chapter 11: nutrition for physically active lifestyles Flashcards
physical activity
movement that results from skeletal muscle contraction
physical activities that are usually planned and structures for a purpose
physical fitness
ability to perform moderate-to-vigorous-intensities activities for a reasonable amount of time, without becoming excessively fatigued
healthy adults under 65 years of age should perform:
moderate intensity physical activity for at least ___ min a week
vigorous intensity physical activity for at least ___ min a week
____ exercises that focus on major muscle groups at least ___- a week
strength, twice
refers to the level of exertion used to perform an activity
intensity influenced by
duration and type of physical activity as well as body weight
methods of determining intensity include
physical signs such as breathing rate, ability to chat with others during the activity
use a percentage of your age-related max heart rate
calculate your age-related maximum heart rate
subtract age from 220
target heart rate zone
range of heart rate that reflects the intensity of exertion during physical activity
moderate intensity
target zone is 64-76% of age-related maximum heart rate
vigorous intensity
target zone is 77-93% of age related maximum heart rate
physical activity pyramid: top
sedentary activity
sitting, driving, watching TV, use a computer, texting, talking on the phone
physical activity pyramid: second from top
light recreational activity
2-3 days/week
bowling, walking, line dancing, doing yoga
physical activity pyramid: third from top
aerobic exercise (running, cycling, in line skating, stair stepping), flexibility exercise (stretching, lunges, toe touches, shoulder rolls), strength exercise (bicep curls, tricep presses, squats, lunges, push ups)
physical activity pyramid: bottom
activities of daily living
gardening, raking leaves, mowing the lawn, walking the dog, cleaning the house, playing with your children
aerobic exercise
physical activities that involve sustained, rhythmic contractions of large muscle groups
raise HR
aerobic exercise examples
running, jogging, rapid walking, swimming
strength exercise
activities that increase muscle mass and strength, can increase bone mass
flexibility exercise
activities that can improve the ROM of joints
cells obtain energy through a series of chemical reactions that breakdown
glucose, fatty acids, amino acids, alcohol
some of the energy stored within is captured in the high energy compound
ATP forms when
an inorganic phosphate groups bonds with ADP
glucose can be catabolized under conditions that are
anaerobic or aerobic
glucose catabolization involves
first stage of glucose oxidation occurs under
anaerobic conditions
glycolysis anaerobic involves
breaking down a glucose molecule to form two pyruvate molecules
glycolysis: if oxygen is available
each pyruvate undergoes further oxidation in a stepwise series of chemical pathways
pyruvate moves from the cytoplasm into
in mitochondria, pyruvate is completely oxidized forming
primary source of direct energy for all cells
why is glucose a better fuel than fatty acids for intense, brief exercise
cells require more oxygen to metabolize fatty acids
during short, intense exercise, lungs and heart cannot deliver enough oxygen to muscles for them to use much fat for energy
three major energy systems
PCr-ATP system
lactic acid system
oxygen system
PCr-ATP system anaerobic or aerobic
lactic acid system anaerobic or aerobic
oxygen system anaerobic or aerobic
PCr-ATP energy system
high energy compound used to reform ATP under anaerobic conditions
Per supplies energy to muscles for
10 seconds during intense events
jumping, lifting, throwing, sprinting
in anaerobic conditions, glucose is converted to pyruvate and then to
lactic acid, back to glucose
lactic acid: ATP formed can sustain
maximum physical exertion for 10-180 seconds
lactic acid is converted to
during lactic acid conversion, ___ form
hydrogen ions
most lactate enters the bloodstream, ___ removes it and converts it to
liver, glucose
during _____ exercise, muscle cells can completely metabolize glucose
low to moderate
oxygen energy system produces ____ more ATP than during anaerobic
18 times
aerobic system provides energy for
intense activities lasting 2 min or longer
when in use, example of activities: ATP
at all times
all types
when in use, example of activities:
all exercise initially, short bursts of exercise
shot put, high jump, bench press
when in use, example of activities:
high intensity training, 10-180 sec
100 meter dash
when in use, example of activities:
2min-3hours, higher the intensity higher the use
basketball, swimming, jogging
when in use, example of activities:
at rest
exercise lasting more than a few minutes
low to moderate intensity physical activity
sitting, 30 min brisk walk
when in use, example of activities:
low amounts during all exercise
slightly more during endurance exercise especially when carb fuel is lacking
long-distance running
aerobic capacity
maximal oxygen intake during vigorous physical exertion
simple way to know when you are nearing your aerobic capacity
when you engage in vigorous exert to the point that you cannot carry on normal conversation
aerobic capacity can be increased by
engaging in an endurance training program that gradually increases the intensity level of activities