Chapter Six Flashcards
Social Deviance
Any transgression of socially established norms
Primary Deviance
The first act of rule breaking that may be given a label of “deviant” and thus influence how people think about and act towards you
Secondary Deviance
Subsequent acts of rule breaking that occur after primary deviance and as a result of your new deviant label and peoples expectations of you
Social Cohesion
Social bonds; how well people relate to each other and get along on a day-to-day basis
Mechanical Solidarity
Cohesion based on sameness
Organic Solidarity
Social cohesion based on difference and interdependence of the parts
Social Control
Set of mechanisms that create normative compliance in individuals
Formal Social Sanctions
Rules or laws that prohibit deviant behavior
Informal Social Sanctions
Unspoken rules and expectations about the behavior of individuals (ex. disapproving looks, shunning, disapproving comments)
Social Integration
The extent to which you are integrated into your social group or community
Social Regulation
The number of rules guiding your daily life, and more specifically, what you can reasonably expect from the world on a day-to-day basis
Strain Theory
Robert Merton’s theory that deviance occurs when society does not give all of its members equal ability to achieve socially acceptable goals
an individual who accepts both the goals and means
An individual accepts the means, but not the goals
A social deviant who accepts goals, but not the means
Those who reject both goals and means by completely retreating from, or not participating in society
Individuals who reject both traditional goals and means and want to alter or destroy the social institutions from which he or she is alienated
Labeling Theory
The belief that individuals subconsciously notice how others see or label them, and their reactions to those labels over time form the basis of their self identity
A negative social label that not only changes others behavior toward a person, but also alters that persons own self-concept and social identity
Broken Windows Theory of Deviance
Theory explaining how social cues impact whether individuals acts deviantly – specifically whether local, informal social norms allow deviant acts
Deterrence Theory
Philosophy of criminal justice arising from the notion that crime results from a rational calculation of its costs and benefits
When an individual who has been involved with the criminal justice system reverts to criminal behavior
Foucault’s “Panopticon”
A circular building composed of an inner ring and an outer ring designed to serve as a prison in which the guards, housed in the inner ring, can observe the prisoners without the detainees knowing whether they are being watched
Egoistic Suicide
Suicide that occurs when one is not well integrated into a social group
Suicide that occurs when one experiences too much social integration
Anomic Suicide
Suicide that occurs as a result of insufficient social regulation
Fatalistic Suicide
Suicide that occurs as a result of too much social regulation
Street Crime
Crime committed in public and often associated with violence, gangs and poverty
White Collar Crime
Offense committed by a professional(s) against a corporation, agency or other institution