Chapter Seven Flashcards
By 1951, what happened concerning communism concerning the USA?
USSR successfully tested atomic weaponry, China was communist, Sino-Soviet aliliance, NK invaded SK, China supported NK.
After the Korean War 1953, what as the mood like in the US public?
Anti-Communist mood growing, contributed to by Joseph McCarthy.
What was the scandal surrounding Alger Hiss?
Alger Hiss convicted of having lied about passing on info to USSR whilst working for US state department. Sparked criticism of Truman’s foreign policy. Had been investigated by House of UnAmerican Activities Committee.
What was McCarthy’s role in the growing mood of anti-Communism and criticism of Truman?
Thought Truman was too soft on communism, K War would not have happened if Truman had supported Chinese nationalists against Mao Zedong, and was and responsible for loss of China. Wanted to tighten government’s attitude towards notion of global plot threatening USA and promoted idea that there was army of communists working within US like Alger Hiss.
What claim did McCarthy make in 1954?
‘Reds’ had infiltrated the US army. Dec 1954 US senate voted in favour of McCarthy’s guilt for having brought the body into disrepute. Finished McCarthy and those who supported him. FBI leader Hoover referred to teachers as ‘Reducators’.
What was the influence of McCarthy?
Shifted attention from Europe to Far East- more Asia first viewpoint. Viewpoint that Asia was less secure than Europe.
What was Britains stance in the Cold War 1950s?
Could no longer maintain pre-War role as USA’s main partner. Increasingly concerned about aggressive stance of US e.g in Korea may lead to USSR destabilising Europe when USA was focused on Far East. Saw ‘Asia first’ policy as dangerous. But still wanted to remain US close ally so made significant military contribution to allied War effort in Korea.
Who were the members of UN (formed 1945, Yalta)
Pro-Western membership, so was USA’s natural ally. Majority were part of NATO and had received economic aid 1948. Only EE state part of UN was Poland.
What happened regarding China and UN which enhanced the USA’s dominane?
Its seat was given to Taiwan so a potential challenge to US dominance was excluded.
What was the pattern of veto of the Security Council (decision making arm of UN)?
China- 1 France- 2 Britain- 0 US- 0 USSR- 75
What view became central to US thinking? Enhancing the importance of NATO?
Notion that communism was a global threat, and therefore needed a global response.
What alarmed the US about the Sino-Soviet alliance 1949?
It appeared to consolidate communist political and military power in the region and it reinforced the USA’s need to develop its own power base in that part of the world. Japan= crucial element.
What did Stalin want from his alliance with China?
Was to work to the USSR’s advantage rather than open up wider international opportunities for Chinese. Consolidate USSR’s security in the Far East, strengthen USSR’s power as CW protagonist, forced US to focus on Asia, so focus in Europe decreased which was to USSR’s advantage.
How did KW reinforce Chinas isolation?
Stalin refused to commit Soviet troops but was willing to see Chinese troops involved weakened China’s international status. USA also refused to accept China’s entry into the UN.
What were the main impacts of the Korean War?
China’s isolation, pre-War status quo restored, US commitment to protect Taiwan, USA ore committed to prtectin communism across Asia. Role in 1950s= global policeman, USA.
What influence did Joseph McCarthy have?
Helped to promote a shift of attention from Europe to the Far East. Idea that Asia was much less secure than Europe. Connection between those in America who already rejected the Eurocentric focus and the McCarthy factor served to stregthen the shift towards a more clearly defined ‘Asia first’ policy. Although had little impact on Britain.