Chapter One Vocab Flashcards
The science or practice of drawing maps
Contagious diffusion
Rapid, widespread diffusion of a characteristic through a population
Cultural Ecology
Study of human adaptations to their social and physical environments
Social behavior and norms Found in human societies
The frequency of something in a given area
The process of a trend or feature spreading to other places over time
Distance decay
The importance of something diminishing as it gets farther from its origin
The arrangement of something across earths surface
Environmental determinism
How physical environment causes human activities
Imaginary line going across earth to separate northern and Southern Hemispheres
Expansion diffusion
Spread of a feature or trend to other places in a snowballing effect
Formal region
Area where everyone shares at least one characteristic
Friction of distance
Based on the notion that distance usually requires some type of energy or money
Functional region
Area organized around a focal point
System that stores, organizes,analyses and displays geographical data
System that finds the precise location of something using satellite
Gravity model
Potential service in a location is based on the population and how far a person must travel to reach the service
Hierarchical diffusion
Spread of a feature of trend made by one person or node of authority to other places
The region from which innovative ideas originate
International date line
Line on 180 degree line that splits the days on the earth. If you move to east side of earth the clock goes back 24 hours. Via versa
Lines going from north to south used to find specific location
Lines going east to west used to find exact location
Mercator projection
Cylindrical map projection used everywhere. Very common map
A representation of something. Usually a smaller scale then the original
Physical environment may set limits on human actions but have the ability to adjust the environment
Prime meridian
Line going north to south on the zero degree line used to find points on earth
System used to transfer locations from earths surface to a flat map
Relocation diffusion
Spread of a trend through bodily movement of people from one place to another
Remote sensing
Data about earths surface from a satellite orbiting earth
Robinson projection
Projection that shows all of earths surface all at once
Relationship between the size of an object one map and the size of the actual feature
Physical characteristic of a place
The location of a place relative to other places
Space-time compression
The reduction in the time it takes to diffuse something to a distant place, as a result of improved communications and transportation systems
Spatial analysis
Type of geographical analysis which seeks to explain patterns of human behaviors
Stimulus diffusion
Spread of an underlying principle, even though a specific characteristic is rejected
Time zones
A region of the earth that follows a specific time
Toblers first law
Everything is related to each other but closer things are more related
Place name
Uneven development
The increasing gap in economic conditions between core and peripheral regions
Vernacular region
Area that people believe exists as part of their cultural identity