Chapter 9: Sexual Reproduction And Meiosis Flashcards
Why do so many organisms use sexual reproduction?
Sexually reproduction generates genetic variability, which increases the chance that at least some members of the population will survive.
Define karyotype?
A size ordered chart of all the chromosomes in a cell.
Compare sexual and asexual reproduction?
Asexual reproduction is when an organism simply copies it’s DNA and splits the contents of one cell into two.
Sexual reproduction, in contrast, requires two parents the male parent contributes sperm cells, one of which fertilizes a female’s egg cell to begin the next generation.
Define conjugation?
One bacterial cell uses an outgrowth called a sex pilus to transfer genetic material to another bacterium.
Define chromosome.
Is a single molecule of DNA and it’s associated proteins.
Define Diploid.
Contain two sets of chromosomes; one set is inherited from each parent.
Define homologous pairs.
Matching pair of chromosomes that look alike and have the same sequence of genes.
Define allele
One of two or more alternative genes.
Compare autosomal and sex chromosomes.
Autosomes are chromosomes that are the same for both sexes.
Sex chromosomes determine whether an individual is female or male.
How are the members of homologous pair of chromosomes similar?
They share the same size, centrosome position. They have the same basic structure. They carry the same sequence of genes.
How are they different?
They differ in combinations of alleles. Each allele of a gene encodes a different version of the same protein.
Compare sister chromatid, replicated chromosomes, and homologous pair of chromosomes.
An homologous pair is a pair of chromosomes that look a like and have the same gene sequence. Each of those chromosomes have a sister chromatid.
Define gamete?
Sex cells that combine to form a new offspring.
Define zygote.
Is the first cell of the new organism.
Define fertilization.
Merges the gametes from two parents, creating a new cell.
How is meiosis essential for sexual reproduction?
All sexual life cycles include meiosis and fertilization; mitotic cell division enables a cell to grow.
Compare diploid and haploid cells.
Haploid cells contain one full set of genetic information instead of two.
Diploid cells contain two full set of genetic information.
Compare mitosis and meiosis.
Mitosis produces the cells needed for growth, development, and tissue repair.
Meiosis forms genetically variable gametes that each contain half the number of chromosomes as the organisms diploid cells.
Compare somatic and germ cells?
Germ cells occur only in the ovaries and testes.
Somatic cells do not participate directly in reproduction.
Why does DNA replicate jus once in meiosis?
DNA replicates to produce the proteins needed for cell division.
Define crossing over.
It is a process in which two homologous chromosomes exchange genetic material.
What are homologous pairs of chromosomes?
Two chromosomes that look a like and have the same sequence of genes.
What happens to homologous pairs of chromosomes during meiosis 1?
Homologous chromosomes pair up and separate.
What is happening to haploid a in meiosis 2?
It is dividing into four cells.
In general terms what occurs during meiosis?
Meiosis halves the chromosomes and scrambles the allele.
How does meiosis generate variability?
It generate variability through three mechanisms crossing over, independent assortment, and random fertilization.
How can more than 8 million possible chromosomes combinations be produced in the gametes by an individual?
By random fertilization.
Compare monozygotic and dizygotic?
Monozygotic are genetically identical because they come from the same zygote.
Dizygotic are more alike than non twin siblings because they start as two different zygotes.
Compare the errors which can occur during meiosis?
Failure for the spindle to form properly, can produce a polyploid cell with one or more complete sets of extra chromosomes.
Some gametes have just one extra or missing chromosomes. The cause of the abnormality is an error called nondisjunction.
Define nondisjunction
Occurs when chromosomes fail to separate at either the first or second meiotic division.
Define trisomy
An extra chromosome rather than a missing one.
Define alteration of generations.
The sexual life cycle of plants and many green algae, which alternates between a diploid sporophyte stage and a haploid gametophyte stage.
Which process produces gametes in plants?
Compare spermatogenesis and oogenesis?
Spermatogenesis, sperm formation, diploid primary spermatocytes undergo meiosis, yielding four equal sized haploid sperm. Of the normal 23 pair of chromosomes only one pair of autosomes and one pair of sex chromosomes are shown.
Oogenesis, ovum formation, diploid primary oocytes undergo meiosis. Meiotic division in females allocates most of the cytoplasm to one large egg cell. The body discards the other products of meiosis, called polar bodies, which contain the other sets of chromosomes. Of the normal 23 pair of chromosomes, only one pair of autosomes and one pair of sex chromosomes are shown.
During meiosis the chromosomes
The daughter cells are haploid after ______ of meiosis.
During meiosis, the different homologous pairs
Assort independently
Which following processes results in only one of the haploid cells being viable?