chapter 14 - weight loss Flashcards
research shows that children near school age respond more to _______
external influences and learn to bypass internal fullness cues
when is eating in response to boredom or stress learned
between age 5 and 9
triggers for overeating
more food set before us
smell or see appetizing food
boredom or stress
how can paents disrupt natural flow of feeding
putting pressur eon children to eat more or less at meals
underweight children who are coerced to eat tend to back away from food while childrens trsticted in diet to lose weight are prone to overeat
“thrifty” gene
help ancestors survive occasional shortages of food
work against us bc food is now abundantly plentiful year around
poor appetite regulation and those who have easil stimulated capacity to store body fat
modern facotrs that result in obesity
sedentary desk jobs
remote controls
time and energy-saving gadgets
24 hour available food
higher fast food and soft drink consumption
reduced freuqency of fmily meals and icnreased [ortion iszes
video games
little physical activity
what gland controls hunger
what is leptin
recieves signal from fat and intestines to make body feel full so eating will stop
what is ghrelin
released from stomach and singal hypothalamus that its to eat
what are components of enery out
basal metabolic rate
physical acitvity
thermic effect of food
what are factors that affect BMR
age, height, growth cycle, body composition
temperature, fasting undereating, hypothyroidism
___% of US adults report they engage in regulare leisuze time physical acitivt (150 min per week of light-to-moderate activity)
bmr percent breakdown
resting energy expenditure: 50-65%
physical acitivty: 25-50%
thermic effect of food: 10%
___% of adults report no leizure physical acitvty
only ___% of audlts obtain 30 min of mod or greater intesinty physical acitivty at least 5 days a week when physical acitivty measured by device that detects movement
adults consume ___ more cal a day in 2010 compared to 1970
____ of the population has eating pattern low in veg and fruits
obesity rates _______ in adults and ____ in children and adolescents from 1980-2000
adults: doubled
children: tripled
rate of obesity in these demographcis increased
african american
hispanic women
family in poverty
adults obesity and overwieght
34.9% obese
68.6% obese or overweight
chidlren obese and overeight
16.9% obese
31.8% overweight or obese
definition of obesity
excess fat accumulation udner skin and around organs in body
subcutaneous fat
lower body (pea shape)
visceral fat
badominal area (apple)
higher health risk such as CV disease, T2D, breast cancer risk, and gallbladder disease
bmi ranges
below 18.5 = underweight
18.5-24.9 = healthy weight
25-29.9 = overweight
30 or higher = obese
bmi limits
overwestimate body fat in athletes and muscular buuld
underestimate body fat in older person and others who lost muscle
Hamwi formula
men: 5ft at 106 and add/ subtract 6 lb for every inch above or below 5ft for medium frame man (small frame, deduct 10% and large fram add 10%)
women: 5ft at 100lb (add or subtract 5lb for every inch above or below 5ft) (small frame deduct 10% and for large add 10%)
wrist measurement for medium frame women and man
women - 6 in
man - 7 in
obesity inflammatory condition
inflamation turned on body from increaxing visceral or abdominal fat = cascade of cronic disease
being overweight and obese increase risk for
Coronary heart disease
insulin resistance and T2D
cancers (endometrial, breast, and colon)
hypertension (high bp)
dyslipidemia (high total cholesterol)
liver and gallbladder disease
sleep apnea and respiratory problesm
gynecological problems
low self esteem and negative body image
obese indv pay ___% moer in healthcare costs than normal-weight indv
cost of overweight and obesity in US is estimated at $______ per year
270 billion
what is more important to long-term survival, level of fitness or level of obesity?
level of fitness
methods for body fat assessment
skin fold measurement and bioelectrical impedance analysis (BIA) machiens or scales
x=ray analusis (DEXA scan)
water dispalcment methods
error rate for at home fat percentage machiens (BIA)
diet industry worth
60 billion
safe weight loss numbrt
1-2lb a weekh
decrease cal how much to lose weight healthily?
500 to 1000 cal a day
for very obese indv what is safe body weight
1$ body weight weekely
healthy diets
therapeutci lifestyle changes from NIH
Ornish diet
medetarian diet
DASH (Dietart approach to stop hypertension) from NIH
eat highly nutritious fruits, veg, high-fiber grains, heart-healhy proteins such as seafood, beans, v lean poultry, low-fat diary, nuts, seeds, and small amt of oil
hand size for food porition
v lean protien in palm of one palm
highe rfiber grain or healthy starchy veg/ starchy bean disk fit in other palm
fil rest of plate w nonstarchy veg in form of salass, soiupls, and steam or lightly sauteed veg (brocolli, spunach, tomatoes, green beans, cucumbers, mushrooms, carrots, cbbage, peeppers, summer squash (suzcchini lettuce) and onion
serving of friut, milk, and healthy fat
popular diets
Mayo Clinic Diet
volumetric diet
weight watchers
the biggest loser diets
count cal or fat grams
weigh and measure foods
pros and cons of low carb (<100g/day; Atkins, South Beach, Protein Power)
Pros: Rapid intial wt loss, low circulating glucose, drop in lipds
cons: most initail weight loss is water; poor stamin and ketosis; atkins high in unhealthy fat; high protein taxes kidnets; no higher wt loss compared to low fat; artificial sweetener; hard to followe
extremelt low fat (<20% cal from fat; T-factor, Pritikins, Ornish)
pro: wide variety of wholesome foods allowed at normal portions; reduced risk of heart disease and cancer
cons: satiety and palatability may be of concern; decreased absopriton of fat-siltuion vitamins abd nuberaks