Chapter 1: The Scientific Study of Life Flashcards
What are the basic component’s of life?
The cell is the basic unit of life, every organism, or living individual consists of one or more cells.
What is biology?
Biology is the study of life.
What are the five qualities that constitute life?
- Organization
- Energy use
- Maintenance of internal consistency
- Reproduction, growth, and development
- Evolution
What is a Hypothesis?
A hypothesis is a tentative explanation that explains one or more observations.
What is a theory?
A theory is an explanation for a natural phenomenon.
What are differences between a hypothesis and a theory?
- Theory is typically broader in scope than a hypothesis. A second difference between a hypothesis and a theory is acceptance.
- A hypothesis is tentative where as theories reflect broader agreement.
What is an experiment?
An experiment is a investigation under consoled conditions.
What is natural selection?
It is the enhanced reproductive success of certain individuals from a population based on inherited characteristics.
What is homeostasis?
Homeostasis is the process by which a cell or organism maintains this state of internal constancy, or equilibrium.
What is asexual reproduction?
In asexual reproduction genetic information comes from only one parent, and all offspring are virtually identical.
What is sexual reproduction?
Sexual reproduction is genetic material from two parent individuals unites to form an offspring.
Explain the combination of characteristics which distinguish living from nonliving?
A rock crystal is highly organized, but it is not alive. A fork placed in a pot of boiling water absorbs heat energy and passes it, but it is not alive. A fire can reproduce and grow rapidly, but it lacks most of the other characteristics of life
What is adaptation?
Adaptation is an inherited characteristics or behavior that enables an organism to survive and reproduce successfully.
What is evolution?
Evolution is a change in the genetic makeup of a population over multiple generations.
What is a dependent variable?
A dependent variable (outcome of interest) is what the investigator manipulates to determine whether the independent variable influenced the phenomenon of interest.
What is a independent variable?
An independent variable (input of interest) is what the investigator manipulates to determine whether it influences the phenomenon of interest.
What is a standardized variable?
A standardized variable (input which can affect the dependent variable) is any variable intentionally held constant for all subjects in an experiment, including the control group.
What is a placebo?
A placebo is an inherit substances that resembles the treatment given to the experimental group.
What is a double-blind design?
A double-blind design is when neither the researcher nor the participants knew who received the vaccine or the placebo.
What is peer review?
Peer review is when scientist independently evaluate the vadility of the methods, data, and conclusion.
Why is biology a rapidly changing field?
Biology is a rapidly changing because technology has expanded our ability to make observations.
What is the purpose of a control in an experiment?
To have something to compare the experimental group with.
What are some limitations of science?
- Scientific inquiry is neither foolproof nor always easy to implement.
- Another limitation is that researchers may misinterpret observations or experimental results.
What are some strengths of science?
Science strength is openness to new information.
What types of questions can science NOT answer?
Although science is a powerful tool for answering questions about the natural world, it cannot answer questions of beauty, morality, ethics, or religion.
What is the scientific method?
The scientific method is a general way of using evidence to answer questions and test ideas.
Give two examples of questions that you cannot answer with the scientific method.
One question is who is prettier Ashanti or Beyoncé? Th reason why this question can’t be answer because it deals with beauty. Another question is should we ban abortions? And the reason scientific method can’t answer this question is because it deals with morality and ethics.
All of the following are characteristics of life EXCEPT
A. Evolution. B. reproduction. C. Homeostasis D. Multicellular
The answer is muliticellular
Which property of life can a scientist directly observe in a single plant fossil?
A. Homeostasis B. Organization. C. Energy use. D. Growth
The answer is growth.
What are the levels of biological organization?
Atom, molecule, organelle, cell, tissue, organ, organ system, organism.
Population, community, ecosystem, biosphere.
What are the multiple interacted parts of the scientific method (have to be in order)?
Observations and questions, hypothesis, data collection, analysis and peer review, sample size, variables, controls, statistical analysis, creativity and logic.
Why is “just the facts” not science?
In science fact can only mean confirmed to such a degree that it would be perverse to withhold provisional ascent.
What is metabolism?
Metabolism allows organisms to acquire and use energy and nutrients to build new structures, repair old ones, and reproduce.
What is a producer?
A producer make their own food by extracting energy and nutrients from nonliving sources.
What is a consumer?
A consumer obtain energy and nutrients by eating other organisms living or dead.
What is a decomposer?
A decomposer obtain energy and nutrients from wastes or dead organisms.
What does the word scientific mean?
Scientific focuses on the natural world, aimed to explain the natural world, use testable ideas, relies on evidence, involves the scientific community, leads to ongoing research, benefits from scientific behavior.