chapter 17 - kidney Flashcards
kidney function
excrete wastes
maintain volume and composition of body fluids
secrete certain hormones
fliter blood, cleanse it of waste products and recycyle other usable substances so necessary constituents of body fluids are consantly avaolaible
as filturate passes through nephrons it is concentated or dilutedto meet bodys nreeds (maintain compsition, bolume of body fluids, fluid balance, acid-base balance, and elecoytlye balance)
recycled materials like amino acids, glucose, minerals, vitamins, and water get reabsorbed
kidney cell parts
nephron containsts glomerulus (filutring unit) which cintains specializaed capillaries
___L of ultrafiltrate is processed each date
how much urine is excreted daily
what dowaste materials in urine containe
end products of protein metabolisms (urea, uric acid, creatinine, ammonia, and sulfates), excess water and nutrients, dead renal cells, and toxic substances
what is oliguria
when urine outpit is less than 500 ml/day
kidney are unable yo adeuately eliminate nitrogenous wate (end products of protein) can cause reanl failure
kidneys and vitamin synthesis
kidneys make final conversion of vitamin D, promoting absoprtion of calcium and metabolis of calcium and phosoprohoursou
kidneys indirectly stimualte bnoe marrow to reproduce RVC by proeucing erhytropoietin
etiology of renal failure
- infection
degeneratiove changes
diabetes mellitus
high bp
renal stones
truama (surgery, burns, poisons)
severe = renal failure
acute renal failure (ARF) occurs suddently and may last few days or few weeks, can be caused by another medical problem like serious burn, a crushing injury, or cardiac arrest
chronic kidney disease
slowly develops
causes number of functioning nephrons to diminish
renal tissue destoryed to point at which kidneys are no longer able to filtuer blood, excreete waste or ercycle nutrients as needed causing uremiaw
need dialysis or kidney transolant
what is uremia
protein wastes that should normally be excreted are instead cicumlating in blood
symptoms icnlude nausea, heache, convulsions, and coma
inflammatory diseases of kidneys
caused by infection, degernative processes, or vascular disease
inflammation affecting capillaries in glomeruli
may occur acutely in conjunctio nw another infection and be self limiting or may lead to serious renal deterioriate
stages of chronic idney disease `
1) kidney damage normal to icnrease function (90-130 GFR)
2) mild decrease in function (60-89 GFR)
3) Moderate decrease in function (30-59 GFR)
4) evere decrease in fucntion (15-29)
5) Kidney failure, defined as end-stage renal disease, dialusis usually iniatied (<15 GFR)
hardening of renal arteria
caused by arteriosclerosis and hypertension
usually occurs in older ppl but sometimes in young diabetics
polycstic kidney disease
relatively rare, hereditary diease
cysts form and press on kidneys
kidneys enlarge and lose function
most people have normal kidney functions for many yuears, renal failure may develop near 50