Chapter Four Flashcards
What was the Allied Control Council?
ACC. The allies coordinated the actions of their zones through the ACC, enabling economic and political unity in Germany. Decisions had to be unanimous, enabling each power to remain independent of the other.
What did Stalin intend to do regarding the installation of Communism in the Soviet zone?
Although willing to accept the founding of 4 pol parties he intended for the communists to emerge the dominant group so the Social Democrats and Communists were merged, forming the German Socialist Unity party. Social Democrats were unhappy with this however, and his aim to control German politics failed. By merging the Social Democrats and Communists, Stalin breached ACC agreement.
What actions did Stalin take in his own zone?
Wanted to turn it into a Satellite State. Began nationalisation of large industrial production and compulsory tuition in the Russian language for school pupils. Same process to in EE.
Why was the British zone important and what concern did this bring?
22.5 mil people. Costly to feed increasing dependency on US. Included Ruhr Industrial region- at the centre of German economic recovery. Concerned by Soviet (who could take reparations, weaken Germany economically= communism) and French efforts to control Ruhr.
By 1946 Spring, what was the concern of the British regarding Germany?
That a revived Germany may cooperate with the USSR or become dominated by it. Became committed to merger of US and Brit zones.
What was George Kennan clear about regarding the USA in Germany?
The USA must develop in its zone independence and economic security, ensuring it would be safe against potential threat from EE states.
How was France in disagreement with the allies?
Wanted dismemberment of Germany and internationalisation of Ruhr. Wanted Germany to become number of small independent states. ACC could not function effectively.
What did the USA and Britain want regarding their zones’ economies?
By 1946 they were keen to establish a degree of economic recovery.
What dispute continued with the USSR?
Over the scale of reparations. Soviets removed Industrial plant and other resources from Germany to restore own industrial recovery. May 1946 G Clay announced no further reparations would be allowed until there was a plan for German econ recovery.
What was Bizonia?
Formed January 1947. British and American zones were merged economically. Indication 4 power control had failed, along with Marshall Aid. Soviets were opposed and demanded a new central admin should be created.
Why was the decision taken to introduce a new currency (Deutsche Mark) into the Western zones?
Move zones towards greater economic stability and represent the beginnings of the formation of a separate and distinct West German state. 1948.
What was the Berlin Blockade?
June 1948 day after Deutsche Mark was introduced. Soviet Union blocked all road and rail links to Western zones and West Berlin through the Soviet zone.
What was Bevin (Brit For Sec, prime mover in allied response) adamant about regarding the response to the blockade?
Allies must not use military force to access West Berlin but must keep it supplied with essentials. US General Clay agreed, believed withdrawal would threaten future of democracy= Berlin Airlift.
When did Stalin end the blockade?
May 1949. He failed in his aim to prevent the creation of a separate West German state. Containment had proved to be a success and by 1949 Europe was clearly divided.
When were the plans for a split Germany finalised?
Early 1949.
What was the USSR’s attitude to this split Germany?
Initially reluctant to establish a permanent division, since the objective was to create a pro-Soviet, united Germany.
What was the political situation in Eastern Germany?
Despite democratic facade, constitution was based on one-party state system with SED (Socialist and Communism combined) as the party for voter choice.
What was the Western European Union? 1948
European Defence organisation including Brit, France, Benelux countries. To prevent any form of German resurgence which may be threatening to democracy. European states were signalling to the USA that Europe was under threat from communist advance and for US to take more of a proactive role.
What was NATO?
April 1949. Means of reassuring Western European states in face of possible Soviet military aggression. Soviets viewed NATO as an aggressive organisation to pressurise states into complying with interests of Brit, USA and allies.