Chapter One (Study Guide) Flashcards
This deck doesn't include every question on the study guide - I took out ones I knew or included in previous flashcards.
The systematic study of social behavior in human groups:
An awareness of the relationship between an individual and the wider society:
The Sociological Imagination
How are sociology and “common sense” similar? How are they different?
Common sense and sociology are similar because they deal with familiar facets of everyday life. Sociology and common sense differ because common sense rests on commonly held beliefs rather than on systematic analysis of facts.
A general framework of ideas that organizes a set of concepts in a meaningful way by explaining the relationship among them and how they relate to each other:
A Theory
What two things did Emile Durkheim refuse to accept as unproven explanations regarding suicide?
Cosmic Forces and Genetics
- Believed that social reform was a necessity to improve the quality of life for everyone.
- The translation of Comte’s work from French to English
- The first female sociologist
Harriet Martineau
- The idea of Social Darwinism
- Believed that societies were organisms that progressed through change
Herbert Spencer
Contributed to sociology by introducing the “looking glass self” concept:
Charles Horton Cooley