Chapter Two Flashcards
When was Stalin’s intent to establish a zone of satellite states completed?
By 1948. Pro-Soviet Communist regimes across EE; Poland, Hungary, Bulgaria, Romania. This would reinforce the defensive capability of the USSR.
How were communist regimes imposed?
Communists would form alliances with other left wing parties and then take control of them. Opposition candidates often intimidated, election results manipulate.
What was the attitude towards communism in EE?
Featured in anti-facist wartime resistance. There was compliance towards communism in EE e.g Czechoslovakia. War had left these states with unemployment and economic chaos and for many communism was a better prospect than capitalism. Communists= freedom fighters, against Nazism.
Who, in EE were against communism?
Rural peasants looked to pro-Agrian parties.
What was Stalin focused on more than his commitment to the ideology?
The power. This meant that communist regimes would not be established independent of Soviet influence. Loyalty to Moscow was a prerequisite of their survival. Didn’t care about the purity of the leaders, simply wanted them to be Soviet puppets.
How did Stalin impose a communist regime in Poland?
- Pro-Stalin Lublin government established.
- Gomulka
Polish government was in exhile in London. Pro-Stalin Lublin Government was established. Contained parties from both ends of political spectrum, this party strengthened links with Polish Socialist party and in 1947 they merged which weakened the Peasant Party, with the communists the dominant group. Deputy pm Gomulka was not fully pro-Moscow and so was replaced.
How did Stalin fail to conform to the agreements at Yalta regarding Poland?
He agreed to free elections and yet had a clear intent to ensure that the result he wanted would eventually emerge (merged parties)
Why were the communists in Romania popular?
They offered an alternative to the pre-War regime. The Red Army already occupied Romania, thus it was relatively easy for Stalin to install communism, with little opposition.
How was communism installed in Bulgaria?
Strongest opponent= Agrian Party, and the leader Petlov was executed and his party forcibly absorbed into the communist movement.. April 1947, all other parties banned.
How was communism installed in Hungary?
Communists allied with other political groups. Opponents arrested and elections rigged.
Communists formed links with Yugoslavia where a non-Soviet regime was and there was some anti-Soviet activity. Thus, the Hungarian communist leader was executed for ‘anti-Soviet’ activities.
What was Yugoslavia’s political status originally?
Firmly embedded in the Soviet camp. Tito was a committed Stalinist. Communism was firmly in place when War ended but by 1948 Soviet influence was limited, Tito resisted Soviet control particularly through econ and foreign policies so in June it was expelled from Cominform and only survived due to USA’s aid.
What was the Long Telegram, by George Kennan?
February 1946. Fundamental in shaping the US policy towards the Soviet Union. Before Yalta, supported the Percentages Agreement but then saw communism as uncompromising. Recognised failings of Roosevelt’s plan of cooperation.
- US must be prepared to use force and ensure unity among allies. US must adopt proactive role in Europe. Urgency for action.
What was the Iron Curtain speech?
Mar 1946 a month after Long Telegram. Further pressure on Truman to emerge from policy of isolationism. Delivered an attack on Soviet policies.
What was Stalin’s response to the Iron Curtain speech?
Convinced Stalin that the USA was complicit in a plot with Churchill and Britain to carry out an anti-Soviet ideological assault. Stalin response presented a benign Soviet Union peacefully seeking allies to reinforce USSR’s security.
What triggered a reorientation of US foreign policy towards using its dominant world economy in the fight against communism?
Greek Civil War.
Stalin had agreed that Greece should remain within the Western sphere of influence after the War- appeared uninterested. But Civil war between communists and monarchists. Brit provided aid to anti-communist forces but Feb 1947 announced it could no longer so USA took Britain’s place.
What is significant regarding Truman’s actions in Greece?
He did not turn to the newly created United Nations although this may have been because he thought the USSR would use the power of veto.
What are the possible motivations between the Truman Doctrine?
Keep S Union from aiding communists in Greece, protect democracy, not aggressive, provoke SU, make SU seem like enemy, developing power, make other states dependent on USA, step towards containment as US policy.
What was the Truman Doctrine?
- Aid provided to help other countries to resist communism. Under the TD, $350 mil given to Greece $50 mil to Turkey.
What was the purpose of Cominform?
To unite and coordinate the role and actions of communist groups throughout Europe in order that the Communist Party functioned as a united whole under the direction of Moscow.
Response to reconstruction of Germany through Marshall Aid- thought US was building up an anti-Soviet alliance.