Chapter Nine Flashcards
What was the Secret Speech?
February 1956. Khrushchev reported Stalin’s crimes. Stalinist system characterised by cult of personality, centralised planning, one party political system, dominance of communist party, secret police system, press censorship. Circulated throughout EE, by June 1956 reached US state department. Stability in E bloc affected, esp Poland and Hungary.
What did Khrushchev hope to achieve through de-Stalinisation?
Redefine relationship between Soviet Union and EE block satellite states. Long term pol stability, economic growth, improved living conditions without changing basic structure of com system.
What happened after the Secret Speech in Poland?
Econom grievances led to anti-Communist uprising. Gomulka (who had been removed by Stalin) elected First Secretary of Pol Com Party. Met with Khrush who threatened mil intervention if no cooperation. Force not used partly due to support from China.
What were the impacts of Poland?
Many Poles now supported Gomulka. Showed Moscow would allow satellites a measure of national independence if regimes were led by trustworthy men. Increasing role played by China.
What happened after the Secret Speech in Hungary?
Stidents demonstrated, 16 demands including appointment of Nagy as PM and withdrawl of Sov troops, free spech, multi-party elections. Armed revolt. Nagy made PM, met with Soviet delegation to reassure intervention not necessary. Khrushchev agreed to withdraw forces.
How did the situation change in Hungary after Khrushchev agreed to withdraw forces?
Moscow reversed decision, feared collapse of communism in Hungary and put forces back in Hungary. Nagy then withdrew from Warsaw Pact, declared neutrality. Budapest surrounded by Red Army, rising crushed and new government installed.
What did events in Hungary show?
Lack of intervention from the West confirmed that the post War status quo had been accepted, UN also did not interfere. Moves towards peaceful coexistence were compromised. Need for pol and soc reform in EE.
What was Khruschev’s stance on the Cold War? Speech at the 20th Congress of the Communist Party of the Soviet Union.
Abandoned conventional Marxist-Leninist view that War between socialist and com camps was inveitable. View that communism would be victorious without War. Expansion of nuclear capacity, but spending on mil security reduced, international tension defused. Wanted to adopt policy of peaceful coexistence. Consolidate Soviet power by existing in less volatile environment.
What had Stalinist aggression led to?
Escalation of expenses and debt when Khrushchev wanted focus on Soviet resources on domestic developments.
What was the Austrian State Treaty, 1955?
Led to withdrawl of all occupying powers and declaration that Austria would be a neutral state. Finland and Yugoslavia were the other neutral states. Austria removed potential source of conflict (could be like Germany) and showed a serious intent to mutual cooperation. Following the treaty, the Western powers removed their occupation forces from West Germany.
Why did Khrushchev organise the Geneva Summit?
He accepted need for flexibility in Soviet policy. Wanted to slow arms race down. Use forces to ensure compliance between EE states for security rather than CW. Wanted to promote internal development in SU. Also May 1955 West Germany was admitted into NATO, rearmament began and USA placed large and permanent force of troops in Europe
When was the Geneva Summit and what two major issues were discussed?
September 1955. Discussed nuclear disarmament (Eisenhower’s Open Skies Proposal) and the future of Germany (Eisenhower proposed a reunified Germany).
What was the Open Skies Proposal?
Called for each side to provide details of military installations and allow aerial reconnaissance, even one or more of crew could be representative of inspecting nation.
What did Eisenhower propose regarding the Future of Germany?
Reunified Germany, free elections and Germany’s freedom to ensure its own security (effectively part of NATO). Khrushchev would only contemplate reunification if a future Germany was demilitarised and neutral. Also refused to discuss future of Eastern bloc states. Agreed on principle of free election, no procedures set up.
What was the value of the Geneva Summit 1955?
Beginning of a dialogue between the superpowers. Open Skies Proposal refused and no procedure set up for Germany’s reunification.
What were the Camp David talks and what did they lead to?
Khrushchev became the first Soviet leader to visit the USA in the Camp David talks with Eisenhower 1959. Discussed disarmament and Berlin. Camp David talks led to Paris Summit May 1970.
How did the Paris Summit Collapse?
With the news that an American U2 Spy Plane had been shot down while on a mission over the Soviet Union.
When did Kennedy take office? What was his perspective on peaceful coexistence?
Took office January 1961 and seemed to oppose peaceful coexistence, increasing the defence budget and promising more flexible conventional forces. He also favoured an expansion of the USA’s nuclear arsenal.
After Kennedy and Khrushchev met for the first time in June 1961 in Vienna, what was Khrushchev’s perspective of Kennedy?
Regarded Kennedy as young and politically vulnerable, a view reinforced by the Bay of Pigs.