Chapters 22,26 Flashcards
Causes of the Crimean War
Ottoman Empire gives land to Roman Catholic, Russia occupies Modovia and Wallachia
Uniqueness of Crimean War
First w/ war correspondents/photographers
Nations involved in Crimean War
France, Britain, Ottoman, Russia
Florence Nightingale
Founder of modern nursing “Lady with the Lamp”
Effects of the Crimean War
Erased Russian invincibility, discredit Concert of Europe at peacekeeping
Reforms of Ottoman Empire
1839–76-Tanzimat era-reorganization-administrative councils liberalized economy, end tax farming, corruption, Young Turks
Young Turks
Reformist officers in Ottoman Empire-entered WWI and led to Ottoman Empire’s end
Nationalist Leaders of Italy
Giuseppe Mazzini-Heart/soul
Giuseppe Girabaldi-Sword
Count Camillo Cavour
Head/mind of Italian unification, conservative–>moderate liberal (anti-republican) ~Machiavelli
Agreement of 1858 between Cavour and Napoleon III
Pact of Plombieres-France intervene militarily if Austria comes in Italy to start war
Venetia in Italy
Payment for allying with Prussia in Austro-Prussian Wawr
Magnet to bring states together
Cavour’s keys to Italian Unification
Industrious, unify nationalists, foreign intervention (France)
Guisseppe Girabaldi
Expedition of the Thousand-Sicily–>Naples-concedes to Piedmont as nationalism>liberalism
Inspired by republicanism
Birth of Italy
Most important political development 1848-1914
German unification
Otto von Bismarck
“Old Blood and Iron” “Iron Chancellor” Kleindeutch, Prussian noble (Junker) Liberal–>conservative, anti-republican, pragmatist/realist
Rival states of German confederation
Austria+Liberals, Prussia
Bismarck’s Pragmatism
“Germany is not looking to Prussia’s liberalism but to her power…The great questions of the day will not be decided by speeches and majority decisions=that was the mistake of 1848-but by blood and Iron
Reasons for Bismarck’s embrace of German Nationalism
Enable Prussian conservatives to outflank Prussian liberals/Parliament
Causes of Danish WaR OF 1864
Schleswig-Holstein Problem-Alliance between Austria and Prussia
Effects of Seven Weeks’ War
Defeat of Austria in Bohemia-1866. Left out of German affairs
Treaty of Prague-Austria cedes Venetia==>France–>Italy
aka Austro-Prussian War
Houses of North German Confederation gov
1867-Bundesrat-elected through people
Reichstag-elected through universal (notrly) male suffrage
Bad-Ems Telegram
Leopold offered Spanish crown-back Wilhelm’s telegram edited to provoke war w/ France by Bismarck to unify South
French Rulers since 1789
Louis XVIII, Charles X, Louis Philippe, Napoleon III
Paris COmmune
March 28 1871-National Assembly betraying Paris by staying in Versailles-Administer Paris separately from France–>socialist gov. Crushed by national assembly
Franco-Prussian War
Battle of Sedan-Napoleon III captured
Treaty of Frankfurt-1871-German empire-2nd Reich-Prussia wins-got Alsace and Lorraine
Impact of new German empire
Strong stable nation, Austria loses power, France weakened, Britain competes industrially
Dreyfus Affair
Jewish captain accused of being in cohorts with Germany 1898-Emile Zola “J’accuse” article-forged evidence
Army, church, conservatives, antisemitics v. Liberals, radicals, socialists
Leftists united
19th Century Hapsburg empire
Agrarian Dynastic, absolutist
Ausgleich of 1867
Compromise-dual monarchy-Austria-Hungary
Czech Trialism and opposition
“Triple Monarchy” Magyars say no >.<
Reforms of Alexander II
Abolish serfdom-1861 (Russia)
Problems with Serfdom in Russia
Economically inefficient, potential for revolts, Russian military ineffective, immoral
Impacts of emancipation on Russian serfs
redemption payments, failed
Relationship of Poland w/ Russia before WWI
Polish Rebellion-1863–>repression
Revolutionary groups in Russia
Alexander Herzen, Populism, The People’s Will
William Gladstone’s ministry
Summit of British liberalism
Benjamin Disraeli
Public Health Act (private property intervention_
Artisan Housing Act
Ireland’s movement for Home Rule
Land Act-Stuart Parnell
New German Empire significance
New diplomatic relations, Austria weakened
Bismarck’s goal for Germany
Appease France, Alliances
Russo-Turkish War of 1877
Black Sea captured (Constantinople, Darnell Strait)
Free Slavic States, gain territory
Confress of Berlin
1878-Review results of Treaty of San Stefano (After Russo-Turkish War) Russia got (-) results
Three Emperor’s League, Triple Alliance, Dual Alliance, Entente Cordiale, Triple Entente
Three-1873-Germany, Austria, Russia Triple-Dual Alliance+Italy Dual-Austria-Hungary and Germany Entente-Britain and France Triple-Britain, France, Russia
Kaiser William II and political goals
Wanted to be famous-dismissed Bismarck
Expansionist policies, naval campaign
1st Moroccan Crisis
“Powder Keg Of Europe”
Balkan Nations-Slavic wanted unity ~Serbia to Prussia/Piedmont
Factors leading to WWI
2nd Moroccan Crisis, Balkan Wars, Assassination of the Archduke Francis Ferdinand
Impact of 1nd moroccon Crisis
France and Britain closer, led to Balkan Wars
Assassination of Archduke Francis Ferdinand
June 18 1914-Austria sends above to Bosnia-Gavrilo Princip assassinates him, spark that ignites the war
Dual Alliance and Triple Entente responses
Dual-Germany-Strict reaction (blank check) Austria-Ultimatum
Triple-Russia-mobilize army, France-give Russia blank check, Britain-diplomatic measures
1st country mobilize against Russia
Schlieffen Plan
West front first, then Russia
REasons Germany blamed for war
August days (declare war, occupy Luxembourg, declare on France, invade Belgium, Britain declare on Germany)
Potentials of soliders for countries
Allies-more troops/home front
Central-Strategic advantages
Facts of Western Front
Battle of the Marne-French and British stop Germans
Trench warfare began
WEapons in WWI
Big Bertha, poison gas, machine gun, tanks, airplanes, zeppelins, U-Boats
Entries in War in 1915
Ottoman and Bulgaria-Central
Japan, Italy, Romania-Allies
Colonel T.E. Larence
Allied attempts to stir nationalist in Czech, Slovaks, Pol,es, Arabs-most successful guy in Arabia
Battle Gallipoli
1915-16-Allied offensive by Churchill-poor timing
Austria and New Zealand join Allies
Reasons for US entry to WWI
Lusitania, Zimmerman Telegram
Woodrow Wilson quote
“To make the world safe for democracy”
Causes of March Revolution in Russia
Tsar 1917 March-gov. collapse
Bolshevik Party
Conflict, overtaxed resources, Nicholas II :(, military and domestic failures
Rasputin in Russian political affairs
Discredited Nicholas II by being close to tsar (peasant faith healer-Spoke against Russian going to war
Lenin-Nov-Seized power from gov-took Russia out of war, communism
Was tied with Mensheviks-split
Social Revolutionaries+Social Democrats organize above, Council of workers and soldiers
Actions of Bolsheviks
Russia out of war, war indemnity, nationalized land, property of church–>state, control state banks
Treaty of Brest-Litovsk
March 1918-Russia yield Poland, Finland, Baltic States, Ukraine
Officially pull Russia out of war
Last German Offensive
Western front-unsuccessful
Casualties of WWi
Total:10 million dead, 20 million wounded
Central-4 million dead
Allies-5.4 million dead
Effects of War
Economic and financial strain, Allies debtors to US, Fascism to Italy, US becomes most stable democratic state
Treaty of Versailles and Sevres to Ottoman Empire
Versailles-Partitioned Ottoman Empire
Sevres-Officially dissolves the Ottoman Empire
Greco-Turkish War
Nationalistic reaction-Ataturk-“Father of the Turks”–>Republic of Turkey 1923
The Big Four
David George-UK
Obstacles to Peace
Publicity, 14 Points impossible, Bolsehvism, Nationalism, victors
Germany’s fate from Treaty of Versailles
$15-25 billion (modern $40 billion)
Cede Alsace and Lorraine to France, Disarm-<100,000 troops, Austria-Hungary separated
League of Nations
Japan, Britain, France, Italy, US
Respect and preserve territorial integrity-ineffective from no enforcement
Fourteen Points
Ethnic groups decide if self govern or no, open diplomacy, freedom of seas, League of Nations
WWI on European colonialism
Stir nationalist uprising (TE Lawrence)
Criticism of Paris Peace Settlement/Treaty of Versailles
John Maynard Keynes-Predict WWII “Economic consequences of Peace”