Chapter 4: Health and Wellness Flashcards
Sleep Needs- Young/Middle Adulthood
6-10 hours
Thomas Jefferson needed how many hours of sleep?
3 hours per night
Whiles we sleep…(body and brain?)
bodies are inactive
brains are very active
Sleep in Infancy
avg 16-17 hours a day
-ranges from 10 to 21
Varied Sleeping Patterns (infancy)
may change from longer to shorter sleep period
close to adult patterns by 4 months
REM Sleep (infants)
50% if sleep is in REM
Sudden Infant Death Syndrome (SIDS)
infant stops breathing during the night and dies without cause
Factors Associated/Correlated With Sids
-low birth weight, siblings died of SIDS, sleep apnea (snoring), AA and Eskimo infants, lower socioeconomic groups, twins/triplets, passive cig smoke
Correlation between breastfeeding and SIDS?
inverse correlation
- wake more often to eat
- family bed (rhythm of breathing)
American Academy of Pediatrics Task Force of Infant Sleep Postition (AAP) 4/1992
have a story-line and are remembered (REM sleep)
Night Terrors
No story line. Not remembered. Takes place during stage 4 deep Non-REM sleep
Biological Clocks Shift
melatonin production is delayed; delays sleepiness at night
Adulthood, Aging and Sleep
wakeful periods at night, less Deep Sleep
-afternoon naps (bed earlier, wake up earlier)
insomnia increases in late adulthood
Stages of Sleep
Stage 1- drowsiness Stage 2- light sleep Stage 3- deep sleep Stage 4- deep sleep REM Sleep