Ch 12 Services Flashcards
Basic industry
Industrial sector which exports all or nearly all of its production
Non basic industries
A non-basic industry provides support services to a basic industry
Central place theory
Central place theory is a geographical theory that seeks to explain the number, size and location of human settlements in a residential system. The theory was created by the German geographer Walter Christaller, who asserted that settlements simply functioned as ‘central places’ providing services to surrounding areas
City state
a city that with its surrounding territory forms an independent state.
Clustered rural settlement
rural settlement in which the houses and farm buildings of each family are situated close to each others fields and surround the settlement. A rural settlement pattern characterized by isolated farms rather than clustered villages
Dispersed rural settlement
A dispersed settlement, also known as a scattered settlement, is one of the main types of settlement patterns used by landscape historians to classify rural settlements found in England and other parts of the world. Typically, there are a number of separate farmsteads scattered throughout the area
Enclosure movement
that was a cause of the industrial revolution in England. The enclosure movement was this: wealthy farmers bought land from small farmers, then benefited from economies of scale in farming huge tracts of land
Hierarchy of services
A settlement hierarchy is a way of arranging settlements into a hierarchy based upon their population or some other criteria. The term is used by landscape historians and in the National Curriculum for England. … Position in a settlement hierarchy can also depend on the sphere of influence.
Hierarchy of settlements
settlement hierarchy is a way of arranging settlements into a hierarchy based upon their population or some other criteria
the often uncharted areas beyond a coastal district or a river’s banks
Long lot settlement
How they came to be. The early French government tried to transplant a vestigial form of feudalism, the seigneurial system, to its possessions in Canada. It granted large acreages of land to seigneurs, who were expected to bring in tenants to settle and work the land
Market area
DMA is an abbreviation for the designated market area. Nielsen Media Research, a leading research firm based in New York City, measures audience viewership that indirectly determines whether or not shows are canceled or extended. … They then generate Nielsen ratings for television stations across the country
Metes and bounds survey
A principal legal type of land description in the United States, metes-and-bounds descriptions are commonly used wherever survey areas are irregular in size and shape. The land boundaries are run out by courses and distances, and monuments, natural or artificial, are fixed at the corners, or angles
Periodic market
authorised public gathering of buyers and sellers of commodities at an appointed place at regular intervals. Market centres are the places to which consumers travel to buy or exchange goods
Primate city
is the largest city in its country or region
the distance within which something can be reached or perceived
Rank size rule
commonly observed statistical relationship between the population sizes and population ranks of a nation’s cities
Rectangular survey
provides for a unit of land approximately 24 miles square, bounded by base lines running east and west, and meridians running north and south. This 24 mile square is divided into areas six miles square called townships. Townships are further divided into 36 sections, each one mile square
place, typically one that has hitherto been uninhabited, where people establish a community
the magnitude or intensity that must be exceeded for a certain reaction, phenomenon, result, or condition to occur or be manifested
Township range survey
The first six miles north of the base line is township one north written T. 1 N., running from 0 to 6 miles north of the base line. … S. would, therefore, be 18 to 24 miles south of the base line. RANGE measures EAST or WEST from the PRINCIPAL MERIDIAN which is a designated meridian
the process of making an area more urban
World city
a cosmopolitan city, with resident and visiting foreigners