chapter 9 - water Flashcards
how long can a person live without food
30-45 days
how long can a person live without water
3-5 cays
what percent of nomrla adult body weight is constitents of water
why is percent of water higher in males
bc they have more muscle tissues and water content of muscle tissue is higher than fat
percent of water content in newborms
what is the two compartments of body water
intracellular fluid (ICF) - 65% of total body fluit
extracellular fluid - water outside the cells and accounts for about 35% of total body fluid (intravascular - 9%and interstitial fluids - 26%)
water in blood plasma
solvent for nutrient and waste products and help transport both to and from body cells through blood
necessary for hydroloysis of nutrients in cells making it ssential for metabolism
lubricant in joints and in digestion
cools body through perspiration and provide osme mineral elements
how much does 1 liter equal
33.8 oz
4.2 cupss
sources of water
drinking water
foods (fruits, veg, soiups, milk, gelatin desserts)
energy metabolism
AI for water 0-6 mo
0.7 L
AI for water 6-12 mo
0.8 L
AI for water 1-3 y
AI for water 4-8 L
AI for water 9-13 y male
AI for water 14-18 y Mae
AI for water 19-70+ male
3.7 L
AI for water 9-13 y female
AI for water 14-18 female
AI for water 19-70+
AI for water pregnancy
AI for water lactatio n
what is fluid and electrolyte balance
water lost by healthy individuals through urination, feces, persporations, and the resporatory track must be replced
what are electroylets measured in
milliequivalents/ liter
what is senisible (noticeable) water loss
lost thorugh urination
what is insensible (unnoticed) water loss
feces, perspiration, and respiration
how much urine must the body excrete daily to get reid of waste prducts of metabolism
500 mL
facotrs that lead to fluid imbalances
exposure to sun or high temp
fasting fad diet exercises wo adequate fluid replacement
fatigue, depression, laxatives, enemas, alcohol, caffeine
fever ,wound drainage, vomiting, diarrhea, heavy menstrual flow, buns, difficulty swallowing due to oral pain, fatigue, neuromuscular weakness, xcessive urinary output due to unctorled diabetes mellitus, inspidus
fluid excess
excessive sodium or water intake, venous compressio ndue to pregnancy
low protein due to anorexia
fluid retention due to renal failure, cardiac conditions, CHF, valvular disease, left ventricular failure, cirrhosis, cancer, imparied vewnous return
water flow from side w less solute to side
sidium, chlroide, potassium are solutes that maintain balance btw intraceuluar and extracelluluar fluids
what hapens when electroes in extracellular fluids are increaseed
- ICF moves out of cell to equalize concentration
- cells of hypothalamaus, mouth and tongue become dehyrdartion = thyrist
- ADH secreted when elctroyltes become too concentrated or when blood vlolume or bp is too low (vascular osmotic pressure)
what is cellular edema
water flows from ECF into cells when sodium in ECF is reduced
causes adrenal glandes eto secrete aldosterone (inc sodium absorption)
avg adult water requirement
1mL per cal consumed
signs of dehydration
low bp
dry skin
mental disorientation
history = inadequate intake of fluids
decrease in urine outpit
wt loss (3-5% for mild, 6-9% for mod, 10-15% for severe)
sunken eyes
tonngue has increased furrows and fissures
oral mocous membranes r dry
decreased skin turgor
changes in neurological status (mod to severe)
a loss of 10% of body water can cause _______
reduction in blood volume and nutrient absoprtion
kidney function is upset
a loss of 20% of body water can cause _______
circulatory failrue and death
stages of heat illness
1) heat fatigue - thirst, feeligns of weakness or fatiuge (combat w cool place, rest, and drink fluids)
2) heat cramp (loss of sodium and potassium ,causes leg cramps, and thirst)
3) heat exhaustion (thirst, dizziness, nauea, headache, profuse sweating - spong baths w cool water, 2-3 day rest, ingestion of lots of water)
4) Heat strkoe (fevere, brain and kidney damage, 911, chilled water and transported to hospital, can diet from heat stroke)
What is acid-base balance
regulation of hydrogen ions in body fluids (pH balance)
in water solution acid gives off hydrogen ions and base picks them up
HCL - acid
Ammonia - basea
blood plasma pH
intracellular fluid pH
kidney role in maintaining pH
selecting which ions to retain and which to exrete
what person eats affect aidity of urine not body
what is buffer systems
regulate hydrogen ion content in body fluids
system is mixture of weak acid and strong base
protect nature of solution
20:1 ratio for base to acid
what is body’s main buffer system
carbonic acid + sodium bicarbonate
adjusted by lugns and kidenys to suit needs
end products of metabolism are carbon dixodiade and water and they form carbonic acid
if CO2 is more concentated then medula oblongata auses breathign rate to increase
pH of avg urine
what can cause acidosis
renal failure, unctornollable diabetes mellitus, starvation, severe diarrhea
what cause cause alkaosis
body suffer loss of HCL from severe vomitting, ingesting too much alkali or too many antacid
what percent of fat mass is water
what percent of muscle tissue is water
how many liters of water do women and men need
women - 2.3 L (2.45 quarts)
men - 3.3 L (3.5 quarts)
who has increased water needs
pregnant individuals
high protein diet
Metabolism meets roughly____ percent of your
water needs.
On average, you lose about ___- quarts of fluid each day
A healthy urine output is _____ quarts per day or more
one to two
If you
produce less than ____ cups of urine per day, the urine will be concentrated with waste products.
Vigorous physical activity can cause the loss of a ____ of water in an hour.
Long-distance runners, such as marathon runners, can lose up to ____ pounds of water weight during a 26-mile race.
13 pounds during a 26 mile race
what illnesses can contribute to fluid loss
Vomiting, diarrhea, bleeding, high fever, tissue damage
When you lose ____ percent of body weight in fluids, you will become aware of the sensation of thirst.
Athletic per-formance levels decline after a ___ percent loss in water weight.
how does dehydration affect athletes
When water is lost from working muscles, blood volume decreases. The heart must pump harder to supply the same amount of energy. Mental concentration is affected as fluid losses increase. Some clear signs of dehydration are fatigue and lack of energy. Other symptoms may include dizziness, headache, muscle cramping, and reduced muscle endurance.
___ to ___% drop in body weight due ot water loss can lead to serious organ complications
10 to 11
water intoxication.
drink too much water with too little electrolytets
can occur in athletes who sweat too much; dehydration + loss of sodium; water must replenish loss sodium as well; if not then waer intxoication
water intoxication symptoms
muscle weakness
death if electrolyte imbalance is too low
greatest danger of water intoxication
for infants given plain water after diarrhea or vomiting
when diarrhea or vomitting occur, the electroyltes are lost and must also be replaced alongside water
infants are at greatest risk as they can lose bodily fluid easier than other age groups
why may people drink bottled water
- extra minerals (disproven by research)
- taste
- contaminants in water
- conveniance
what to check for when checking water purity on water bottles
IBWA approval
what do most people get (almost ) exclusively from tap water
therefore those who drink primarily bottled water are at higher risk for fluoride related tooth decay
what do enhanced water contain
added ingredients such as artificial flavors, sugar, sweeteners, vitamins, minerals, amino acids, caffeine, and other “enhancers.”
what is a sports drink
beverage with added elec-trolytes and sweeteners intended to improve and sustain energy
may be higher in added sugars an caloreis
Most often, drink-ing water and simply eating foods that contain salt, such as pretzels or tomato juice, may be sufficient