Chapter 9: Social and Emotional Development Flashcards
what are feelings?
feeling or “affect”
feelings include…?
-physiological arousal (fast heartbeat)
-conscious experience (positive/negative)
-behavioral expressions (smile, run)
ex/ alone-someone comes in…(visualizing speaking)
What are emotions influenced by?
biological foundations
ex/ blind from birth- still smile and frown
Facial Expressions of basic emotions
same across cultures
Emotion display rules
when, where, and how emotions should be expressed
are display rules culturally universal?
Reflexive Smile (Infant Smile)
does not occur in response to external stimuli; happens during the MONTH AFTER BIRTH, usually during irregular patterns of sleep
social smile (infant smile)
response to external stimulus; typically in response to a face (2-3 months usually)
Early Development changes in Emotion
Primary Emotions
-present in humans appear in FIRST SIX MONTHS of life
***Fake smiling!
-brain cannot tell difference between a real and fake smile
-the same neurotransmitters are produced in the brains (endorphins, serotonin)
“smile you will feel better”
Self Conscious Emotions
require cognition; appear for the first time from the middle of the second year through the middle of the third year of life
pleasure or satisfaction taken in an achievement, possession, or associated
(guild, embarrassment, unworthiness, disgrace)
individuals behavioral style and characteristic way of emotional response
- biological and emotional foundations of PERSONALITY
Biological Foundations of Temperament
physiological characteristics are associated with different temperaments
Heredity is an aspect of…?
biological foundations of temperament
Classifying Temperament (chess and thomas)
- easy
- difficult
- slow to warm up
easy (40%)
- 40%
- positive mood; quickly establishes routines; adapts easily to new experiences
difficult (10%)
-reacts negatively; cries fequently; engages in irregular routinesl slow to accept new experiences
slow to warm up (15%)
low activity level; somewhat negative; shows low adaptability
Classifying Temperament (kagans behavioral inhibition)
differences between children
- shy, subdued, and timid
- sociable extraverted, bold
- inhibition shows considerable stability from infancy through EARLY childhood
Biological Basis of Shyness and Sociability
-in shy, inhibited children, MINIMAL stimulation is necessary to excite the amygdala and its connections to the cerebral cortex (top of brain the we oxyinate)
Biological basis of shyness and sociability (social, uninhibited children)
the SAME level of stimulation from above, evokes minimal excitation in the high excitation in the highly social, uninhibited children
Shy infants and preschoolers frontal brain activity?
they display greater RIGHT frontal brain activity
Sociable children display greater ____ brain activty?
LEFT frontal
What is the left cortial hemisphere specialized to respond to?
-positive emotion
What is the right hemisphere associated with>
-negative emotion
Biology is not necessarily _____?
Goodness of Fit
-match between child’s temperament and environmental demands
Temperament and Adaptive Parenting
- pay attention and respect child’s individuality
- structure childs environment to provide as good a fit as possible with childs temperament
- avoid labeling a child as “difficult” (self-full filling prophesy)
reserved, quiet, shy behavior
outgoing, talkative, energetic behavior