Chapters 2-3 Wine with Food & Storage and Service of Wine Flashcards
What 3 things should a food and wine pairing take into account?
- Preferences of the individual
- Sensitivities of the individual
- Interactions between the food and the wine
Does food have more impact on the taste of wine or wine have more impact on the taste of food?
Generally food will have more impact on the taste of a wine.
What are the 2 components in food that tend to make food taste ‘harder’?
What are the 2 components in food that tend to make wine taste ‘softer’?
Sweetness in food impacts the taste of wine in what ways?
Increases the perception of bitterness, astringency, acidity and the warming effects of alcohol.
Decreases the perception of body, sweetness and fruitiness.
Umami in food effects the taste of wine in what ways?
Increases the perception of bitterness, astringency, acidity and the warming effects of alcohol.
Decreases the perception of body, sweetness and fruitiness.
What 2 components in food have the following effects on the taste of wine?
Increases the perception of bitterness, astringency, acidity and the warming effects of alcohol.
Decreases the perception of body, sweetness and fruitiness.
Which of these umami high foods will have a less negative effect on the taste of wine and why?
Asparagus, Mushrooms
Eggs, Ripe soft cheese
Smoked seafood
Smoked seafood.
Foods that are high in umami and also high in salt tend not to have as much of an adverse effect on wine.
Other examples of high umami, high salt, foods are: parmesan, smoked meats
Which wines are most impacted by umami in food?
High tannin red wines, (although if a balanced wine the perceived change in bitterness may not appear to be excessive)
Low tannin red wines and white wines made with oak or skin contact become bitter and unbalanced
Acidity in food effects the taste of wine in what ways?
Increases the perception of body, sweetness and fruitiness in the wine.
Decreases the perception of acidity in wine
What impact will high acidity food have on a low acidity wine?
It may make the wine seem flat, flabby and lacking focus
Where does bitterness in wine come from?
Tannins, extracted from grapes or oak
Salt in food effects the taste of wine in what ways?
Increases the perception of body in wine
Decreases the perception of astringency, bitterness and acidity.
Bitterness in food effects the taste of wine in what ways?
Increases the perception of bitterness in wine
Which component in food has the following effect on wine?
Increases the perception of body in wine
Decreases the perception of astringency, bitterness and acidity.
Which component in food has the following effect on wine?
Increases the perception of body, sweetness and fruitiness in the wine.
Decreases the perception of acidity in wine
Chilli heat in food effects the taste of wine in what ways?
Increases the perception of bitterness, astringency and acidity in wine
Increases the perception of alcohol in wine
Decreases the perception of body, richness, sweetness and fruitiness
Which component in food has the following effect on wine?
Increases the perception of bitterness, astringency and acidity in wine
Increases the perception of alcohol in wine
Decreases the perception of body, richness, sweetness and fruitiness
Chilli heat
What are considered to be high risk foods when considering wine-food matching?
Foods containing: High amounts of sugar High levels of umami (may be balanced with the addition of salt if appropriate) Bitterness Chilli heat
What types of wine are best paired with foods high in chilli heat?
White wines or low tannin reds low in alcohol.
Wines with higher levels of fruitiness or sweetness
What are considered to be low risk foods when considering wine-food matching?
Foods containing:
What components within a wine can make it high risk with regards to food-wine pairing?
High levels of bitterness and astringency from oak and grape tannins
High levels of acidity
High levels of alcohol
Complex flavours
What wine could be successfully paired with oysters and why?
Muscadet or Champagne because they are unoaked (and therefore have no bitter component to be spoiled by the umami), relatively light in flavour (will not overwhelm the delicate taste of the oyster) and high in acidity (will still seem vibrant if oysters are eaten with lemon juice)
What effect does a wine high in acidity have on fatty/oily food?
This combination can provide a pleasant sensation of the acidic wine cutting through the richness of the food and cleansing the palate.
Can sweet wine be paired with salty food?
Yes, a combination many people enjoy
Sweet wine and blue cheese
Does intensely flavoured food require an intensley flavoured wine?
It is desirable for the food and wine flavour intensity to be matched
Sometimes however an intensely flavoured food (curry) can be successfully paired with a light flavoured wine (non-aromatic, unoaked white)
How do tannins in red wine interact with meat dishes?
Tannins in red wine bind to meat proteins, thus softening the impact of the wine
What wine is best paired with oily fish?
White wine
A metallic taste is produced by compounds found in red wine when paired with oil fish
List 4 classic wine-food pairings
Goats cheese and Sancerre
Oysters and champagne
Stilton and Port
Olives and Manzanilla
What are 4 general points to be observed when storing wine?
- Store wine at a cool and constant temperature (between 10 and 15°C)
- Store wine sealed with a cork on it side
- Keep wines away from strong light
- Keep wine away from vibrations
What happens to a wine if the cork dries out?
If the cork dries out, it can let in air and the air will oxidise the wine
What happens to wine stored in strong light?
The light will heat the wine and it will become stale and old.
Artificial light can cause unpleasant flavours to develop in some wines
What is the correct service temperature for medium/full bodied oaked white wines?
Lightly chilled
What is the correct service temperature for light/medium bodied white wines?
What is the correct service temperature for sweet wines?
Well chilled
What is the correct service temperature for sparkling wines?
Well chilled
What is the correct service temperature for light bodied red wines?
Lightly chilled
What is the correct service temperature for medium/full bodies red wines?
Room temperature
What is the correct service temperature for Cava?
Well chilled
What is the correct service temperature for Fino Sherry?
What is the correct service temperature for Valpolicella?
Lightly chilled
What are 2 ways of preserving the wine after opening?
Vacuum system
Blanket system