Chapter Fourteen Flashcards
the use of modern technology for criminal purposes
use of computer networks for criminal profits. Illegal copyright infringement, identity theft, and internet securities fraud are examples
malicious attacks aimed at disrupting, defacing, and destroying technology
using cyberspace for acts of war, including spying and disrupting an enemy’s computer network
internet attacks against an enemy nation’s technological infrastructure
ATM skimming
using an electronic device or camera of an ATM that copies information from a bank card’s magnetic strip whenever a customer uses the machine or photographs their key strokes
computer network that can only be accessed using nonstandard communications protocols and ports with restricted access that can only be opened with specific software configurations
denial-of-service attacks
extorting money from an Internet service user by threatening to prevent the user from having access to the service
a term used by computer hackers and software pirates to describe a game or application that is made available for use on the Internet in violation of its copyright protection
identity theft
using the internet to steal someone’s identity and/or impersonate the victim in order to conduct illicit transactions such as committing fraud using the victim’s name and identity
sometimes called carding or brand spoofing. It is a scam where the perpetrator sends out emails appearing to come from legitimate web enterprises in an effort to get the recipient to reveal personal and financial information
targeting specific victims, sending them emails that contain accurate information about their lives obtained from social networking sites, and asking them to open an email attachment where malware harvests details such as usernames, passwords, bank account details, credit card numbers, and other personal information
etailing fraud
illegally buying and/or selling merchandise on the Internet
a malicious software program
computer worms
programs that attack computer networks by self-replicating and sending themselves to other users, generally via email, without the aid of the operator
Trojan horse program
computer program that looks like a benign application but contains illicit codes that can damage the system operations. They do not replicate themselves like viruses, but are just as destructive
logic bomb #1
a program that is secretly attached to a computer system, monitors the networks work output, and waits for a particular signal such as a date to appear,
logic bomb #2
also known as a slag code, it is a type of delayed action virus that may be set off when a program user makes a certain input that sets it in motion. Can cause problems ranging from printing a spurious message to deleting or corrupting data
website defacement
type of cybervandalism that occurs when a computer hacker intrudes on another person’s website by inserting or substituting codes that expose visitors to the site to misleading or provocative information. Can range from humorous graffiti to corrupting the site
use of the Internet, email, or other electronic communications devices to stalk another person
willful and repeated harm inflicted through the medium of electronic text
illegally using the internet to gather information that is considered private and confidential
efforts by intelligence agencies to penetrate computer networks of an enemy nation in order to steal important data
transnational organized crime
criminal conspiracies that cross national and international borders and involve the planning and execution of illicit ventures by groups or networks of individuals working in more than one country
Racketeer Influenced and Corrupt Organizations Act
federal legislation that enables prosecutors to bring additional criminal or civil charges against people whose multiple criminal acts constitute a conspiracy. RICO includes monetary penalties that allow the confiscation of all profits derived from criminal activities. It is now used against both organized criminals and white collar criminals