Chapter 9 Development Flashcards
Asian dragons
highly developed economies of Hong Kong, Singapore, South Korea and Taiwan. These regions were the first newly industrialized countries.
Brandt Line
Line dividing MDCs and LDCs
Core perphiery
explain the structural relationship between the advanced or metropolitan ‘centre’ and a less developed ‘periphery
Developed country
Country high is development
Developing country
Country growing in development
Growing in tech, med, Ed, etc
Fair trade
trade in which fair prices are paid to producers in developing countries.
Foreign direct investment
investment in the form of a controlling ownership in a business in one country by an entity based in another country.
Gender empowerment measure
Equal rights and opportunities between genders
Gender development index
Measure gender equality
Relatively developed country
Country mostly developed
Country with more dev
Gross domestic product
the total value of goods produced and services provided in a country during one year.
Human development index
used to rank countries into four tiers of human development.
Country with less dev
Literacy rate
% of people with reading and writing capabilities
Millennium dev goals
Millennium Development Goals by 2015: To eradicate extreme poverty and hunger. To achieve universal primary education. To promote gender equality and empower women.
Primary sector
Natural resource gathering
Secondary sector
Related to primary industry
Tertiary sector
Provide services to customers
Quaternary sector
Large scale products
Structural adjustment program
Loans to countries w economic crisis from world bank and international Monterey fund
Amount of product made in a time
Rostows model
The model postulates that economic growth occurs in five basic stages, of varying length
Self sufficiency
Working in a country with out imports and exports
Transnational Corp
Company with many places around world
Value added
value of an article is increased at each stage of its production