Chapters 18-19 Flashcards
Causes of French Revolution
Financial crisis from wars, inability to tax
Compte Rendu
Jacques Necker 1781-Public report that says to ignore American Rev. debt, stop paying pensions to nobles, and no taxes then gov. would have surplus of $
Estates General 1789
Assembly of Notables said only the Estates General could decide on financial proposals, Louis XVI asks for grievances
Charles Calonne financial reforms
Free internal trade, no trade barriers, lower taxes (gabelle) corvee from manual to monetary due, unersal land tax including nobles and church (taille)
1st and 2nd Estates limit 3rd Estate
Assembly of Nobles-voting by representatives, 300 each estate
Parliament of Paris-Voting by estates (1 each)
Royal Council Decision-Doubling the Third
Cahiers de Doleances
Indirect taxes, government waste, hunting rights, absolutism, church, property ownership, Estate General’s meeting, Marie Antionette
National Assembly
3rd Estate and reform-minded 1-2 estate-Agree to meet until limit powers of king
Tennis Court Oath
June 20 1789-Will NOT stop meeting until consitution is written
Riots in 1788 and 1789
Louis XVI mobilized troops, bread riots
Storming of the Bastille
Believe guns and political prisoners-none-Start revolution July 14 1789
The Great Fear
Fear royal troops take food, fight against 1-2 estates-shows lower classes’ tipping point
Night of August 4th
Constitution inhibited by things-“Feudalism is abolished” no privileges or social classes
Declaration of Rights of Man and Citizen
Aug. 27 1789-Inspired by Declaration of Independence, Due process, popular sovereignty, etc.
Jean Paul Marat
“Friend of the People” anti-gov propoganda “Let them eat cake” incited the October Days
October Days
“Fierce and fish” ladies take up arms when false rumor of king stamping on tricolor
National Consituent Assembly
Constituional Monarchy, used to be National Assembly, Laissez-faire
Constitution of 1791
Limited monarchy, legislative Assembly, members of NCA can’t be part of it, laws, taxes, war/peace
Declaration of the Rights of Women
Olympe de Gouges-Addressed to queen
Economic reforms in Reconstruction of France
Administrative (departments) Economic (deregulate grain trade, metric system, abolish trade unions, Assignats) Religious (Chruch>State)
Civil Constitution of the Clergy
July 1790- Church under state control, Jurying clergy (took oath) Refractory (didn’t take-majority)
Roman Catholic Church views on Revolution
Condemned revolution and constitution via Pope Pius VI
Self-exiles, nobles/royal to Austria and Netherlands
Montagnard-Radical liberals, favor republics, Rousseauian decision, Girondists-conservatives, constitutional monarchy-most authority
Sans Culottes
Wanted no food shortages, social equality, republicans. Storming of the Tuileries. Paris Commune
September Massacres
Stormed cities to squahs counterrevolutionary threats in prision-executions on spot w/o due process. >1,200 executed, most peasants. Discredited revolution abroad
Declaration of Pillnitz
Leopold II and Frederick William II (Austria and Prussia) promise if royal family harmed they will invade. Pushed revolution into radical course of action
National Convention
Named after American’s, Write democratic consitution and declare France a republic. “Citizen Capet” Jan. 21 1793 Louis XVI beheaded
Countries at war w/ France
Austria, Prussia, Spain, Britain
Edmund Burke
REflections on the Revolution in France-Said applied blind rationalism, forecasted further turmoil and deaths of king and queen
Partitions of Poland
1793, 1795-Result of fears that revolutionary ideas spread to Poland, Russian invasion to ensure Poland remained reliant on Russia
Levee en masse
Mass military conscription resulting in first European citizen based army, show secular idea of nationhood
“Republic Virtue”
Republican dress, Robespire, repress women, de-Christianization, revolutionary tribunals
Challenges revolutionary gov. had
Pro-royalists, coalition, counterrevolutionaries, religious division, economics, war, political divisions
COmmittee of Public Safety
12 radical ppl, eliminate threats in National Convention
Reign of Terror
Sept 1793-Aug 1784, Revoltuionary period National Convention defend Republic-Committee of Public Safety
Law 22 Prairial
no due process, no evidence needed
July 28 1794- guillotined-spread the Fear more actually
Thermidorian Reaction
End Terror-Robespierre’s death marked symbol of Terror, destroy guillotine, moderates, White terror
“Bands of Jesus”
Those who tormented radicals and Jacobins in the White Terror following Reign of Terror
Women’s rights before/after Revolution
Same-traditional household roles
Napoleon Conaparte
Corsica (French territory), artillery expert
Coup of 18 Brumaire
Military coup, First Consulate, Abbe Sieyes replaced by BOnaparte
Treaty of Campo Formio
France and Austria-conclude campaigns in Italy. End First Coalition
Battle at Abukir
French defeat by Horatio Nelson in Egypt
Suppress Foreign and domestic opposition
Treaty of Luneville-Austria, Amiens-Britain, General Amnesty, Peace with the Church
Concordat of 1801
Clergy chosen by Pope, state>church, rechristened France, reconcile France with chruch
Napoleonic Code
Civil Code of 1804-Standardize French law, Feudal rights and serfdom abolished, no unions, traditional women
Napoleon becomes Emperor
Jacques-Louis David, has to ensure people don’t think of him as another king
Battle of Trafalgar
Oct. 1805-British victory, French and Spanish defeat, Lord Horatio Nelson, Naval battle
Prime Minister of Britain
William Pitt the Younger
Peace of Amiens
1803-Britain recognized French Republic, end 2nd coalition
Napoleon’s victories in Central Europe
Prussia divided, defeat Austria at Battle of Ulm, Battle of Austerlitz (French v. Austria and Russia)
The Confederation of the Rhine
No more HRE
Treaty of Tilsit
Russia Tsar Alexander I-Prussia loses >50% of their land. Russia is named a secret ally
Continental System
Milan Decree 1807-Blocks trade w/ Britain, caused more damage to Europe than Britain
100 Days
Napoleon comes back from Elba but defeated at Waterloo
Napoleon’s wives
Josephine de Beauharnais, Maria Louisa
Rulers of conquered land
Put family in charge of countries
Prussia’s response to Napoloen
“German Nationalism” administrative, social, military reform
Peninsular Campaign
1807-1810-Portugal-Joseph Bonaparte king of Spain-Sir Arthur Wellesley-drained resources
Russian Campaign
Russia withdraws from Continental System, “Scorched Earth” 600,000–> <100,000 troops
Battle of Nations
Oct. 1813- Third Coalition victory, Treaty of Fontainbleau-Forced Napoleon to step down
Congress of Vienna
Sept. 1814-Nov. 1815-Quadruple Alliance to prevent France from conquering Europe again
Battle of Waterloo
June 18 1815-French loss, Napoleon sent to St. Helena
Treaty of Chaumont
Called for Napoleon to give up all conquests, revert pre-revolutionary borders in exchange for cease-fire. Napoleon rejects it
Netherlands and other territorial adjustments
More fair created Netherlands as buffer states to France
Romantic Movement
Sturm und Drag, revive Christianity, art, literature, architecture etc. of middle ages, emotion
Art, literature, and architecture of Romantics
Middle Ages-more imagination and emotion
Rousseau’s romantic literature
Emile-enlightened was bad, separate spheres for genders, children raised with max freedom
Immanual Kant’s contributions to Romanticism
Reason and emotion together, Critique of Pure Reason and Practical Reason-Phenomenal (sensory) Noumenal (mind), Categorical Imperative
English Romantic writers
Coleridge-Rime of the Ancient Mariner
Wordsworth-Ode on Intimations on Immortality
Lord Byron-Childe Harold’s Pilgrimage, Don Juan
German Romantic Writers
Tieck-William Lovell
Goethe-Sorrows of the Young Werther, Faust
Facts/Characteristics of Romantic Art
Artists-Constable (Salisbury Cathedral in Meadows, Hay Wain), William Turner (Rain, Steam, Speed) Caspar David Friedrich (The Polar Sea, the Wanderer above the Sea of Fog)
Romantic/Neo-Gothic architecture
British Houses of Parliament, Neuschwarstien Castle
Revolt against deism and rationalism of Church of England by John Wesley
The Genuis of Christianity
Viscount Francois Rene de Cateaubriand that disproves of the religious policy of revolution and anticlericalism of Enlightenment. “Bible of Romanticism”
Johann Herder
“On the Knowing and Feelings of the Human Soul-rejects mechanical explanation of nature. Humans and societies develop organically. Urge preservation of distinctive German songs and sayings (Grimm)