Chapter Two (Culture Section 4 & Social Inequality) Flashcards
The practice, the theory, and the attitudes of a dominating metropolitan center ruling a distant territory (thinking about it, not doing it):
Almost always a consequence of imperialism:
The implanting of settlements on distant territory:
Calling settlements their own:
The _________ mindset that leads to the colonization of other countries:
The host country’s culture is forced to ______ the culture of the dominating country:
Mixing of two cultures:
When two countries partake in colonialism, the region they take over becomes a _______ culture:
With increasing colonization comes increasing hydridized cultures and the distinctions become progressively more ________:
The two cultures begin growing together and the original culture can sometimes be _____ or _____ _____ because of the influence of the dominating group:
Lost; forever altered
When a more powerful country goes in and colonizes an area, it is because of a ____ ________ within the other country:
Power Relationship
Feels it has a right to force its culture onto a “____ ______” group:
Less powerful
Occurs because of ______ ways of thinking:
Believes it’s essentially _____ the other country:
Effects of Colonization (4):
- Undermines people
- Makes people feel inferior
- Assumes their way of living is wrong
- Leads to a loss of diversity in cultures
Two cultures growing together. There is, however, power differential; not equal mixing:
Cross-border relations; growth of international exchange and interdependence; flows of large and growing flows of trade and capital investments between countries:
Process of removing government-imposed restrictions on movements between countries to keep an ‘open’ ‘borderless’ world economy:
Synthesis of cultures. Process of spreading objects and experiences to people at all corners of the earth:
Social structures of modernity are spread all over, normally destroying pre-existing cultures and local self-determination in the process; sometimes called imperialism and colonization:
Westernization or Modernization
Entails a configuration of geography, so social space is no longer wholly mapped in territorial places, territorial distances, and borders; process that embodies a transformation in the spatial organization of social relations and transactions:
Types of Globalization (5):
- Internationalization
- Liberalization
- Universalization
- Westernization or Modernization
- Deterritorialization
Relations between the colonial nation and colonized people are similar to those between the dominant _______ class and the ________:
Capitalist; proletariat
Colonial dominations had established patterns of ______ ______ that continued even after nationhood was achieved - in part because former colonies were unable to develop their own _______ and ______:
Economic Exploitation; Industry and Technology
There was a dependence on more industrialized nations, including their former colonial masters for (4):
- Managerial Expertise
- Technical Expertise
- Investment Capital
- Manufactured Goods
Advanced a world-systems analysis to describe unequal economic and political relationships:
Immanuel Wallerstein
Such continuing dependence and foreign domination constitutes _________:
Even as developing countries make economic advances, they remain weak and subservient to core nations and corporations within an increasingly intertwined global economy:
Dependency Theory
This allows industrialized nations to continue to exploit developing countries for their own gain. This is in part because developing countries owe huge sums of money to industrialized nations:
Dependency Theory
Refers to commercial organizations that are headquartered in one country but do business throughout the world:
Multinational Corporations
The worldwide integration of government policies, cultures, social movements, and financial markets through trade and the exchange of ideas:
Protesters have drawn attention to a variety of issues like (4):
- Violations of workers’ rights
- Destruction of the environment
- Loss of cultural identity
- Discrimination
Embedded in the concept of globalization is the notion of the ________ __________ of periphery nations by core nations:
Cultural Domination
Things periphery nations lose to core nations (4):
- Loss of traditional values
- Identifying with the culture of the core nations
- Discarding or neglecting their native language
- Dress as they attempt to emulate the icons of mass-market entertainment and fashion
A key role in neocolonialism is played out in ________ _______:
Multinational Corporations
The far-reaching process by which peripheral nations move from traditional or less developed institutions to those characteristics of more developed societies:
Examples of modernization (7):
- Urbanization
- Literacy
- Industrialization
- Nuclear Families
- Transportation
- Media Systems
- Shifted from allegiance to traditional sources to gov. officials