Ch.3 Migration Flashcards
Immigrating into a country or location
-anyone who is in emigrant is also an immigrant
Exiting from a country
Net in and net out migration
- net in is more coming
- net out is more people leaving
- net in – USA Canada Europe Australia Saudi Arabia United Emirates
- net out – Asia Latin America Africa South America
- Africa – The countries in Africa that didn’t have met in migration are because they are close to worst countries and cake and refugees from those bad countries nearby
Europe migration
- both net in and out
- Western – in
- Eastern – out moving to Western this is an example of internal migration
Ability to move to other locations
Repetitive short-term example class schedule daily activities the same things you do over and over again
Rave stein
- developed Theory on migration
- generalized person moving reason why they are moving and distance moving
- person – young single mail because they are the economic foundation of family. May live in worse places than before to get more money and send it back to family
- reason – number one economic . Not always example Sudan migration because don’t want to die can move to country next door to achieve their goal
- distance – person moves shortest distance possible to achieve their goal
International migration
- migration from one country to another
- voluntary – by choice example colonization and US
- forced – forced to move by people example slavery
- phenomenon of countries in stage two
Internal migration
- movement within the same country
- interregional – changing regions examples south to south east or Florida to New York
- intraregional – staying with in the same region example same state Florida to Georgia rural to urban
- important in stage III and four
International migration trends
- Asia to Europe or US
- Latin America to US shortest distance possible
- South America to Australia Asia Europe because if they come to US they will be cracked down on drugs so these countries are there shortest distance possible to achieve their goal
For immigration waves in US
- colonization 1620 to 1850
- 1870 to about 1900s
- 1900s to Great Depression 1930
- 1960s to present
Colonization 1620 to 1850
- Germany and Britain Ireland Western Europe
- industrial Revolution population growth lack of resources Irish potato famine economic turmoil by Great Britain
- came here to colonize and get away from conflict in
- also sub-Saharan Africa forced to migrate as slaves
- 90% of European immigrants to the United States during this period came from Great Britain
- most immigration was prior to 1820, Independten USA
1870 to about 1900s
- Western and northern Europe Ireland Germany Scandinavia
- Scandinavia-1880s industrial revolution stage to high population growth lack of resources
- Ireland and Germany – little political turmoil continuation of first stage
- 90% from Europe
- in this. Emigration from Ireland and Germany resumed after the US Civil War
190 to Great Depression 1930s
- Eastern and southern Europe
- industrial Revolution defused and population grew
- 1914 to 1918 was the World War I affected Europe so came to US
1960 to present
Latin America and Asia
-China Philippines India
Impact of Europe on America
- food
- came through North East Ellis Island
- lot of German influence Syracuse
- clothes relocation diffusion
- language from England speaking English
- religion Protestant Catholism from Spain
US net in immigration
- US growing because of immigration not much CBR
- largest immigration from Latin America because it is close
- most illegal
- refugees coming from places that are worse
Interregional migration
- settlements of migration opening American West
- Coastal settlement 1790
- crossing the Appalachians 1800 – 1840
- Gold Rush 1850–1890
- filling the Great Plains 1900 – 1940
- Moving south 1950–2010
Coastal settlement
- Second American Revolution, sign declaration of independence
- expansion manifest destiny
- didn’t move west because wanted to be close to oceans for shipping links with Europe and Appalachians blocked westward movement
Crossing the Appalachians 1800 – 1840
- caused by Louisiana purchase
- canals Erie Canal
- development and transportation mostly water
Gold Rush 1850–1890
- traveled all the way to California and West Coast
- in this. Pioneers passed over great plains because the region had a dry climate lack of trees and tough grassland unfit for farming
- used to be called great American desert
Filling in the Great Plains 1900 – 1940
- highest most fertile land in entire world
- cheap
- advancements in agricultural technology enabled people to use this land like barbed wire steel plow Windmeels well drilling equipment
- railroads encouraged settlement of the Great Plains
1950 to present
- movement south
- moved Southwest
- also continued to move westward
- moved to south for job opportunities and warmer climate
- some companies and industries have moved to south but most of the Southern Company is our new reestablished
Forward capital
- idea of that country takes existing national capital and moves it in the attempt for economic development
- services follow people people follow jobs
- simple Claremont used to only have orange groves more people move there so more groceries and other services are now their Walmart started there which has everything and provides jobs
- Russia has done this forward capital
- historical capital- Moscow
- attempted to move it to St. Petersburg because close to ball sick transportation provides jobs and other businesses too cold no one moved there
- population clustered in west east of the wormhole mountains is mostly in habited
- soviet union try to open up inhabited Russia by encouraging factories to the near raw materials not near existing population concentration
- sample of forced migration because Soviet union forced people to migrate north to construct Enterprises later became voluntary and more incentives
- collapse of the Soviet Union and did this interregional migration
- Historic capital Rio huge
- now Brasilia
- moved in land but Amazon was all wetland not much population moved there
Hi interregional of French on the east progressed to West
-Rural to urban
- with in the same region
- rural to urban
- urban to suburban
- urban to rural
- LDCs are earlier stages of demographic transition they follow jobs so they are urban to rural
Rural urban
-less developed countries are in the earlier stages of the demographic transition so they follow jobs
Urban to suburban
- cities to neighborhoods
- info structure roads there are no suburbs and LDCs because they don’t have the info structure to support it
- stage III moving into stage for
- suburbs can happen in MDC’s because we have infrastructure
Urban to rural
- personal choice stage for
- you can either live in a farm area and drive to cities to work or live and work in farm
Counter urbanization
U-rural to urban
C-urban to rural
S-urban to suburban
- in europe most people still live in city centers
- normal most mdc lives in suburbs
Three reasons people migrate
Economic opportunity cultural freedom and environmental comfort
Is there a for sure Theory of migration
Migration transition
Changes in society comparable to those in demographic transition change in migration pattern in a society that results from social and economic changes that also produced demographic transition
Stage one for migration transition
Hi daily movement in search for food
Stage two is migration transition
Hi international emigration and interregional migration from rural to urban
Stage III and four in migration transition
Hi international immigration and intraregional migration from urban to suburban
US is the more foreign-born than any other country but has the most net in migration
Where do most immigrants moved to US
California Florida New York or Texas
Which country has sent the most immigrants to the US
Mexico it used to be Germany
Why did USA start to lose their immigration from Europe
When they became independent and sign the declaration of independence to gain freedom from Great Britain
What is the third most populous country
Country’s population center
Centerpoint well you will have equal number of people on east west north and south
-computed by US Census Bureau
Trail of tears
- native Americans forced to move to the west
- Indian removal act allowed USA Army to take five Indian tribes to the new Indian territory Oklahoma
- open land near Appalachian Mountains for whites to settle relocated the tribes to dry areas
Largest countries in land area
Russia USA Canada China Brazil
Where did the government encourage interregional migration
Brazil not in China
Reasons for migration
If there is a push, there is usually a pull
- Economic
- Political
- Environmental
Political push and pull
- slavery push
- refugee- person that is trying to get ways from persecution
- florida accepts refugees from Cuba- wet foot dry foot
- after Vietnam conflict, tried to get on us vessels
- countries bordering afghan Iraq, like Pakistan, Iran , and Syria gained the most refugees bc war conflicts in other countries
- idp- common in Middle East, refugee kept in country
- asylum seeker- seeking to avoid criminal charges by moving somewhere else, migrated to another country in hopes of being recognized as refugee
- Edward snowden, Russia granted him an asylum
- people in north too cold, so move from cold to warm in us
- Sahara- push no water
- Russia- north east cold push
- central egion of Africa, Sahel- pull, move from Sahara to Sahel because it is a transition between tropical and dry climate
- jobs even in us
- guest worker- person who goes somewhere temporarily to work
- if someone from ldc to mdc just for work, sends money back to home
- us doesn’t gain from guest workers that come from ldc because they send their money back home, so us doesn’t gain economic success
- us sends mdc to mdc
- ex. We send people princesses here to Tokyo because Chinese can’t be Disney princesses
- ex. Someone goes to an mdc to do a job people there can’t do
- send someone to take advantage of money bc they come back and increase us economic success
- guest workers take jobs in other countries but doing jobs most people don’t like, unless sending mdc to mdc
- ex. Hispanics come and do landscape
- southwest Asia- oil, people move from poor to there
- China- people start to move there
- part of rover subject to flooding during specific number of years, based on historical trends
1 Mississippi
People move there but the people that live there are mostly pastoral nomads- form of agriculture adapted to dry lands but effective only at low pop densities
- Sahel never high level of sustaining life, declining bc of pop growth and low raining
Ravenstein laws who moves
- trend globally young males
- from Mexico to US mostly woman now
Mexican woman
- want reunification with family and husband
- offered more opportunities in US because of more development in Mexican and education of women
- because of development offered more rights
- now make up for about 55% of immigrants to US
- Woman now not only mothers they seek jobs and feel pressured to get jobs in the US because of bad economy in Mexico
Mexican immigration to US
- largest group of migrants from Mexico because shortest distance to find work
- mostly come to California and Texas Tex-Mex border
- attend your years (average four years) than US citizens
Mexican immigration from Guatemala
-Mexico suffers from immigration from Guatemala
Different names for unauthorized immigrants
- Unauthorized immigrants-Academic neutral terms
- undocumented migrants- ones that want to give more rights to immigrants
- illegal alien-ones who want to kick them out and have restrictions against them
Arizona law
- strongest in the country police officer can’t stop anyone who he expects could be an illegal immigrant and ask them for their papers
- always have to keep their papers on hand
- some people are against this because if you are legally immigrated to US you always have to carry your papers
- also racial maybe because of your looks
Quota laws
- 1921 quota laws first implemented in US
- 1924 – national origins act
- 1924
- 1965
- 1978
- 1990
Priorities in order of immigration to the US
- Top priority given to family reunification
- this goes along with chain migration
- typ wait for spouse to gain entry currently 5 yrs
- Second priority given to well-trained talented professionals that can stimulate competition, intuinitity, and development
- affecting Asia because trained people are coming from Asia. Later start chain migr. w/ fams
- this goes along with brain drain
- Third priority given to diverse city different cultures that aren’t in the US
- entered by lottery
Chain migration
Follow family friends someone that is already moved and moved to where they are
-migration of people to a specific location because relatives or members of the same nationality previously migrated there
Brain drain
Doesn’t have to be from country to country can be within the same country
- immigration of talented people to other countries where their talents can be used
- Detroit – historically motor industry moved to south and west
- emigration of talented people to other countries or other places
- Asia makes good use of this and they still the workers quota laws
- once Asian workers have come they bring in relatives under family reunification provisions of the quota later start chain migration
Ellis Island
- Belongs to new work mostly part to New Jersey
- where essentially most of our population came to from Europe
- now US don’t have central immigration point, comes from all different areas of the country
- situated in New York Harbor close to Statue of Liberty
- New Jersey claimed that the added part of Ellis Island actually belong to them not New York
- problem to New Jersey because the sales taxes collected by the Ellis Island museum gift shop was going to New York not New Jersey
- supreme Court ruled that New York owned the original island but that New Jersey owned the rest
- scientist used GIS and GPS for this problem
Immigration concerns for Europe
- coming from Asia and other parts of Europe
- South and east to north and west
- from South eastern Europe Romania Bulgaria Albania Serbia to especially Italy and Spain
- from Eastern Europe to Germany United Kingdom and Ireland
- from northern Europe United Kingdom Germany to attractive climates and southern Europe Spain
Intervening obstacle
- An environmental or political future that hinders migration
- previously long expensive journey
- today major obstacle political. Need a passport to emigrate from a country visa to immigrate to a new country
Two reasons that most visas are granted
- Employment placement
2. Family reunification
Maximum limits on the number of people who could immigrate to the United States during a one year period
1924 quota laws
- 2% of existing number already in US from that country can immigrate
- wanted more people from Europe because Europeans were already in US
1965 quota laws
- 1965 – hemisphere open borders to Eastern
- mor allowed for eastern than western
- 1965 Latin America and Asia allowed to come
1990 quota laws
- 1990 – increased global quota
1978 quota laws
1978 – global quota, and max for each country
Who is admitted to United States without quota laws
Genuine refugees and spouses, children, and parents of US citizens
Unauthorized immigrants
Immigrants who enter without proper documents
Number of people allowed to immigrate in the United States is historically high but the number of people who wish to is even higher. Starts illegal immigration
How many unauthorized immigrants does US have
Over 11.2 million
Statistics on US immigration
- about 58% of an authorized immigrants from Mexico remainder Latin America and other countries
- of the 11.2 million unauthorized immigrants 1 million are children
- duration of living keeps extending
- about 8 million unauthorized immigrants are employed in the US 5% of total US civilian labor force
- largest number of unauthorized immigrants in California and Texas but Nevada largest percentage
Mexican border with United States
- crossing the border on foot is legally possible and several places
- from us border we see that millions of Mexicans are trying to cross-border for employment family reunification and better life
- View from Mexico more complex
- northern border with US is source of unauthorized immigrants
- Southern border with water Mawle Mexico is just nation for unauthorized immigrant
- other Latin American countries come through Guatemala to get into Mexico to work and tropical fruit plantations and eventually in the US
Immigration concerns in US
- Americans want effective border patrols to control amount of an authorized immigration but do not want to pay for fences to be built
- Americans support some type of work for unauthorized immigrants that most Americans don’t want but suppose raids on the work places.
- most Americans support path to US citizenship for unauthorized immigrants
- Americans favor letting officials stop and verify status of any suspects but they fear that this could violate the civil rights of those that are actually citizens
- most Americans believe enforcement is federal government responsibility not local but residents of some states along the Mexican border favor stronger enforcement
Alabama laws
Not border with Mexico but have restrictions of unauthorized immigrants attending schools and colleges
Texas laws
Longest border with Mexico not harsh anti-immigrant laws they actually support rights for unauthorized immigrants like the movement known as sanctuary city
US was against immigration from Europe because of what they were doing to their land now they are against immigration from Asia and Latin America
Europeans have more rights than ever to migrate elsewhere in Europe but non-Europeans face more restrictions
Which country remains the largest group of non-Europeans in Europe
Germany Turkish population
Why does Europe oppose immigration
- blame immigrants for crime unemployment and high welfare costs
- above all fear the threatening of the long-standing cultural traditions
What reduce the number of immigrants to US and Europe
Severe global recession of the early 21st-century
Who was the source of the most worlds emigrants during the 19 century
Europe because of industrial revolution and population growth, found more opportunities and US Canada Australia and other regions
How many emigrants have there been in Europe
65 million
What cultures has your brought to other areas
- Indo-European languages
- christianity
- music philosophy art ethics
- brought much culture to inhabited areas like North America and Australia
- also planted seeds of conflict
- injected cultural values in Asia and Africa with little regard for a local traditions
- economies in Africa and Asia became based on raising crops and exporting to Europe rather than grilling for local consumption and using resources to build local industry
What are some conflicts today inform our European colonies that resulted from former practices by European immigrants
Drawling of arbitrary boundary lines and discriminating among different local groups
Describe the interregional migration and Russia
The world’s largest country has a distinctive pattern of interregional migration a legacy of the era of Communist Soviet Union roll
Describe interregional migration in Canada China and Brazil
Canada China and Brazil also have unequal population distributions
- Canadians have been migrating from east to west
- Chinese rural large coastal cities
- Brazilians from a large coastal cities to interior
European concerns
- South and east to north and west
- Asia and North Africa to Europe
- cultural diversity
- traditionally Christian
- Islam coming to europe now
- seeking to convert europe
- people coming in from poor areas weighing down economy
- if people leave europe, come either to North America or Australia
Which European country has something most immigrants to America
When did immigration to the United States drop
1930s and 1940s during the Great Depression and World War II