Chapter Thirteen Flashcards
What was a clear approach to Johnson’s thinking regarding the Vietnam War?
In the first few months, he viewed all of Vietnam’s options through the lens of the 1964 election. His overall thinking however, was to secure a quick victory without the War becoming ‘Americanised’. This led to Oplan 34A in January 1964. After he won the election, he wanted to escalate the USA’s role- armed reconnaissance strikes and graduated military response against N.
What was Oplan 34A?
A strategy based on covert action ‘progressively escalating pressure to inflict increasing punishment upon North Vietnam’.
How did Johnson continue Kennedy’s approach?
He increased the number of military advisors from 16,300 to 23,3000 and stuck to the counterinsurgency strategy so favoured by Kennedy.
What was the opinion of the USA’s Western European allies towards Johnson’s approach?
Support from the international community began to disminish and France’s leader, Charles De Gaulle, warned Johnson that increased involvement could lead to a repeat of France’s failed experience in Indochina. Concern regarding South Vietnam’s capacity to carry out a war. France called for a policy of neturalism (ending all South Vietnam’s military links with external states, leaving it open to North).
Lack of international support led tothe USA’s delay of significant involvement in the War by mid 1964.
What was the Gulf of Tonkin Resolution, August 1964?
Attack on a US Naval Vessel by North Vietnamese in the Gulf of Tonkin led to congress giving Johnson freedom to take whatever action he deemed necessary in Vietnam, without consulting them
Robert McNamara believed it worked ‘to open the flood gates’.
President Johnson ordered the bombing of NV naval bases.
What was the situation like in Vietnam by the end of 1964?
Deteriorating for the USA: China provided military supplies to North Vietnam. USSR established links with the National Liberation Front. First NV forces moved down Ho Chi Minh Trail. Bombing response to Gulf of Tonkin had little effect on SV Government. ARVN low morae. Vitecong strengthening in SV.
What attempts were made towards a diplomatic settlement?
Offers were made by UN Secretary-General U Thant to arrange talks, but USA declined, Canadians also made efforts. Hanoi sent subtle indications it was willing to negotiate.
Johnson believed that, faced with the economic and military might of the USA, North Vietnam would back down
What was a significant turning point in February 1965?
Johnson ordered Operation Rolling Thunder. A bombing campaign from 1965 to 1968. Marked the start of both the Americanisation of the war and its escalation in terms of US involvement.
What happened the day after Johnson’s speech?
North Vietnam offered a four point proposal.
US troops must withdraw from South Vietnam, neither North nor South may enter into any military alliance with a foreign power, SV’s internal affairs must be settled by the people of the South, and they must also settle the peaceful reunification of Vietnam.
Why did Johnson reject the Four Point Proposal?
Believed that acceptance may have led to a unified and communist Vietnamese state. Instead he decided to escalate the USA’s military role July 1965.
The North viewed this as a clear indication that the USA was not merely preparing for the defence of SV- so strengthened the resolve of the NV leaders to continue the revolution in the South.
What were the strengths of the USA?
Economic might. Meant they had modern equipment in plentiful supply. Airfields and helicopter landing pads constructed. Helicopter= crucial due to delivery of troops, recovery and attack weapon.
Why did the USA’s bombing tactic fail?
USA used bombing to destroy North Vietnam’s economy and undermine the Vietcong and Northern forces in the South. Failed.
North V was mostly agrian country, with few but disguised, military targets. Few centres of industrial production. Efort undermined by fact that NV lost resources were replaced through aid from China and USSR.
What was Operation Ranch Hand?
Used to undermine the ability of the Vietcong to operate as guerrilla fighters in dense Vietnamese jundlges. Kennedy early as 1962 approved Op Ranch Hand- spraying chemicals to defoliate jingles and emove cover the enemy exploited.
Agent Orange: destroys trees, causes deformities in kids.
Agent Blue: destroys crops, less food,
Anti-Personnel Bombs: thousands of pellets freed in explosions. Indiscriminate, many civilians were victims.
Napalm: indiscriminate weapon delivered by air^. Gel spread over wide area and when landed set on fire.
What was Search and Destroy?
Strategy intended to find and destroy the enemy in the jungle and rural villages. Forces would arrive by helicopter and search for Vietcong. Impossible to identify, many innocents killed, livestock and food and housing destroyed and undermined US efforts to win the ‘hearts and mnds’ of the Vietnamese people and helped recruitment of Vietcong.
What were the weaknesses of the US?
By 1968 the strengths of the US were outweighed by the weaknesses. SV was uncommitted to struggle, frequently avoided action, troops not well trained. US forces weakened by widespread tv and press coverage. Vivil tights campaigners opposed it e.g Martin Luther King speech April 1967. Black Americans victims of failure to carry out social reform. Many blacks drafted into US army.
What were the strengths of North Vietnam?
Determination of troops and ingenuity in battle. Knew the country and its people. Received support from both China and the USSR. Vietcong strengthened by ability to recruit anti-American SV peasants. Could use violence against them. Used Guerrila tactics to undermine US morale: tunnel systems, booby taps, trip wires, ambushing, no uniform.
What was the Ho Chi Minh trail?
Supply route. Passed through both Cambodia and Laos into South Vietnam. Crucial supply line for men and equipment. Regular target from US attacks but never fully disabled.
What were the weaknesses of North Vietnam?
Dependency on bth the USSR and China. North’s economy could not sustain a prolonged war, even one based on guerrilla tactics. Also no guarenteed support among many South Vietnamese peasants. Apparent when planned uprising among them at Tet never happened.
What was the Tet Offensive, Jan-Feb 1968?
During traditional holiday period linked to Tet relgious celebrations Vietcong launched a series of simultaneous military attacks against US targets in over hundred towns and cities in DV to stimulate mass uprising against Americans.
Fghting took place around Hue. No rapid US victory but in Feb the South V flag flew over city again- military defeat.
What were the results of the Tet Offensive?
25000 Vietcong killed, 5000 captured. Showed that the war had reached a stalemate for US- turning point. Turned many Americans against the war. Clark Clifford, Secretary of Defense advised de-escalation
Psychological rather than military defeat for US, showed end to War would not be quick.
March 1968 Johnson announced he did not want to stand for re-election.