chapwr 8 political geography Flashcards
- ## independence from control of its internal affairs by other states
- organized into politicos unit and ruled by gov. that has control over its internal and foreign affairs
- occupied defined territory
- has permanent pop
- country usa
- has sovereignty
- laws leaders army good examples of formal or uniform region
largest state
- others include Canada us China Brazil Australia
micro states and smallest one
- states with very small land areas
- smallest micro state in un is Monaco
- have to be smaller than 1,000 sq km
- many are islands explains small size and sovereignty
United Nations
- most imp. global organization created at end of WW2 by allies who won
- provided forum for discussion of international problems
- seeks to address global economic problems, promote human rights, provide human relief, authorize Milatsry and peace keeping actions
- organized in 1945
- increased rapid 3 times
- 1955- mostly euro countries
- 1960- former African colonies of Britain and France
- 1990-1993- primarily due to breakup of SU and Yugo and bc admission of many micro states
- un members can vote to establish peacekeeping force and request states to contribute military forces
- plays imp. role in trying to separate warring groups in some regions
- any of 5 perm. members of security council can veto un peacekeeping operation ex Cold War
- represents forum where almost all states of world can meet and vote on issues without resorting to war
League of Nations
- UN not worlds first attempt at int. peacemaking
- LON established after WW1
- never effective peacekeeping
- ## us didn’t join it despite fact that wilson started idea BC senate refused to ratify membership treaty
5 permanent members of security council
- China france Russia uk us
Cold War un issue also Iran
- us and su vetoed to prevent un intervention
- not until su delegate walked out of SC meeting un sent troops to support s Korea
- recently, China Russia not allowed un to prevent Iran from developing nuclear weapons
un problems
- relies on ind. countries to supply troops, un lacks enough to keep peace effective
- tries to maintain strict neutrality, but difficult
- ex Bosnia and Herz ethnic cleansing against Bosnian Muslims
challenges in defining states
- places that test definition of a state are Korea, China Kosovo Western Sahara and Antarctica and Arctic Ocean
Korea one or two
- divided by us and su after they defeated Japan in ww2
- divided into north and south by 38 parallel
- 2 places established separate gov. and withdrew armies
- North Korea gov invaded s Korea ended with cease of fjre
- both gov were committed to unified 2 into 1 sovereign country until n Korea decided to build nuclear weapons
- even if they lacked ability to provide citizens with food, electricity, ect.
- admitted into un as separate countrys
China and Taiwan
- most consider them separate
- according to China gov, Taiwan part of China
- conflict arose from civil war btw nationalist and communists
- nationalists fled to Taiwan after losing
- said still were rulers of China
- or at least had control over Taiwan till they could defeat communists
- Taiwan tried to become ind but China gov saw danger
- us supported nationalists as official gov of China till un transferred China’s seat from nationalists to communists
a Taiwan now most populous state not in un
Western Sahara
- considered by most African countries as sovereign state
- Morocco claims territory and build wall
- Spain controlled territory between Morocco and Maritania until withdrawing
- Morocco and Maritania split northern and southern portions of Western Sahara
- Mauritania withdrew and morocco claimed land
- UN has tried but failed to reach resolution
polar regions many claims
- South Pole region contains only large landmass that is not part of state Antarctica
- several states claimed portions of the region results in conflict
- antarctic Treaty provides a framework for managing Antarctica states may establish research stations but no military activity
- as for the Arctic countries are allowed to submit claims inside the Arctic Circle
- Arctic rich in energy sources
development of state concept
- dividing world into collection of independent states is recent
- prior surface was organized in such ways as city states empires kingdoms etc.
- development of states can be traced back to ancient and medieval states
ancient states
- development of states can be traced to Middle East Fertile Crescent
- formed arc between Persian Gulf and med sea
- first states to evolve in Mesopotamia were known as city states
- eventually one city or tribe in Mesopotamia would gain military dominance over others and form an empire
- Mesopotamia was organized into empires by Sumerians the Syrians Babylonians and Persians
City State
- sovereign state that compromises a town and the surrounding countryside
- walls clearly separate boundaries of city and outside walls city controlled agricultural land to produce food for urban residents
- countryside provided city with out of the line of defense against attack
medieval states
- political unity in ancient world reached height with Roman empire
- controlled most of Europe north Africa and Southwest Asia
- compromised 38 provinces each using same set of laws created in Rome
- Roman empire collapsed in 15th century after series of attacks by people living on its front tears and internal disputes
- European portion of Roman empire fragmented into Estates owned by Kings Dukes etc.
- some powerful kings emerged as rulers over large number of these European Estates
- some of these states under unified control of king formed basis for developing some modern euro states like England France and Spain
- much of Europe consolidated into some empires like Austrian French ottoman and Russian
Nationstates in Europe
- ethnicities try to govern themselves to preserve and enhance distinct culture
- State whose territory corresponds to that occupied by a particular of Missy
- ethnic groups have pushed to create nationstates because want self-rule
- most of west Europe nationstates
- after WWI liters of victorious countries met to redraw map of Europe
- language was the most important criterion the Allied leaders used to create new states in Europe and adjust boundaries
- not sees claimed that all German-speaking parts of Europe constituted one nationality and should be one state
- after Germany was defeated in WWII it was divided into two countries
- when communism ended one part of country seized to exist so now present state
how many states is the world divided into
-approximately 200 all but a handful are members of the UN
multiethnic state
- State with many of Ethnicitirs
- Belgium with Flemings and Whallons
- every state is to some degree multiethnic
- in some multiethnic states ethnicities all contribute to cultural features to the formation of a single nationality example United States all considered American nationality
- opposite of evolution
- Breaking down dissolving of a particular country
- similar to Balkanization
- multiethnic states struggle with ethnicities so go thru devolution
multinational state
- pretty much same thing as multiethnic state
- in some multinational states Estness cities coexist peacefully each ethnic group recognizes and respects traditions of other
- and others one Estness city tries to dominate another especially if one is more numerous people of less numerous may be converted to culture of other sometimes by force
- Country that contains more than one ethnicity with traditions of self-determination
- example Soviet Union until it collapsed now largest multinational state is Russia
- relationships is very and multinational states
- State that contains one nationality or ethnicity
- Denmark Iceland Greenland Faroe Islands isolated or small
- no such thing as a perfect nationstate because territory occupied by ethnic city never corresponds precisely to boundaries
soviet union
- giant
- Russia +14 countries
- when it broke up dissolved into 15 countries
- name all 15
- example of devolution
- centrical force Russian language
- no one wanted to speak it
- soviet union used religion to get rid of centrifuge will force of all distinct 15 republics
- used the idea of lack of religion to get attention on something else and to get rid of conflicts between other continents
- lack of religion eliminated conflict between a possible religions that would have gotten dominance then Christianity Muslim
- soviet union used strong central government as Centripteal force
- fell apart in 1990s
- late 20th century example of nation all 15 new independent states would work
- 15 states consisted of five groups
- baltic European Central Asian Caucaus and Russia
- good examples of nationstates have been carved out of Baltic euro and some Central Asian states
- not peaceful in small caucaus States and Russia
turmoil and caucus
- Armenian Azerbaijan Georgia
- many Ethnicities conflict
- between black and Caspian seas
- each ethnic city has long-standing grievance against others
- every ethnicity in Caucasus has same aspiration- carve out nation state
- there are more remaining colonies in this world then more people know about
- Puerto Rico most pop holding colony in planet biggest
- other examples held by US are virgin islands Guam
- don’t have all benefits of full citizenship like can’t vote
- almost all colony holdings in today’s world are islands in South Pacific or Caribbean
- colony holdings are not micro states because part of a larger state
- Hong Kong – portion of UK control to control went back to Chinese government
- Macao- Portuguese control now Chinese control
- only a handful remain 68
- least populated Pitcairn uk poss.
- List does not include several inhabited islands
- List does include several that don’t classify as Connie’s example Greenland Hong Kong Macau
- Greenland – high degree of atonomy and self rule, makes foreign decisions ind from Denmark, regards queen of Denmark as head
- nationstate
- strong sense of unity that derives from shared culture
- two largest ethnic minority groups our guest workers from turkey and refugees from ethnic cleansing in Yugoslavia
- Denmark also controls two territories. where few Danes live Faroe Islands and Greenland world largest island
- Republic within Yugoslavia that became independent
- nationstate idea in Slovenia has promoted countries relative peace and stability
- percentage of Slovenians has declined steadily
- when parts of Yugoslavia was most prosperous republic many of migrants remained in Slovenia after became independent
- example hung Gary in Italian
- World War II resulted in some Slovenes living in Italy vice versus
breaking up in su Balkans Yugoslavia and chechoslovakia
- ethnic identity important in creation of nationstates in Europe
- Break up of SU yugo and chech gave more numerous Estness cities opportunity to organize nationstates
- less numerous Ethnicities found themselves existing as minorities in multinational national states or divided
- especially severe in Balkans where nationstates could not be made peacefully
- SU used centripetal forces to discourage Estness cities from expressing culture uniqueness
- use of Russian language was promoted as centripetal device
- SU yugo and chech dismantled largely because minority ethnicities opposed dominance of numerous ones in each country
- Russians in su Serbs in yugo and Czechs in chech
- Ethnicities sought to be majority in independent nationstates
- most republics generally made a peaceful transitions into independent states as long as boundaries corresponded with ethnicity
baltic states
- Estonia latvia Lithuania located on Baltic Sea
- have distinct culture
- Lithuania – most closely fits nationstate definition Roman Catholic Indo euro language
- Estonians – Lutheran protestant uralic Lang
- Latvians – Lutheran protestant Roman Catholic minority Baltic group language
European states
- Belarus Moldova Ukraine now qualify as nationstates
- ethnic distinctions among Belarusians Ukrainians and Russians sometimes blurred
- all speak similar East Slavic languages and predominantly orthodox
- Belarus and Ukraine – became distinct ethnic cities because were isolated from main body of eastern Slavs the Russians
- Russian concord Belarus and Ukrainian homelands but since isolated developed culture diverse city
- Moldova – ethnically indistinguishable from Romanians. when the Dover change from Republic to independent many Maldovan pushed for reunification with Romania to reunify ethnic group and improve regions prospect for economic Dev
- Ukrainian and Russian part opposed reunification
Central Asian states
- five states display different degrees of a nationstate
- reminder that multinational states can be more peaceful the nationstates
- Turkmenistan and uzbekistan- both have majority and Muslims with Altec language. were conquered by Russia example of ethnicity is split into more than one country
- care to Stan – Muslims who speak I’ll take language resent Russians for seizing best farmland when they colonized
- cause extend – ethnic conflict divided between Kossickts and Russians cause six Muslim speak I’ll take language Russians Orthodox Indo-European language. has been peaceful because less depressed economy
- tajikasyan- appears stable but suffers from civil war among to drink people who are Muslims who speak Indo-European Lang
- civil War between to jicks former communist and alliance of Muslim fenda mentalist and Western intellectuals
Russia largest multinational state
- recognizes 39 ethnic groups as nationalisties
- Russia’s ethnicities are clustered in 2 locations- along borders with neighbors or in center of Russia
- ind movements flourishing bc Russia less willing to suppress movements like su
- Chechens troubling for Russians
- Sunni Muslims Caucasian Lang distinct social customs
- brough under russian control
- declared independence when S you broke up
- Russian leaders ignored declaration sent army to attempt to regain control of territory
- seared other ethnic cities would follow
- Chechnya was also important because contained deposits of petroleum
- Russia viewed political stability in area as essential for promoting economic development and investment by foreign petroleum
azerbajan- trace routes to Turkish invaders
- Western part of country separated from rest by Corredor that belongs to Armenia
- some azeris live in Iran
- hold positions of responsibility and Iran’s government and economy but I ran restricts teaching of Azeri language
azerbajan- trace routes to Turkish invaders
- Western part of country separated from rest by Corredor that belongs to Armenia
- some azeris live in Iran
- hold positions of responsibility and Iran’s government and economy but I ran restricts teaching of Azeri language
- prior Armenians controlled independent kingdom in caucuses
- lived as isolated Christians under rule of Turkish Muslims
- Armenians killed in series of massacres by turks others forced to migrate to Russia
- after WWI allies created independent Armenia
- Turkey and S you agreed to divide Armenia between them
- soviet portion became independent country in 1991
- most ethnically homogeneous country in the region
- Armenians and Azeris want to form nationstates but after independence went to war against each other over boundaries
- Area that is inhabited primarily by Armenians but placed under Azerbaijan control
- war left area part of Azerbaijan but ask as independent republic
- many clashes have occurred since
- prior Armenians controlled independent kingdom in caucuses
- lived as isolated Christians under rule of Turkish Muslims
- Armenians killed in series of massacres by turks others forced to migrate to Russia
- after WWI allies created independent Armenia
- Turkey and S you agreed to divide Armenia between them
- soviet portion became independent country in 1991
- most ethnically homogeneous country in the region
- Armenians and Azeris want to form nationstates but after independence went to war against each other over boundaries
- Area that is inhabited primarily by Armenians but placed under Azerbaijan control
- war left area part of Azerbaijan but ask as independent republic
- many clashes have occurred since
- population more diverse than Armenia and Azerbaijan
- culturally diverse city source of unrest especially among Ossetians and abkhaazians
- abhazakian declared Abkhazia ind
- Ossetians declared ind
- Russia has organized them ind although only handful recognize independence
- 2 operate ind from Georgia
- population more diverse than Armenia and Azerbaijan
- culturally diverse city source of unrest especially among Ossetians and abkhaazians
- abhazakian declared Abkhazia ind
- Ossetians declared ind
- Russia has organized them ind although only handful recognize independence
- 2 operate ind from Georgia
- colony- territory legally tied to sovereign state rather than completely independent.
- in some cases sovereign state runs only colonies military and foreign policies in others also controls colonies internal affairs
- colonialism – effort by one country to establish settlements in a territory and impose its political economic and cultural principles on that territory
- this is how euro states came to control much of world
- euro states establish colonies for three basic reasons
- One promote Christianity God
- to extract useful resources and serve as markets for products gold
- three establish power through number of Colonies glory
- hello Neil era began in 1400s when euro explorers sailed west word for Asia but settled in western hemisphere
- lost much of Western Hemisphere when US declared independence and Latin America
- euro states turned to Africa and Asia
- UK – planted colonies on every continent
- France – had second largest overseas territory in west Africa and Southeast Asia
- most African and Asian colonies became independent after WWII
- Andres of new states frequently coincide with former colonial provinces not always
- colony- territory legally tied to sovereign state rather than completely independent.
- in some cases sovereign state runs only colonies military and foreign policies in others also controls colonies internal affairs
- colonialism – effort by one country to establish settlements in a territory and impose its political economic and cultural principles on that territory
- this is how euro states came to control much of world
- euro states establish colonies for three basic reasons
- One promote Christianity God
- to extract useful resources and serve as markets for products gold
- three establish power through number of Colonies glory
- hello Neil era began in 1400s when euro explorers sailed west word for Asia but settled in western hemisphere
- lost much of Western Hemisphere when US declared independence and Latin America
- euro states turned to Africa and Asia
- UK – planted colonies on every continent
- France – had second largest overseas territory in west Africa and Southeast Asia
- most African and Asian colonies became independent after WWII
- Andres of new states frequently coincide with former colonial provinces not always
-Determine for yourself what your laws are how your government is going to work
- physical – 1 of 5 Ocean Riverlake mountain desert
- cultural – two different people groups religion or language
- geometric – use the lines of longitude or latitude to Mark boundary between two different places not that common
Mid 1940s and now
- as few as 40 recognizable states
- now to over 200 states
- Balkanization helped with idea bc ethnicities wanted sovereignty
- ex Yugoslavia
- haven’t seen countries subdivide in Africa because past concept was tribes too many tribes to form Independent states
- some could be considered independent state but still under control of another country example Puerto Rico one of biggest
physical boundaries
-5 types River Lakes mountains deserts oceans
Greece state concept
- massive civilization with many city states within it
- Each city state had own governemnt system
- Ancient Greek city states- spart and Athens were different civilizations
- Sparta- war
- Athens- peaceful trading
- distance between them and diff gov system made difference between the two
- River easiest one to see because straight line and easy to follow
- US – biggest Rio grande between Mexico
- rivers can change but invisible boundaries don’t
- example some land that is on the US side land can actually be Mexican
- US river – St. Lawrence between US and Canada
- invisible line that marks the extent of a states territory separates it from its neighbors
- process of selecting location difficult
- physical – one of five Ocean river lake mountain desert
- cultural – two different people groups and religion/language
- geometric – use the lines of longitude or latitude to Mark boundary between two different places not that common
- neither type of boundary is better than the other and many boundaries are common
- can generate conflict
- Boundaryline is the only location where direct physical contact must be taken place between two neighboring states
- The best of boundaries are those to which all affected state
- US lakes – Great Lakes boundary between US and Canada
- difficult part of using lakes as boundary
- in big lakes can’t know what side you’re on in the middle of the lake
- use GPS to know where you are and what country you’re in
- Africa lake – Lake Victoria boundary between four countries Uganda can
- Lake Malawi – boundary between malawi Tanzania Mozambique
- lake tanganyi- between Tanzania and dem rep of Congo
Physical boundaries
One of five River Lake Mountain desert ocean
-coincide with significant features of the natural landscape
- ural mnts btw Europe and Asia
- Russia on both continents
- Pyrenees- Spain and France
- alps- division btw Switzerland and Italy, Austria and Italy
- caucuses – between Europe and Asia South Russia north Georgia
- Himalayas – between India and China Nepal in China
- andes – Chile and Argentina
Front tier
- historically separated state rather than boundaries
- zone where no state exercises complete political control
- tangible geographic area where as a boundary is a thin line
- either uninhabited or scarcely settled
- unique
- 200 miles zone and a 12 mile zone
- 12 miles own – territorial waters is in 12 miles of the country have to act in laws of that country
- example Florida ships can’t to gamble in Florida so go 12.1 miles out ocean so that they are allowed to gamble outside of US laws
- 200 miles down – exclusive economic zone
- if there is resource that exists within 200 miles of a country country has a right to use it
- example area with Rich fish within 200 miles of its coast is the only country that is allowed to use it
- Maine lobster not 200 miles between Canadian waters so have to use GPS to know when they reach boundary
- Iceland – island Richest fishers in world doesn’t have 200 mile prob
- simply boundary where people don’t want live no water dry
- common in Africa and Asia
- can effectively divide two states because desert are hard to cross and scarcely inhabited
- Sahara stable boundary separating Algeria Libya and Egypt from maritania Mali Niger Chad and Sudan
- exception is boundary between Chad and Libya
- simply more boundary where people don’t want to live no water dry
- The whole desert is not the boundary example Sahara is not a boundary between two countries it is a large desert
- can be effective because difficult to cross
- contact between nationalities living on opposite sides may be limited
- mountains permanent and usually inhabited
- can create conflict example Argentina and Chile could not decide on precise location of boundary
- Uralbetween Europe and Asia
- Russia on both continents
- Pyreneese – Spanish and French
- alps – division between Switz and Italy, Austria and Italy
- caucuses – between Europe and Asia South Russia north Georgia
- Himalayas – between India and China, Nepal and China
- Andes- Chile and Argentina
Water boundaries
- rivers lakes oceans most commonly used as boundaries
- readily visible on maps
- especially common in East Africa
- position of water may change over time
- easiest one to see because straight line and easy to follow
- US – biggest Rio grande between Mexico
- rivers can change but invisible boundary doesn’t
- example some land that is on the US side can actually be Mexican land
- US river – St. Lawrence between US and Canada
- US lakes – Great Lakes boundary between US and Canada
- difficult part of using lakes as boundary is so big don’t know what side you’re on use GPS to know where you are
- Africa lake – Lake Victoria boundary between Uganda Kenya and Tanzania
- lake Malawi- between Malawi Tanzania Mozambique
- Lake Tanganyika- between Tanzania and democratic republic of Congo
- lake Albert- Congo Uganda
- -unique
- States that have ocean boundaries are able to claim areas of the ocean for defense and fishing
- 200 miles zone and a 12 mile zone
- 12 miles own – territorial waters is in 12 miles of the country have to act in laws of that country
- example Florida ships can’t to gamble in Florida so go 12.1 miles out ocean so that they are allowed to gamble outside of US laws
- 200 miles down – exclusive economic zone
- if there is resource that exists within 200 miles of a country country has a right to use it
- example area with Rich fish within 200 miles of its coast is the only country that is allowed to use it
- Maine lobster not 200 miles between Canadian waters so have to use GPS to know when they reach boundary
- Iceland – island Richest fishers in world doesn’t have 200 mile prob
Compact shape
-easy communication
-Iceland Netherlands Belgium Poland Germany France
-Capital in Center for easy communication
-distance from center to any boundary not vary
-ideal shape circle with capital at center
Shapes of states
- shape controls length of its boundaries
- effects potential for communication and conflict with neighbors
- centripetal force
- can influence easy or difficult he of internal administration and can affect social unity
- compact prorupted elongated fragmented perforated
- each can be seen in southern Africa
- chili
- isolated people groups
- difficulty communication
- not much good
- although in today’s world don’t struggle with communication because of development so communication not much of an issue
- Argentina Malawi Gambia Togo Benin
- Capital still placed near center
- Namibia – colonized by Germany
- proruption to east called caprivi strip
- surrounding states colonized by British
- Germany trying to disrupt communication with British and surrounding states
- also access to resources and water in central Africa and Zambizi river
- DRC – piece onto West
- Belgians made this for access of ocean
- easy way to export globally is ships so need access
- four ways to transport water air rail truck
- water least expensive
- and otherwise compact state with a large project in extension
- two reasons to provide state with access to resources like water or to separate two states that would otherwise share a border
- Afghanistan – proruption to prevent Russia from sharing border with Pakistan
- includes several discontinuous pieces of territory
- all states that have offshore islands as part of territory are fragmented
- two kinds fragmented separated by water or separated by intervening states
- Tanzania – island of Zanzibar home to different ethnic groups but two agreed to join because of shared development goals and politics
- Indonesia- water, almost all of population live on two islands Java and Sumatra
- fragmentation hinders communications and makes integration of people living on remote islands hard
- to help integration government encouraged migration from more dense to less dense islands
- not all fragments joined Indonesia voluntarily
- biggest issue communication and governing
- Philippines
- North America with Alaska and Hawaii
- Russia- intervening state
- Kaliningrad separated by Lithuania and Belarus
- Russia wants this area because it has the country’s largest naval base on the Baltic Sea
- these non-connected pieces called exclaves
- Angola – intervening state
- divided into two fragments by Congo
- there was an independence movement trying to make Cabinda separate
- Panama – was fragmented by US until became an elongated state
Perforated state
- State that completely surrounds another one
- South Africa
- difficulty for Lesotho because become landlocked
- State that is surrounded faces problems of dependence on surrounding state
- lesotho depends on South Africa for import and export of goods
- dependency on south Africa difficult when governed by whites who discriminated against blacks
- Italy surrounds the Vatican and San Marino
Landlocked state
- lax direct outlet to see because completely surrounded by several other states
- common in Africa 15 out of 55
- remanent of colonial era when British and France controlled extensive regions
- euro powers built railroads to connect interior of Africa with sea
- now empires gone former colonies became independent states some important colonial railroad lines passed through independent countries
- this created landlocked states which must cooperate with neighboring states to have access to sea
Cultural boundaries
- Geometric and ethnic
- geometric are simply straight lines drawn on a map
- other boundaries between states coincide with differences and Estness city especially language and religion
Geometric boundary
- parts of northern US boundary with Canada is a straight line
- boundary established by treaty between US and Great Britain which still controlled Canada
- US and Canada boundary geometric and water
- boundary between Chad in Libya is a straight line drawn across doesn’t buy French and British to set the northern limit of French colonies in Africa
- Libya said line should be more south seized territory
- Chad expelled Libyan in the army with help of French forces and regained control of aozou strip
Ethnic boundaries
- boundaries between countries have been placed where possible to separate speakers of different languages or followers of religions
- religious differences often coincide with boundaries between the states but only in a few cases has religion been used to select boundary
- religious boundary India and Pakistan by British
- religious boundary northern Ireland and Republic of Ireland
- language is an important cultural characteristic for Drawing boundaries especially in Europe
- England France Portugal and Spain Germany Italy are examples of European states that joined around languages
Cypress green line boundary
- two nationalities Greek and Turkish
- greeks 78% turks 18%
- when gained independence from Britain guaranteed Turkish minority share of elected offices and control over its own education religion and culture
- never peacefully integrated Greek and Turkish
- Greek military seized control of government shortly after turkey invaded to protect Turkish minority
- Northern Ireland controlled by Turkey declared itself independent only turkey recognizes it
- Wall constructed between two areas and back or zone patrolled by UN across entire island
- to nationalities became isolated
- North Turkish South Greek
- portion of wall was demolished and two nationalities could cross over again
- UN peace plan for reunification excepted by Turkish rejected by Greek
Demarcating boundaries with GPS
- surveyors usability of GPS to pinpoint location to determine precise boundary between North and South Carolina
-original boundary marked by hatchet marks which have disappeared
-made new boundary which found that some property is in one state was thought to be another
Government states
- two types of government national and local
- National scale government can be more or less democrat
- at local scale national government can determine how much power to give to local
National scale
- democratic anocratic or autocratic
- democracy- citizens elect leaders and can run fir office
- autocracy- run according to interests of ruler not people
- anocratic- not fully democratic or autocratic, mixture of both
- democracies and autocracies differ and three elements
- selection of leaders citizen participation and checks and balances
Selection of leaders
- democracy has institutions and proceeder through which citizens can express effective preferences about policies and leaders
- autocracy has leaders who are selected to rules of succession usually hereditary from within political elite
Citizen participation
- democracy has institutionalized constraints on exercise of power
- autocracy. Has citizens participation restricted
Checks and balances
- democracy has guarantees of civil liberties to all citizens in daily lives and in acts of politics
- autocracy- has leaders who exercise power with no checks from legislative judicial or civil society
Trends toward democracy
- world more democratic for three reasons
- replacement of the relevant monarchies with elected governments that can regulate tax mobilize citizens and broaden an individual rights and Liberties
- widening of participation in policy through universal rights to vote and serve in government
- using a democratic government structures created in Europe and North America to other regions of the world
Arab Spring
- dramatic shift in government in recent years
- consisted of major protests in dozen countries and southwest Asia and North Africa
- resulting in forcing from power auto Craddick rulers in Egypt Libya Tunisia Yemen
- included demonstrations rallies strikes and other forms of civil disobedience led by college age people
- use of social media and electronic devices to organize protests communicate images and distribute images of events
Local scale
- unitary and federal states
- unitary – places most power and hands of central government officials
- Federal state – gives power to units of local government within country
Unitary states
- works best in nationstates with you internal cultural differences and strong unity
- smaller states more likely to adopt it
- especially common in Europe
- some multinational states have adopted unitary so that values of one nationality can be imposed on others
- Kenya Andrew Wanda use unitary government for one ethnic group to dominate over weaker
- nationstate France unitary government in which strong national government dominates local government decisions
- size not always accurate example of China to promote communist value
Federal states
- example United States
- local government possess authority to adopt a laws
- multinational states may adopt a federal system to empower different nationalities especially if live in separate regions of country
- under federal government local government boundaries can be drawn to correspond with regions inhabited by different ethnicities
- more suitable for large states because national capital may be too remote to provide control over isolated regions
- Russia Canada US Brazil India
- size not always accurate example Belgium with Flemish and Whallons
- in recent years strong global trend toward federal
- States have turned to Federal to transfer some authority from national government to local government units of ethnicities for more self-determination
- and ethnic city that is not numerous to gain control of national government may be content with control of regional or local
Elect oral geography
- parties been rules by drawling of legislative district boundaries to their advantage
- District boundaries redrawn periodically to ensure same population
- process of redrawing legislative boundaries for purpose of benefiting party in power is called gerrymandering
- takes three forms wasted excess stacked vote
- Job of redrawn boundaries in most European countries entrusted to independent commissions
Wasted vote gerrymandering
- spreads opposition supporters across many districts but in the minority
- could create for districts with slender majority of blue party voters and one district with strong majority of red party voters
Excess vote gerrymandering
- concentrates oppositions porters into a few districts
- for districts with slender majority of red party voters and one district with overwhelming majority of the party voters
Stacked vote gerrymandering
- links distant areas of like-minded voters through oddly shaped boundaries
- create five oddly shaped districts for with slender majority of red party voters and one with overwhelming majority of blue party voters
- act vote gerrymandering has been especially attractive to elect ethnic minorities
- republicans support stacked Democratic district because a better able to drop boundaries that are favorable to their candidates in the rest of the state
- US Supreme Court ruled gerrymandering illegal
Balance of power
Condition of roughly equal strength between opposing countries or alliances of countries
An attempt by one country to establish settlements in to impose its political economic and cultural principles in another territory
Territory that is legally tied to a sovereign state rather than completely independent