Chapters 15-17 Flashcards
Old Regime
Social, political, economic relationships in France before 1789
18th century Aristocracy
1-5% of population, wealthiest sector, separate parliament, influenced social and political life, willing to invest in innovations, power in parliamentary system
French nobility
“of the sword” “of the robe”, w/ royal court or not, exempt from taille, vingtieme(land tax), corvees, exclusive hunting rights. Poland-prevent centralization. Junkers (prussia) Szlachtas (poland) Boyars (Russian)
Aristocratic Resurgence
Nobility reacting to threat to positions; made it more difficult to become a noble, institutions against monarchy, more tax exemptions
Economic basis
Agrarian, land, wheat
English Game Laws
Benefit of household, landed gentry, royals, aristocrats, regulate could/couldn’t hunt on land
Family economy characteristics
Basic unit of production/consumption, servants, NW-nuclear, E-extended, serfdom, subsistence
Concerns of women
Establish/maintain household
Sent to wet nurses, worked, economic burden, upper class got education, foundling hospitals
Bread prices
Rose slowly and steadily
Agricultural methods used by Dutch
Dykes (dams) Polders (drained ocean land) clover and turnips, fertilizer
Population 1700-1800
1700-120 million 1800-190 million
Crops introduced from New World
Cloer, turnips to replenish iron, animal fodder, potato, more crops/acre, more children surviving
Innovations/Contributors to Ag Revolution
Jethro Tull-Iron plow, seed, drill. “Turnip” Charles Townsend-fertilizer, crop rotation. Robert Bake well-selective breeding
Enclosure Movement
Consolidate land to enclose available land, replaced 2-3 Open Field System, commercialized agriculture
Open-Field System
2-3 Field system (one land left blank)
Cause/Effect/Characteristics of consumer revolution
More demand from more people, more income, disposable money, entrepreneurs, marketing (josiah wedgwood) arked by ag. Rev –> captialism
Most important industry in Industrial Revolution
Water frame
1769-Richard Arkwright-make woven fabric pure cotton led to small factories
Spinning jenny
1765-James Hargreaves-16 then 120 in 1800 times faster
Flying shuttle
1730s-John Kay-weave fabric faster (created bottleneck)
Power Loom
1780s-steam powered replaced water frame. Edmund Cartwright–> Urban factories
Steam Engine Uses
Boats, machinery, mining, textile/cotton, construction, iron, RR, Agriculture
Impact of Steam Engine
Better efficiency, inexhaustable, inanimate, increased/regularized energy-commercialization and heavy industry
Inventors of Steam Engine
Thomas Newcomen (for mining) James Watts (improved to be adaptable)
Henry Cort and Iron production
Improved puddling-increase iron production
1700-25,000 tons –> 1800->100,000 tons
Putting-out system
Textile production, handmade, inefficient, domestic/putting-out system, merchant–>thread–>weave–>stitch
Why England for Industrial Revolution
Resources, colonies, free-trade, London, international market, social mobility, stable economy
Location of Jewish population
Ghettos, Poland, Lithuania, Ukraine
Impact of Ag and Indutrial Revolutions on Women
diminished role in workforce–> domestic roles/less skilled, lower wages, cottage industry
Stages of European contact since Renaissance
Discovery, mercantilism, imperialism, de-colonization
Factors letting European nations to Domination
Mercantilism, superior technology, large navy/army
Main rivals in colonization
Spain, England, France
Economic theory that nations depend on supply of captial
Purpose of colonies and home country in Mercantilism
Provide for mother country
Spanish people in American (born in Spain)
Purpose of Spanish Empire until mid-18th century
Supply Spain w/ precious metals
Spanish person born in America but Spanish decent
Areas of conflict
Colonies, Central/Eastern Europe
War of Jenkins’ Ear
1739-1748-West Indies, England+Spain-opened conflicts between 3 major powers
War of Austrian Succession
1740-1748-Frederick II invades Silesia-Prussia gets Silesia
Alliances and Diplomatic Revolution of 1756
Switch to British w/ Prussia, France w/ Austria
Seven Years’ War victors
Globally-British, Prussia as a nation
Stamp Act
Increase revenue for Britain for debt
Intolerable Acts
Closed Boston port, reorganize MA gov. Quartering troops, customs agents tried in British courts
“Common Sense”
Thomas Paine-1776-Unite colonies against Brtitish
Outcomes of American Revolution
Freedom for everyone except slaves, Native Americans, women
Reasons for resentment against British taxes
No popular soverignity
Ideas /events of basis of American ideals
Glorious Revolution, John Locke, Montesquieu, commonwealthmen