Chapter 4: Health and Wellness Flashcards
Sleep Needs- Young/Middle Adulthood
6-10 hours
Thomas Jefferson needed how many hours of sleep?
3 hours per night
Whiles we sleep…(body and brain?)
bodies are inactive
brains are very active
Sleep in Infancy
avg 16-17 hours a day
-ranges from 10 to 21
Varied Sleeping Patterns (infancy)
may change from longer to shorter sleep period
close to adult patterns by 4 months
REM Sleep (infants)
50% if sleep is in REM
Sudden Infant Death Syndrome (SIDS)
infant stops breathing during the night and dies without cause
Factors Associated/Correlated With Sids
-low birth weight, siblings died of SIDS, sleep apnea (snoring), AA and Eskimo infants, lower socioeconomic groups, twins/triplets, passive cig smoke
Correlation between breastfeeding and SIDS?
inverse correlation
- wake more often to eat
- family bed (rhythm of breathing)
American Academy of Pediatrics Task Force of Infant Sleep Postition (AAP) 4/1992
have a story-line and are remembered (REM sleep)
Night Terrors
No story line. Not remembered. Takes place during stage 4 deep Non-REM sleep
Biological Clocks Shift
melatonin production is delayed; delays sleepiness at night
Adulthood, Aging and Sleep
wakeful periods at night, less Deep Sleep
-afternoon naps (bed earlier, wake up earlier)
insomnia increases in late adulthood
Stages of Sleep
Stage 1- drowsiness Stage 2- light sleep Stage 3- deep sleep Stage 4- deep sleep REM Sleep
Stage 1 Sleep
-light sleep, drift in and out, easily awakened, eyes move slowly, muscle activity slows, muscle contractions
hypnic myoclonia (muscle contractions)
often preceded by a sensation of starting to fall
Stage 2 Sleep
eye movement stops, brain waves slow
Stage 3 and 4 Sleep
extremely slow brain waves appear, difficult to awaken, no eye movement, no muscle activity, groggy and disorientated if awakened, bedwetting, sleepwalking, night terrors, sleeptalking, sleepeating, restorative sleep (bone, muscles, immune system)
REM Sleep
Rapid Eye Movement, breathing rapid, irregular, shallow, eyes jerk rapidly, limb muscles become temporarily paralyzedm heart rate increases, blood pressure rises
Sleep Cycle
takes 90-110 minutes
- first sleep cycle of night contain short REM periods and long periods of deep sleep
- as night progresses, REM sleep increases in length and deep sleep decreases
- by morning all sleep is in stages 1,2 and REM
REM Distribution
- bodies do not follow normal sleep patterns during next time doze off
- instead slip directly into REM
- long periods of REM (REM rebound), until we catch up on this stage
Sleep Needs
infants- 16-17 hours per day
teens- 9 houts per day
adults- 7-8 hours per day (range 5-10(
Adult Sleep
50% in Stage 2
20% in REM
30% in other stages
Sleep Dept
body demands that the debt be repaid
Benefits of Sleep
Boosts immune system assists nervous system functioning enhances memory increases math ability aids in weight management
Power Napping
Business of Selling Sleep
20-40 minutes
Sleep Wellness
- scheduled times to go to bed and awaken
- wake with sun or bright light
- exercise best 5-6 hours before bed
- relax before sleep
- bed your sanctuary (CC)
- keep room cool
Screens Tv and loud music computer
stop 1/2 before sleep
Sleep Routine
CC your body to sleeo routine should take 15-20 minutes same thing before bed avoid "to do" lists (keep paper/pen by bed for straggling thoughts)
Dangers of Sleep Deprivation
driver drowsiness accounts for approx 100,000 motor vehicle accidents and 1,500 deaths per year
Dangers of Sleep Deprivation
worsens affects of alc, clumsiness, memory probs, mood swings, depression, hallucinations, brain washing
Rats normally live?
Deprived of REM sleep?
Deprived of all sleep stages?
2-3 years
only 5 weeks
3 weeks
Benefits of Deep Sleep
- related to important growth hormone in children and young adults
- body cells regenerate during deep sleep (“beauty sleep”
- grow and repair damage caused by stress and ultraviolet rays