chapter 9 water and minerals Flashcards
body water depletion
dehydration can increase risk of
very high body temp
dehydration can be caused by
restricting fluid intake, profuse sweating, combination
critically important nutrient
without water, a person can live for
less than 2 weeks
7 major minerals
calcium, chloride, magnesium, phosphorus, potassium, sodium, sulfur
9 trace minerals
chromium, copper, flouride, iodine, iron, manganese, molybdenum, selenium, zinc
6 possible essential minerals
arsenic, boron, lithium, nickel, silicon, vanadium
major minerals
essential mineral elements required in amounts of 100mg or more per day
trace minerals
essential mineral elements required in amounts less than 100mg per day
possible essential minerals
essential roles in the body of these minerals has not been fully determined
water makes up ___% body weight
___ tissue contains more water than ___ tissue
lean muscle, fat
body water content ___ with age
water functions
component of blood, saliva, sweat, tears, mucus, joint fluid
removes waste
helps transport substances
lubricate tissues
regulate body temp
help digest food
chemical reactions
maintain blood pH
simple diffusion
movement of substances from a region of higher concentration to lower concentration
diffusion of a solvent through a selectively permeable membrane from an area of lower concentration to higher
selectively permeable membrane
barrier that allows the passage of certain substances and prevents the movement of other substances
intracellular fluid
fluid inside cells, 2/3 body water
extracellular fluid
surrounding cells, blood plasma
balance between intracellular and extracellular fluids and proper hydration is maintained by
controlling the ion concentration in each compartment
elements or small molecules with electrical charges
ions that conduct electricity
common electrolytes
sodium, calcium, potassium, magnesium, chloride, phosphate, sulfate
intracellular molecules
potassium, phosphate
extracellular molecules
sodium, chloride
AI for total water
11 cups females, 15.5 cups males
total water intake
water ingested by consuming beverages and foods
metabolic water
water formed by cells as a metabolic byproduct
the essential balancing act
typical daily water intake=daily water lost by body
essential balancing act average
2.6 quarts/day, 2500ml
environmental factors influencing water intake and output
temperature, humidity, altitude
physiological factors influencing water intake and output
fever, vomitting, diarrhea
lifestyle practices influencing water intake and output
exercise, sodium and alcohol intake
body water secreted by sweat glands in skin
major regulator of the body’s water content and ion concentrations
kidneys maintain proper hydration by
filtering excess ions and water from blood, excrete excesses in urine
main component of urine
kidneys remove
drugs and metabolic wastes
dehydration ____ the likelihood of forming kidney stones
substance that increases urine production
water conservation protects against
water conservation involves hormones
ADH, aldosterone
urine volume is based on
fluid intake
straw colored (light yellow) urine can indicate
adequate hydration
dark colored urine may be a sign of
1-2% body water loss symptoms
fatigue, thirst
4% body water loss symptoms
loss of muscular strength and endurance
7-10% body water loss symptoms
severe weakness
20% body water loss symptoms
coma and death
water intoxication
condition that occurs when too much water consumed in a short time period or the kidneys have difficulty filtering water from blood
excess water dilutes the normal sodium concentration of blood causing
hyponatremia signs and symptoms
drowsiness, nausea, vomiting, confusion, poor muscular coordination, weight gain
minerals are a group of elements in
earths rocks, soils, and natural water sources
minerals cannot be synthesized by
plants, animals, other living things
some minerals function as
metallic ion or small molecule that activates certain chemical reactions
bone health minerals
calcium, phosphorus, iron, zinc, copper, manganese, fluoride, magnesium
transmission of nerve impulses minerals
sodium, potassium, chloride, calcium
fluid balance minerals
sodium, potassium, chloride, phosphorus, magnesium
blood clotting mineral
RBC formation minerals
iron, copper
muscle contraction and relaxation minerals
sodium, potassium, calcium, magnesium
cellular metabolism minerals
iron, calcium, phosphorus, magnesium, zinc, chromium, iodine, copper, manganese
antioxidant defense minerals
selenium, zinc, copper, manganese
growth and development minerals
calcium, phosphorus, zinc
need for minerals increases during
periods of growth, pregnancy, breast feeding
in general, the more processing a plant food undergoes, the ___ its natural mineral content
most plentiful mineral in the human body
more than ___% of the body’s calcium is in bones and teeth
calcium functions
bone development and maintenance
muscle contraction
blood clot formation
nerve impulse transmission
cell metabolism
bone cells that teat down bone tissue
bone cells that add bone to where the tissue is needed
parathyroid glands secrete
parathyroid hormone when blood calcium level is too low
PTH influences
osteoclast activity and vitamin d activation
thyroid gland secretes ___ when blood calcium is high
calcitonin signals
osteoclasts to stop tearing down bone
high blood calcium level inhibits ____ secretion and activation of _____
PTH, vitamin d
which foods supply the most calcium in the American diets
fluid milk, yogurt, cheese
phytic acid
whole grains, certain seeds and beans
oxalic acid
leafy greens, sweet potatoes
good plant sources of calcium
broccoli, leafy greens
how to take calcium for better absorption
in smaller doses with meals
calcium RDA
1000-1200 mg/day
healthy adults absorb ___% of calcium in foods
during infancy and pregnancy calcium absorption can be high as ___%
vitamin ___ enhances calcium absorption
calcium UL
taking too many calcium-containing antacids or supplements can lead to
excessive calcium absorption and hypercalcemia
higher than normal concentration of calcium in blood
calcium toxicity signs/symptoms
bone pain, muscle weakness, fatigue, possible kidney stones