Chapter 9 - Promotion Systems Flashcards
The enlisted promotion system supports
DoD Directive 1304.20, Enlisted Personnel Management System (EPMS)
Provides visible, relatively stable career progression opportunities; attracting, retaining, and motivating the kinds and numbers of people the military needs; and ensuring a reasonably uniform application of the principle of equal pay for equal work among the services.
The Enlisted Promotion System
Provides detailed information regarding enlisted promotion systems.
AFI 36-2502, Enlisted Airman Promotion/Demotion Programs,
Are tied to fiscal year-end strength and are affected by funding limits, regulatory limits, and the number of projected vacancies in specific grades.
Promotion quotas for Staff Sergeant through Chief Master Sergeant
Limits the number of Airmen who may serve in the Regular Air Force in the top two enlisted grades.
Public law, as outlined in Title 10 United States Code, Armed Forces
The authorized average of enlisted members on Regular Air Force status (other than for training) in pay grades E-8 and E-9 in a fiscal year may not be more than
2.5 percent and 1.25 percent, respectively
Airmen in the grade of Airman First Class may compete for early advancement to Senior Airman if they meet the minimum eligibility criteria.
Airman Below-the-Zone Promotion Program
If promoted to Senior Airman below-the-zone, the promotion effective date is
six months before their fully qualified date
Is designed to meet those unique circumstances that, in a commander’s judgment, clearly warrant promotion.
Stripes for Exceptional Performers Program
An individual may not receive more than one promotion under any combination of promotion programs within
A 12-month period
Airmen compete for promotion and test under the __________ in the control Air Force Specialty Code (AFSC) held on the promotion eligibility cutoff date
Weighted Airman Promotion System (WAPS)
This is a two-phased promotion process
Senior Noncommissioned Officer Promotions
Senior Noncommissioned Officer Promotions Phase I consists of
Weighted Airman Promotion System (WAPS)
Senior Noncommissioned Officer Promotions Phase II consists of
The central evaluation board held at Air Force Personnel Center
Is typically processed on a monthly basis. Eligible Staff Sergeants through Senior Master Sergeants whose weighable data changes in their promotion file compete monthly for promotion consideration.
In-System Supplemental Promotion Process
Is for those members promotion-eligible to Master Sergeant, Senior Master Sergeant, or Chief Master Sergeant.
Senior Noncommissioned Officer supplemental board
To ensure timely periodic promotions and to permit accurate forecasting of vacancies.
Promotion Cycles
Are based on a combination of position vacancy, time-in- grade, time-in-service, fitness, and completion of appropriate professional military education.
Air Force Reserve promotions
May be promotion eligible to Airman at six months of time in grade.
Airman Basic
May be promotion eligible to Airman First Class at 10 months of time in grade.
Are promoted from Airman Basic to Airman First Class upon completion of either technical training or 20 weeks of technical training after graduation from basic military training (whichever occurs first).
Airmen initially enlisting for a period of six years
May be promotion eligible to Senior Airman upon completion of 36 months of time in service and 20 months of time in grade or 28 months of time in grade (whichever occurs first).
Airman First Class
Required skill level in primary Air Force Specialty Code (AFSC) is 3-level.
Senior Airman
May be promotion eligible to Staff Sergeant upon completion of three years of time in service and six months of time in grade.
Senior Airmen
May be promotion eligible to Technical Sergeant upon completion of five years of time in service and 23 months of time in grade.
Staff Sergeants
Required skill level in primary AFSC is 7-level
Technical Sergeant, Master Sergeant, Senior Master Sergeant
Required skill level in primary AFSC is 5-level
Staff Sergeant
May be promotion eligible to Master Sergeant upon completion of eight years of time in service and 24 months of time in grade.
Technical Sergeants
May be promotion eligible to Senior Master Sergeant upon completion of 11 years of time in service and 20 months of time in grade.
Master Sergeants
May be promotion eligible to Chief Master Sergeant upon completion of 14 years of time in service and 21 months of time in grade
Senior Master Sergeants
Required skill level in primary AFSC is 9-level
Chief Master Sergeant
Will sign an AF Form 63, Active Duty Service Commitment (ADSC) Acknowledgement Statement, or a Statement of Understanding within 10 duty days after selections are confirmed
Selects to the grade of Master Sergeant and Senior Master Sergeant with more than 18 years Total Active Federal Military Service (TAFMS) by effective date of promotion
Regardless of TAFMS, will sign an AF Form 63 or a Statement of Understanding within 10 duty days after selections are confirmed
All Chief Master Sergeant-selects
Will acknowledge that Master Sergeant-selects and Senior Master Sergeant-selects must obtain two years of service retainability and incur a two-year active duty service commitment (ADSC) from the effective date of promotion to qualify for non-disability retirement
AF Form 63, Active Duty Service Commitment (ADSC) Acknowledgement Statement
Chief Master Sergeant-selects must acknowledge and obtain three years of service retainability and incur a three-year ADSC from the effective date of promotion to qualify for non-disability retirement using
AF Form 63, Active Duty Service Commitment (ADSC) Acknowledgement Statement
Failure to withdraw an existing retirement application (approved or pending) within 10 duty days from presentation of the AF Form 63 or the Statement of Understanding will result in
Removal from the selection list
Assigns promotion sequence numbers to Airmen selected for promotion to Staff Sergeant through Chief Master Sergeant based on date of rank, TAFMS, and date of birth
The Air Force Personnel Center
Airmen may decline a __________ in writing by submitting a letter to the military personnel flight (MPF)
Will ensure Military Personnel Data System (MilPDS) is updated and ensure the declination of promotion is entered in the member’s electronic records
Military Personnel Flight (MPF)
Approved retirement, declination for extension or reenlistment, court-martial conviction, control roster action, no commander recommendation, failure to appear for scheduled testing without a valid reason, and absent without leave
All reason an Airman may be considered ineligible for promotion
When individuals are ineligible for promotion
They cannot test, cannot be considered if already tested, and the projected promotion, if already selected, will be canceled
All promotion eligible individuals must know
Their eligibility status, maintain specialty and military qualifications, initiate a self- study plan, obtain all applicable study references as outlined in the Enlisted Promotions References and Requirements Catalog (EPRRC), ensure their selection folder is accurate if it will be reviewed by the central evaluation board, and be prepared to test on the beginning of the testing window
Airmen must use ________________ under the Weighted Airman Promotion System (WAPS).
A self-initiated program of individual study and effort
Information concerning enlisted promotion test compromise is contained in
AFMAN 36-2664, Personnel Assessment Program
Is responsible for providing promotion eligible members access to WAPS Career Development Courses
The Barnes Center for Enlisted Education, Air Force Career Development Academy
Is used to determine Airman promotion eligibility as well as the cutoff date that will determine when contents of the selection folder and information on promotion evaluation briefs must be updated and complete
The promotion eligibility cutoff date (PECD)
Is the date that promotion criteria is considered for promotion, such as the data provided on the Data Verification Brief, that is used for promotion board evaluation consideration
The promotion eligibility cutoff date (PECD)
Individuals with a reporting identifier or special duty identifier, designated as their control Air Force Specialty Code (AFSC) on the The promotion eligibility cutoff date (PECD) will compete
Within that reporting identifier or special duty identifier
Master Sergeants being considered for promotion to Senior Master Sergeant will compete for promotion in
The superintendent level of the control AFSC they held as of the promotion eligibility cutoff date (PECD)
Senior Master Sergeants being considered for promotion to Chief Master Sergeant will compete for promotion in
The chief enlisted manager code of the control AFSC they held as of the the promotion eligibility cutoff date (PECD)
Is the document utilized for promotion consideration and is the most important tool to review to ensure information on a promotion record is complete
The Data Verification Record (DVR)
If an error or omission is noted, the Airman must immediately contact his or her
Military Personnel Flight
Produces all Air Force enlisted promotion tests, which are written by Airmen for Airmen
The Air Education and Training, Studies and Analysis Squadron, Airman Advancement Section, Joint Base San Antonio-Randolph, Texas
Measure military and supervisory knowledge required of Staff Sergeants, Technical Sergeants, and Master Sergeants
The Promotion Fitness Examinations (PFE)
Measure important job required in a particular specialty
Specialty Knowledge Tests (SKT)
Resources used to develop SKTs include
Career Field Education and Training Plans, occupational analysis data, and experiences to ensure test content is related to important tasks performed in the specialty
Published annually on 1 October, the Enlisted Promotions References and Requirements Catalog (EPRRC), lists
All enlisted promotion tests authorized for administration and the study references associated with these tests
A minimum score of _____ points is required on a PFE
A minimum score of _____ points is required on a SKT
For those testing PFE only, a minimum score of ______ is required
Calculating points for promotion are completed through charts included in
AFI 36-2502, Enlisted Airman Promotion/Demotion Programs