Chapter 2: Genetics, Prenatal Development, and Birth Flashcards
sperm to ovum to gamete to zygote(2 gametes come together)
cellular reproduction in which cells nucleus duplicates itself and two new cells form (46 chromosomes)
specialized form of cell division to form eggs and sperm (gametes) each gamete receives one of two chromosomes that make up the 23 pairs
reproduction (conception)
gamete (ovum) is fertilized by male gamete (sperm)
complex molecule that contains genetic information
unit of hereditary information composed of DNA (25,000 human genes)
threadlike structures that contain sequences of genes
monozygotic twins
genetically identical
dizygotic twins
produced when two seperate ova are fertilized by two seperate sperm roughly at the same time
underlying combination of genetic material present (but not visible) in an organism
observable trait; the trait that is seen
Polygenic information
inheritance in which a combination of multiple gene pairs is responsible for the productions of a particular trait
Behavioral genetics
study of the effects of heredity on human behavior
occur when the ovum and sperm do not have normal set of 23 chromosome pairs
down syndrome
47 instead of 46
Trisomy 21- (21st chrom)
increases with mothers age
SEX-linked Chromosomal abnormalities
Klinefelter Syndrome
presence of extra X chromosome that produces underdeveloped genitals, extreme height, and enlarged breasts
Fragile Syndrome
injury to a gene on the X chromosome, producing mild to moderate mental retardation
Turner Syndrome
females missing an X, short, webbed neck, sexual under-development
XYY Syndrome
males have extra Y, above average height
Human Genome Project (HGP)
international, collaborative research program whose goal was complete mapping and understanding of all genes in human beings “genome”
Francis Collins (HCP) three books?
history book
narrative of the journey of our species through time
shop manual
detailed blueprint for building every human cell
textbook of medicine
insights that will give health care providers immense new powers to treat, prevent, and cure diseases
over 7,000 known
Phenylketonuria (PKU)
cannot properly metabolize an amino acid
sickle-cell anemia
red blood cells die quickly
Big 5 personality traits….neuroticism and extroversion?
- emotional stability
- seeks to be with others
sperm and ovum (male and female gametes) join to form a single new cell
three stages
The Geminal Period
first two weeks
creation of zygote, cell division, attachment of zygote to uterine wall
inner cell layer becomes embryo (blastocyst)
outer cell layer becomes placenta (trophoblast)
life support system in which blood vessels from mother and baby interwine DO NOT JOIN (oxy, salt and food enters, carbon diox and digestive wastes exists)
***Embryonic Period- most rapid and dramatic qualitative changes in cell type
2-8 weeks, support system for cells form and organs appear
three distinct layers
outer layer (ectoderm)
skin hair teeth sense organs and brain and spinal cord
inner layer (endoderm)
digestive system, lives, pancreas, respiratory system
middle layer (mesoderm)
muscles bones and blood and circulatory system
The Geminal Period
first two weeks
creation of zygote, cell division, attachment of zygote to uterine wall
inner cell layer becomes embryo (blastocyst)
outer cell layer becomes placenta (trophoblast)
life support system in which blood vessels from mother and baby interwine DO NOT JOIN (oxy, salt and food enters, carbon diox and digestive wastes exists)
***Embryonic Period- most rapid and dramatic qualitative changes in cell type
2-8 weeks, support system for cells form and organs appear
three distinct layers
outer layer (ectoderm)
skin hair teeth sense organs and brain and spinal cord
inner layer (endoderm)
digestive system, lives, pancreas, respiratory system
middle layer (mesoderm)
muscles bones and blood and circulatory system
Fetal Period
8 weeks to birth, features and functions develop
neurons coated with insulating material
first trimester screen
combines blood test and ultrasound sonography (chromosomal abnormalities and disorders like heart problems)
maternal blood test
overall health of fetus and spinal test
ultrasound sonography
sound waves scan mothers womb to produce an image of the unborn baby, size and shape assessed
Chorionic Villus Sampling (CVS)
8-11week used to find genetic defects that involve taking samples of hair like material that surrounds the embryo (miscarriage rates so infrequent)
12-16 week identifying genetic defects by examining a small sample of fetus cells drawn by a needle inserted into the amniotic fluid surrounding the unborn fetus (Nearly 100% accuracy, can determine sex of child)
inability to conceive after 12-18 months of trying to become pregnant
artificial insemination
mans sperm are placed directly into a womans vagina
In vitro fertilization (IVF)
womans ove are removed from her ovaries, and mans sperm used to fertilize the ova in a laboratory
environmental agent such as a drug, chemical, or virus that produce a birth defect
severity and type of damage from terat influenced by?
genetic susceptibility
time of exposure
Psychoactive Drugs
Alcohol Nicotine Caffeine Cocaine Antidepresants Anti-anxiety meds OTC meds
Fetal Alcohol Syndrome (FAS)
abnormalitities that appear in offspring
affect EVERY cell
primary preventable cause of mental retardation
80% more likely to have abortion
high correlation with SIDS
miscarriage, retarded growth, microcephaly
anti-nausea drug causes loss of a limb
Enviromental Hazards
Lead, radiation, pesticides, petrochemicals, asbestos, cleaning chemicals, hot tubs
linked with premature birth, decreased birth weight, descreased postnatal growth, inceases rates of still births, miscarriages, neurological alterations, increase in minor malformations
induce…growth impairments, microcephaly, mental retardation, malignancy
Infectious Diseases
rubella, syphilis, herpes, chlamydia, AIDS, toxoplasmosis
utero infection with rubello: glaucoma, microphthalmia (one or both eyes abnormally small), cataracts, cardiac malformation, hearing loss, mental retardation
infection caused by a protozoan parasite that enters body through raw meat and cat feces RESULTS: brain damage, dealth
Rh factor
fetus Rh postie and Rh negative (antibodies)
- antibodies may attack fetus
- brain damage
- heart defects
- miscarriage or still birth
nutrition maternal age paternal factors emotional states stress
common effect of all teratogens?
attention difficulties ADD ADDHD
Stages of Birth
38 weeks after fertilization, corticotropin-releasing hormone (CRH) triggers and birth begins ***oxytocin (when high enough mothers uterus begins contractions)
Three Stages of Labor
first stage
uterine contractions every 8-10 minutes for 30 seconds
transition- cervix opens to allows babys head
second stage
90 minutes long, babys head emerges further from mother with each contraction
increase the size of the opening of the vagina
third stage
umbilical cord and placenta are expelled from mother
Lamaze birthing technique
breathing and relaxation training
Bradley Method
childbirth as natural as possible and no medication or medical intervention
self-hypnosis during delivery that produces a sense of peace and calm and reduces pain
used to relieve pain
used in late first-stage labor and during expulsion of baby to block sensation in area of body or to block consciousness
used to stimulate contractions
Cesarean Delivery
1 and 4 births
respiratory issues?
fetal monitors
measures babys heartbeat during labor
Apgar Scale
widely used method to access health of newborns at 1 and 5 minutes after birth
heartrate, respiratory effort, muscle tone, body color, reflex irritability
low birth weight
infants weigh less than 2,500 grams (5.5 pounds)
born three weeks or more before pregnancy has reached full term
small for date
birth weight below normal when length of pregnancy is considered (weigh 90 percent of less of weight)
postmature infants
2 weeks after mothers due date
patterns of arousal and emotioanlity that represent consisten and enduring characteristics in an individual
multifactorial transmission
determination of traits by a combination of both genetic and environmental factors with a genotype provides a range within which a phenotype may be expressed
milk produced by mothers in first few days after giving birth, babys first immunization against infections and diseases
The Lancet
children born prematurely and breast fed later scored higher on intelligence IQ tests
bottle fed how many more times likely to be hospitalized for bacterial infections?
10 times
risk of meningitis
4 times higher
benefits of breast feeding
ear disease food allergies diarrhea obesity cancer rates diabetes SIDS cognitive development bone density visual actiity
RMH Breastfeeding Consultants
four international board certified bf consultants on staff
added benefits of breast feeding
500 calories per day (2 hours aerobics)
saves 1,450 a year