Chapter Six Flashcards
What was agreed at Potsdam regarding Korea?
Korean peninsula was to be taken from the control of the Japanese and divided into two zones of occupation at the 38th parallel with Soviets in North and US in South.
Who were the leaders of the North and South? What were they committed to?
North= Kim Il Sung and South= Syngman Rhee. USA and USSR wanted leaders they could control. Both were committed to a united Korea under one single leaders.
What was Kim Il Sung’s stance?
Feared US-Japanese relationship. Committed to using force as the vehicle for a united Korea and began the use of guerrilla action to destabilise the South and undermine Rhee’s regime. Adopted strategy based on winning external support.
What did Kim Il Sung do to win the support of China and the USSR in his aim to restore a united Korea?
Wanted to use the power of the communist world to increase the North’s strength against South Korea and its Western allies. Undermined Stalin’s support when talking to Mao and Mao’s when talking to Stalin.
How did Kim Il Sung win Stalin’s support?
Said it would be a decisive and rapid victory, with 200,000 communist supporters already in the South, and a well-organised guerrilla force. USA would not have the time to intervene.
What was Stalin’s response to Kim Il Sung March 1949 and how did this change by 1950?
Rejected Kim Il Sung, suggested strengthening of the guerrilla force in the South. But by Feb 1950 China was communist, Americans had not included SK in their Defensive Perimeter.
What were Stalin’s thoughts regarding the Korean War?
Concerned a war in Korea might bring in the US, leading to US Soviet conflict which could spread into Europe. United communist Korean state would strength Soviet borders, presurise Japan, econ opps for USSR, and Kim Il Sung may turn to China, undermining Sov influence and by 1950 USSR had nuclear tech.
What did Stalin do for North K? Why?
Provided military equipment, not Soviet troops. Decided indirect military support was the best option as a war would draw the USA into the conflict. Particularly due to USSR’s inferiority regarding nuclear weaponry.
What was Mao’s attitude to Korea?
Not concerned. 1949 focused on his own conttry and regaining control of Taiwan. Did not intervene even as late as Apr 1950 Mao was determined to take no action. Didn’t want to be involved in global struggle between cap and com.
Why did China get involved in the War?
US fleet positioned itself between China and Taiwan triggered involvement. Also had to be seen to support fellow communists in struggle against capitalism. China’s image would be tranished. Pressure from Stalin. Intervened Nov 1950.
What did Dean G Acheson state regarding the purpose of NK May 1951?
Purpose was to destabilise Japan, Southeast Asia and the Philippines, even influence position in Europe. Far East and stability in Europe at risk. What the invasion represented was what alarmed the US. No longer secondary important to Japan.
How did the US intervene in the Korean War?
Through the UN, which removed responsibility from the USA but ensured an international response was coordinated to achieve the ends it wanted. This prevented a rapid NK victory and was led by General MacArthur.
What happened Oct 1950?
Mao sent 300,000 Chinese troops across North Korea after the UN forces had pushed NK troops back to the 38th parallel. By Jan 1951 the Chinese forces went back across the 38th parallel into the South and captured Seoul.
When and why was MacArthur dismissed?
April 1951. He wanted to commit the USA further into a struggle for the reunification of Korea through using atomic weaponry and Truman feared an extension of the War and the USSR being brought into it.
When did he negotiations start and finish? Why did they take so long?
Started July 1951 but not until July 1953 armistice was agreed. Because Rhee wanted to commit USA to stronger ties with SK. Stalin died 1953 which removed significant factor March.
What was the outcome of the War in Korea?
Long term security of both North and South protected. No further warfare would take place. Although an uneasy stability insued which continues to this day.
What was the outcome of the War in Taiwan?
Long term security guarentted by USA. China could not absorb island, US determined Taiwan remain under Nationalist control.
What was the outcome of the War in the USSR?
Economic pressure on USSR so Stalin accelerated industrialisation of EE= massive reduction in availability of consumer goods= reaction against communism.
How did the Korean War impact Europe?
Military resources in West Europe strengthened, allowed to rearm, long term future of Germany still uncertain. Deepening of Cold War uncertainty IN Europe.