Chapter 7 Ethnicity And Race Flashcards
- identity with a group of people who share a biological ancestor
- The traits that characterize race those that can be transmitted genetically from parents to children
- distinguishes blacks and other persons of color from whites
- caucasian – unite descendants from Anglo-Saxons Irish Scandinavian German from migration chapter
- African Americans – slaves forced to come here
- Hispanic – lie next to race and ethnic city
- asian-American – Chinese
- can still have differences in ethnic cities to Hispanics can have two different cities
- The feature of race that matters to geographers is the color of skin
- distribution of people of color matters because it is the fundamental basis by which people in many societies sort out where they live attend school spend leisure etc.
- identity with a group of people who share the same cultural traditions of a particular homeland or hearth
- culture
- identifies groups with distinct ancestery and cultural traditions like AAs Hispanic Americans Chinese-Americans Polish-Americans
- ethnicity between UK and US different but development not that different
- example UK does not celebrate Thanksgiving
- To fit in parts of your ethnicity will have to change
- Hispanic – Southwest and Florida border with Mexico and connections
- african-American – south east pre-Civil War slave trade
- asian-Americans – Hawaii California closest possible
- ghetto – area of people of common culture well lived together
Racism racist
- racist – lumping everyone in the same bucket by race person who subscribes to beliefs of racism
- racism – belief that race is the primary determinant of human traits and capacities and that racial differences produce an inherent superiority of a particular race
Hispanic and Hispanic American
-turns US government chose to describe the group because they are inoffensive labels that can be applied to all people from Spanish-speaking countries
U.S. Census
- shows difficulty in distinguishing between ethnicity and race
- most of census categories relate to ethnicity because they are derived from places however also offers three race related categories – black white other race
- three most numerous us ethnicities- Asian American African-American Hispanic American
- these three display distinct cultural traditions that originate at particular hearths but are regarded in different ways
-asian-American as ethnicity and Asian as a race refer to same group of people and encompass Americans from many countries in Asia
- african-American as Estness city black as race and compass two different groups
- most black Americans descended from African immigrants therefore belong to African-American ethnicity
- some American blacks however trace cultural heritage to regions other than Africa
- term African-American identifies group with an extensive cultural tradition where as term black nothing more than dark skin
-Hispanic as of the city but not race so Hispanics identify with any race they wish
Mixed ancestry
Today many Americans are a mixed ancestry and may or may not choose to identify with a single race or ethnic city
-other Americans trace the heritage two places in Europe like Ireland and Italy that are not included in the two race and ethnic city census questions
Ethnic clustering state scale
- distribution of AAs and Hispanics especially noticeable at state level
- AAs85% in Detroit 7% in rest of Michigan, also clustered in Chicago
- distribution of Hispanics similar to AAs in large north cities
- example New York
- States with largest Hispanic population – California Texas distribution next
- two largest cities closest to Mexican border – in Texas El Paso and San Antonio – more than one half Hispanic
Ethnic clustering regional scale
- within US ethnicities clustered at both regional and cities and states scale
- Hispanic – Southwest Arizona New Mexico Texas California Florida New York near Mexican border and North cities
- AA – Southeast Alabama Georgia Louisiana Maryland South Carolina Mississippi rural south and north cities
- asian-Americans – West Hawaii California
Ethnic clustering urban scale
-AA and Hispanics in urban areas
-in early 20th century Midwest city’s attracted ethnic groups from south and east Europe to work in growing steel auto and related industries
-when Detroit’s auto production was expanding many of cities residents were immigrants and children of immigrants
-for descendants of European immigrants ethnic identity more likely to be retained through religion food and other cultural traditions rather than location of residence
-example clustering of restaurants in areas like little Italy and Greektown
-ethnic concentrations in US cities consist of AAs who emigrate from south or immigrants from Latin America and Asia
-Chicago extensive AAA neighborhood on south and west but also contains mix of neighborhoods by Europeans LA and Asian ethnicities
Los Angeles
- contains large percentages of African-Americans Hispanics and Asian Americans
- clustered in different areas
- AAs in south central
- hispanics in East
- Asian Americans south and west
Distribution of US ethnicities
Three most numerous US ethnic cities have distinctive distributions at regional state and urban scales
- African Americans
- System where one person owns another as a piece of property and can force that slave to work for the owners benefit
- first AAs brought to the American colonies as slaves arrived at Jamestown Virginia on a Dutch boat in 1619
- even after being banned in US many illegally imported
- widespread during the time of Roman Empire
- in middle ages replaced in Europe by feudal system – laborers working the land (serfs) bound to land not free to in the good elsewhere had to turn over portion of crops to board and provide other services
- slavery rare in Europe although responsible for diffusing practices to Western Hemisphere because owned large plantations in Americas and turn to slaves for labor
- The force to migration began when people living along the east and west coast of Africa take advantage of superior weapons and captured members of other groups living in land and sold captives to Europeans
- Spanish Portuguese British dots and French also joined in the slave trade
- middle passage – passage across Atlantic from Africa where many slaves died and discarded into Atlantic ocean
triangular trade route
- between US and Europe Africa Caribbean’s
- US products – cotton tobacco
- Caribbean products – Sugar rum molasses used more slaves then any othercountries
- ships left Europe for Africa with cloth and trade goods used to buy slaves
- then transported slaves and gold from Africa to Western Hemisphere primarily Caribbean islands
- same ships then carried sugar Rob molasses from Caribbean on return trip to. Europe
- some ships carry to molasses from Caribbean’s to north American colonies and rum from colonies to Europe
- US to Europe Raw materials rum lumber cotton fur
- Europe to Africa clothing man goods
- Africa to Caribbean’s slaves
- caribbean’s to Europe molasses
- caribbean’s to US slaves molasses
voluntary migration from Latin America and Asia
- these days most coming from Latin America and Asia for economic reasons
- after immigration laws were changed during 1960s and 70s population of Hispanics and Asian Americans in US increased
- initially most Hispanics and Asian Americans were recent immigrants in search for work but now most children of immigrants
- hispanics most in US African-American second most
- hispanics – Mexico and Puerto Rico
- asian-Americans – Chinese Indian Filipino Korean Vietnamese
interregional migration
- major migration of AAs was from south to north from rural to urban but mostly south to northern cities in factories
- I need that did live in South worked as sharecropping
- also moved from north to south because post civil war were whites for quick economic gain
- biggest to migration still opening of west
mostly would not get paid anything but share of crops significant number stayed in South and did this because they did not have the money and the means to move out
- worked field to read by landowner and paid rent by turning over to landowner share of crops to obtain necessary things sharecropper gets line of credit from landowner and repays debt with more crops
- became less common as introduction of farm machinery and decline in land devoted to Cotton reduced demand for labor
- sharecroppers pushed off farms polled to north for jobs traveled by bus and car
early roads that have since been replaced by interstate highways
- East Coast – Carolinas South Atlantic to north eastern cities
- East Central Alabama to Detroit
- West central – Mississippi to St. Louis and Chicago
- Southwest – Texas to California
South African American migration in US
- migrated north to west into main waves
- 1st–19 tens and 20s before and after WW1
- 2nd–19 40s and 50s before and after World War II
- World wars stimulated expansion of factories. to make war material
intraregional migration
- ghettos first used in Jews forced to live
- ghettos dash cluster of same ethnicity all living together
- in US clusters of AAs
- people would move into inner cities (AAs) for jobs and a large cluster of same ethnicity would start
- when AAs first reached big cities clustered into ghettos
- moved from tight ghettos immediately close neighborhoods
- ghettos began to expand
plessy versus Ferguson
- court case
- started with Louisiana law that required a black-and-white passengers to ride separate railway cars
- in this case Supreme Court stated that Louisiana’s law was constitutional because it provided separate but equal treatment of blacks and whites
- Homer Plessy 1896 post Civil War
- at this time blacks had same rights as whites
- Homer was in a white car could be considered a white but arrested because he looked somewhat black
- this started the separate but equal activities
- this further began segregation laws and Jim Crow laws enacted by Southern states
Jim Crow laws
- once the Supreme Court allowed at separate but equal southern states enacted Jim Crow laws to segregate blacks
- separate schools much worse established
- House deeds had strict covenants that prevented owners from selling two blocks Roman Catholics and Jews
- these restrictive covenant Skept blacks from moving into all white neighborhoods
- US segregation laws eliminated during 1950s and 60s
White flight
- goes along with Plessy versus Ferguson and Jim Crow laws
- expansion of black ghettos in American cities made possible Buy white flight
- example Detroit
- blacks moved in for auto jobs whites emigrated
- whites fled when blacks entered
- blockbusting – realtors took advantage of white flight
- convinced white living in near block area to sell houses at low prices because black families would move in and cause property values to decline
- agents sold houses at much higher price to black neighborhood could change from all-white to all black quickly
- Kerner commission wrote that US cities divided into two separate unequal societies black and white
civil rights era
- 1950s to 60s and 70s
- tried to bring all separate back together
- needed to integrate schools
- Little rock nine Arkansas
- nine smart black students told to go to white school didn’t allow them to enter officials had to come
- now we are well integrated but opinions still live
cast system
example of separate but equal in India segregation amongst clustering diverse cities priests high untouchables bottom
Brown versus board of education
- got rid of separate but equal
- US segregation laws eliminated during 1950s and 60s
- found that having separate schools was unconstitutional
- year later Supreme Court ruled that schools had to be desegregated
to museums in Detroit
- illustrate challenges of integrating ethnicities
- Detroit Institute of arts medieval European artists
- museum of African-American history history and culture of African-Americans
South Africa apartheid
- races given certain geographic area and could not move out of there
- got rid of apartheid in 1994 by Nelson Mandela
- imprisoned but elected first black president
- under apartheid newborn baby classified as a white black colored or Asian
- each had different legal status determined where they could live school etc.
- blacks given much less
- created by descendants of whites who arrived in south Africa from the Netherlands
- now that part tide has been gone and country is governed by blacks majority other countries have reestablished economic and cultural ties
- blacks still receive much less
South Africa colonization
- British colonized south Africa so introduced different ethnicities started apartheid
- controlled South Africa gov until 1948 when afrikaner(Dutch) dominated nationalist party won elections
- Afrikaners south to resist pressure to turn over south Africa government to blacks
- nationalist created the apartheid laws
- white dominated gov of South Africa repealed apartheid laws in 1991
- anti apartheid organization African national congress was legalized with leader Nelson Mandela
- Country you are attached to legally
- identity with a group of people who share legal attachment and personal allegiance to a particular country
- passport you have with the country you are attached to
- just because you live in a country doesn’t mean it is your nationality could be a worker from UK in US not American
- cultural values shared with others of the same nationality derive from voting having a passport performing civic duties -identifies citizens of the United States of America including those born in the country and those who immigrated and became citizens
- US forged nationality in late 18th century out of collection of ethnic group is primarily from Europe and Africa not through issuing passports or voting but sharing values expressed in Declaration of Independence and Constitution
- to be an American meant at that time and believing in unalienable rights of life liberty and pursuit of happiness
- Québecois distinct from other Canadians in language religion etc.
- Challenge is if Quebec choir forms at the city within Canadian nationality or nationality separate from Anglo Canadian
- if becomes separate nationality could possibly form an independent country
Ethnicities and nationalities and UK
- outside and a distinctions between ethnicity and nationality harder example British Isles
- British Isles contains for principle of necessities
- English – descendants of Germanic tribes
- Welsh – Celtic people who conquered England
- Scott’s – Celtic people who had an independent country for a while not now
- Irish – Celtic people who ruled England until 20th century
Ireland and Great Britain to nationalities
- Ireland and Great Britain are divided into two nationalities
- United kingdom – compromises Great Britain and Northern Ireland British refers to the nationality
- Republic of Ireland – South contains one predominant ethnicity Irish divided between two nationalities
- in UK strong element of ethnicity is sports
- even though they are not separate countries the for S and the cities have own national teams
- loyalty or devotion to nationality
- people display nationalism by supporting country that preserves and enhances the culture and attitudes of their nationality
- States foster nationalism by Centripetal forces and promoting symbols of the country
- nationalism can have a negative impact
- sense of unity within a nation state is sometimes achieved through negative images of other nations example making jokes on other nations
- centripetal and centrifugal forces
centripetal forces
- an attitude that unifies people and enhances the support for a state holds together country
- democracy strong central government can hold people together even if everyone does not agree
- nationalism example
- pledge of Allegiance
- National symbols – flag bald eagle
- Pro sports even if rivalry all agree on enjoyment of watching
- NBC CBS ABC shows that are broadcasted across country
- common cultural elements
- National holidays even though some celebrate religiously and some don’t agree on idea of celebrating general holidays
examples of both centriperal and centrifugal forces
- religion – if there is a country where there are multiple religions it could pull apart, if there is a country with one main religion everyone uses it can unify
- currency – some countries work on multiple currencies in one country which can confuse and pull apart, most work on one which is holding together countries
centrifugal forces
- separates our pulls apart country
- religion – differently religions
- language – different languages in 1 nation
- political parties
- ethnic city – different ethnicities and one nationality
- example Lebanon Sri Lanka
- race
- different cultural elements
Lebanon ethnic competition
- 60% Muslim 40% Christian
- precise distribution of religion unknown because no census since long time
- Christian – most numerous sect mayor night split from Roman Catholic
- Second sect Greek Orthodox
- Muslims – most belong to shiite
- also Druze and Sunnis
- most Lebanese Christians consider ethnically descended from Cindy Sheehan wow Muslims considered Arabs
- Lebanon became independent in 1943
- religious groups live in different regions
- Maronites West Central
- sunnis Northwest
- shiites south and east
- Beirut Christian East Muslim west
- Lebanon left under control of Syria until 2005
- centrifugal force
ethnic diverse city in Sri Lanka
- three different ethnicities
- Sinhalese-largest Buddhist Indo-European language Indo Iranian branch
- Tamils- Second largest Hindu Dravidian family language
- moors-Islam make Arabic language audit because Middle East Arab descent not Asian descent
- to others feel oppressed by Sinhalese control
- Sinhalese made Buddhism official religion and Sinhala official language
Pakistan and India
- India Hindu Pakistan Islam
- Pakistan had West and East Pakistan East became Bangladesh
- basis for separating West and East Pakistan from India was Estness city people living into areas of Pakistan mostly Muslim
- Pakistan and India never agreed on boundary separating in kasmir region
- now have a line of control with Pakistan administering Northwest and India south east
- muslims who compromise majority in both portions have thought guerrilla warfare to secure reunification of kasmir either as part of Pakistan or as independent country
- India blames Pakistan for unrest and vows to maintain its portion of kashmir
- both at one point under British control
- disagreed over Kashmir region between two countries and who controls it
- India side – kashmir Hindu
- Pakistan side – jammu Muslim
- created this region as a buffer between the two countries because when two countries split one Islam one Hindu Islam in India tried to move to Pakistan vice versus
- groups student at boundaries and participated in genocide as people try to move across border
- Hindu in India killed Muslims trying to move to Pakistan vice versus
- India also contains many Sikhs
- nation without a state
- Iraq has several different ethnic cities
- sunni Shiite and Kurds
- US led an attack against Iraq
- Limited to one area northern Iraq
- Iraq pres Saddam Hussein didn’t want them there and tried to kill all of them and genocide
- this is why US went in and tried to eliminate these forces and Iraq
- Kurds welcomed US because they gained more security and freedom
- sunnis opposed US because seared loss of power Hussein was a Sunni
- shiites opposed US even though treated poorly under hussein because long hostility against US
- Baghdad capital mostly mix
I ran ethnic diversity
- Islam conflict Sunni Shiite and Persian
- mostly Shiite
- large Persians and I ran also
- Persians are land without the state
- most numerous ethnicity in Iran is Persian
- Persians constitute world’s largest ethnic group that adheres to Shiite Muslim
- Persians descendants of Indo-European tribes
ethnic diverse city in Afghanistan
- three small ethnicities
- current unrest among afghan he ethnicities started with rebellion against the government which was being defended by Soviet union
- faction of pashtun ethnicity called Taliban gain control over most of the country
- impose strict laws according to Islam and values
- US invaded Afghanistan 2001 and over through taliban led government
I think diversity in Pakistan
- most numerous ethnic city is Punjabi
- punjabi Sunni Muslims
- fighting between Pakistan army and supporters of Tyler been forced Pakistanis to leave homes
Ethnic cleansing
- elimination of 1 ethnicity
Sudan ethnic leaning
- main conflict Christian Muslim
- majority Muslim
- have black Christians and animists in south
- civil war breaks out because Muslims want to get other ethnicities out
- darfur- extreme war portion of Sudan, issud uprising against Islam government
- Islam fights back and starts ethnic cleansing against them
- us gets involved and tries to help
- 2011 split south and Sudan
- South- Christians
- north- Muslim
Ethiopia Eritrea ethnic cleansing conflict
- conflict- borders, euro established borfers
- post ww2
- un gives Eritrea to Ethiopia
- Ethiopia doesn’t give Eritrea rights
- Eritrea fights back
- managed to regain ind. and become own country
- idea that us come in and starts problems
- ethnic cleansing
Somalia ethnic cleansing
- clans and tribes
- weak government so clans and tribe powerful
- most Sunni Muslims
- tribes taking over and having power over government
Rwanda ethnic cleansing and conflicts
- multiples ethnic in same country
- Hutus and Tutsis
- Hutus- farmers settled in land and stayed
- Tutsi- nomad herders who moved around and crossed into Hutu land
- 2 groups can’t come to agreement
- changed hand several times over who controlled
- why they disagreed- land claims
Process of ethnic cleansing in kosovo four steps
- Move military equipment into village that has no just strategic value
- Round up all people in the village. Men segregated placed in camps killed others forced to leave the village, in Kosovo men herded together with others rather than killed
- Force people to leave village forced into a convoy heading for Albanian border
- Destroy vacated village by setting it on fire
colonial Africa
- euro countries came in and imperialized- moving into area where people already lived and established gov over pre existing so not colonization
- euro putting own government over pre established tribe in Africa
- moved in and started drawing borders
- don’t look at tribes and ethnicities
- historically, tribal unit always been more important than gov
- conflict still seen bc many diff tribes in one country
after ww1
- 1924-1918
- losing country germany and allies
- allies of Germany were Austria Hungary
- austra Hungary has to move to get away so divided into countries
- main countries Austria Hungary Yugoslavia chechoslovakia
- Austria and Hungary successful because ethnicities split btw the two
- chechoslovakia breaks up because conflict among nationalities
- 2 diff ethnic groups that wouldn’t get along
- 6 countries break up bc diff ethnicities
- 6 diff primary ethnicities all that lived in Yugoslavia
- each wanted self determination- determine own rights and rules
- Bosnia and Herzegovina, Croatia, Macedonia, Montenegro, Serbia, Slovenia, Kosovo sort of
- 4 diff langs
- 3 religions- all part of christian branch
- 1 currency only centripetal force
- all broke up
- not perfect today either
- issue- not all ethnicities have own country split up
Ethnic cleansing in Bosnia
- Bosnia and Herzegovina didn’t want Serbs so engaged and started ethnic cleansing
- in Bosnia/Herzegovina biggest conflicts serbs ethnicity
- creation of nationality difficult
- three Ethnicitues where Bosnian Muslims largest Serbs then Croats
- Bosnian Muslims not nationality
- Croats and Serbs engaged in ethnic cleansing of Bosnian Muslims
- especially severe was ethnic cleansing of Bosnian Muslims by Bosnian Serbs
- wanted continuous area of Bosnian Serbs domination
- divided Bosnia and herz. Into 3 regions, Bosnian Croats, Muslims, and Serbs own regions
- Serbs got almost complete independence and almost half of the country
Kosovo ethnic cleansing
- not many places see it as an independent country still see it as part of Serbia
- used to be province of Serbia where Albanians compromised most of pop
- Serbia was given control of Kosovo when Yugoslavia was created
- when it broke up, Serbia took control of Kosovo and launched ethnic cleansing of Albanians
- involved 4 steps
- us and west euro countries attacked Serbia
- attack ended with Serbia withdrawing from Kosovo and Kosovo gaining independence
- issue – controlled by Serbia
- Serbia targeted Albanians
- Serbia wanted Albanians to get out of Kosovo of the area of Serbia because did not recognize it as independent
Aerial photography interpretation
- provided evidence of ethnic cleansing by Serbs and former Yugoslavia process
- three photographs illustrated four steps and ethnic cleansing in Kosovo
- century ago, balkanized- used to describe small geographical area that couldn’t successfully be organized into states bc multiethnic
- now process by which state breaks down through conflicts among ethnicities as threat to peace throughout world not just small area
- Balkanization led to WW1 bc various nationalities in Balkans dragged into the war larger powers who had alliances
- Balkans have become Balkanized
- if peace cones to Balkans it will be bc ethnic cleansing worker
- mass killing of group of people in Attempt to eliminate entire group
- ex sub Saharan Africa
Congo ethnic cleansing and genicide
- Hutu and Tutsis conflict spilled into here
- Congo sees worlds deadliest war since ww1
- Tutsis overthrew Congo pres
- conflicts continue