628 for Wentworth?
He abandoned the opposition and was termed the ‘Grand Apostate’ by Parliamentarians and was well rewarded for it by Charles
What titles did Wentworth receive from Charles?
- 1628: created Baron Wentworth
- 1632: made first Lord Deputy of Ireland
What did Wentworth’s rise indicate?
His political trajectory was a consequence of the opening of political power by Buckingham’s death
What was ‘Thorough’ an attempt to?
Thorough was an attempt to increase royal authority through imposing religious conformity and using prerogative courts
What did ‘Thorough’mean for Ireland?
It meant making a profit out of Ireland for the English crown, and controlling the parliament in the irish capital, Dublin
Who managed the administration of Church and State in Ireland?
Wentworth and Laud
- Wentworth’s ‘Thorough’ in Ireland came to be especially feared in England
Why did English observers fear Wentworth’s ‘Thorough’ rule in Ireland?
- They regarded Wentworth’s rule in Ireland as a testing ground for policies in England
- regarded by many in Parliament as the man with the potential to build for Charles a properly absolutist regime
How did Wentworth administer his policy in Ireland?
Systematically applied his policy in Ireland by dominating the main power groups by clever manipulation of the Irish parliament
- Thomas Wentworth at the heart of absolutism
What examples are there of Wentworth systematically applying his policy in Ireland?
- In collaboration with the Earl of Ormond, he built up an Irish army for the King’s use
- schemes were introduced to develop trade and industry of every kind
-> e.g. trade with Spain + promoting of linen manufacture
What financial reforms were enforced to increase Ireland’s revenue?
- The Irish Parliament granted a total of 10 subsidies
- a new Book of Rates was issued which caused customs duties to rise from £25,000 in 1633-34 to £57,000 in 1637-38
- all revenue went directly to the English government
Which court in Ireland did Wentworth confirm from Charles had power to hear suits between private parties?
The Court of Castle Chamber
What was Wentworth’s apparant aim with the Court in Ireland?
To encourage ordinary citizens to complain about abuses of authority by the rich and powerful
What was the Court of Castle Chamber used as?
An instrument for reinforcing and extending English power over Parliament inviting tyranny and therefore opposition
What example is there of opposition against Wentworth’s ‘tyranny’?
Some cases where Wentowrth was alleged by his enemies to have acted in a tyranical manner were heard by the full Privy Council, whereas others were heard in private sessions in his own rooms
What example shows Wentworth making full use of his powers against all those men whom he regarded as the King’s opponents?
Sir Piers Crosby and Lord Esmonde were convicted of libelling Wentworth by alleging that he had caused the death of a relative of Esmonde by ill-treatment
What did this signify?
- No one was safe on Ireland and all subject to Wentworth’s scrutiny
- he was willing to impose his control