Chapter 12 - Finance, Manpower, and Resources Flashcards
Just like physical fitness is important for health, _________ is equally important to overall well-being of Air Force members
Fiscal Fitness
Is the fundamental component of military pay, and typically the largest component of a member’s pay
Military (Basic) Pay
Determines the length of service for pay purposes
Military Pay Date
Is a comprehensive statement of a member’s entitlements, deductions, allotments, leave information, tax-withholdings, as well as Traditional and Roth Thrift Savings Plan information
The Defense Finance and Accounting Service (DFAS) Form 702, Defense Finance and Accounting Service Military Leave and Earnings Statement
Military members are paid on a monthly basis with the option to receive payments
Once or twice per month
Are provided when the government does not provide for that specific need
Monetary allowances
Is a nontaxable allowance used to offset the cost of a service member’s meals
Basic Allowance for Subsistence
Is to provide uniformed service members accurate and equitable housing compensation based on housing costs in local civilian housing markets
Basic Allowance for Housing
Are entitled to partial basic allowance for housing unless the quarters (including government-leased quarters) exceed the minimum standards of single quarters for their grade
Members without dependents residing in government single-type quarters
The members that pay court-ordered child support may qualify for differential (basic allowance for housing-differential)
Members living in single-type government quarters
Is a cost reimbursement-based allowance to help defray housing costs incident to assignments to a permanent duty station outside the United States
Overseas Housing Allowance
Is to pay a member for added housing expenses resulting from enforced separation from dependents
Family Separation Housing
Is a preliminary replacement allowance paid annually between the 6th and 36th month of Regular Air Force status
Clothing Replacement Allowance
Is payable to members with dependents in addition to other allowances or per diem to which a member may be entitled
Family Separation Allowance
Are established to help defray the higher than normal cost of living or cost of procuring housing in overseas areas
Overseas Station Allowances
Is payable to members assigned to designated “high cost” areas within the CONUS
Continental United States Cost-of-Living Allowance
Recognize certain aspects of duty, such as hazardous duty incentive pay, imminent danger pay, special duty assignment pay, enlisted flying duty incentive pay, and hardship duty pay-location
Special and Incentive Pay
Are payroll deductions of certain amounts of pay that are imposed by law
Involuntary Deductions
Is considered income for federal and state income tax purposes, to include basic pay, incentive pay, special pay, lump-sum payment of accrued leave, and separation pay
All pay
Requires federal agencies to withhold FICA (Social Security and Medicare) taxes from the basic pay of military members covered by the Social Security Act and to pay matching FICA taxes to the Social Security Administration
The Federal Insurance Contributions Act (FICA)
Is used to provide for national programs, such as defense, community development, and law enforcement. A member may authorize an additional monthly amount of FITW
The Federal Income Tax Withholding (FITW)
Refers to state tax laws of the state where the member is a legal resident
The State Income Tax Withholding (SITW)
Are set by the Secretary of Defense after consulting with the AFRH board, and are set up to a maximum of $1
Monthly Armed Forces Retirement Home (AFRH) deductions
Such as allotments to help administer personal finances, support family members, and insurance premium payments
Voluntary Deductions
Is a voluntary deduction. It is a retirement savings and investment plan established for federal employees as part of the Federal Employees’ Retirement Act of 1986
The Thrift Savings Plan (TSP)
automatically insures an eligible member against death when the member is on Regular Air Force status and/or training for an ordered period of more than 30 days
The Service Members’ Group Life Insurance (SGLI)
Military members will pay their financial obligations in a proper and timely manner; provide adequate financial support of a spouse, child or any other relative for which the member receives additional support allowances; comply with the financial support provisions of a court order or written support agreement; and respond to applications for involuntary allotments of pay within the established suspense dates per this AFI
AFI 36-2906, Personal Financial Responsibility
Are often unfamiliar with Air Force organizational addresses or do not know the member’s actual unit of assignment, and so frequently address correspondence to the installation commander, Staff Judge Advocate, or force support squadron
Military members may request relief from valid debts by
applying for waiver or remission of the debt
When a member receives erroneous pay or allowances
he or she may apply for a waiver of claims by the United States
A Regular Air Force, separated member, or his or her commander, may apply for __________ of a member’s indebtedness to the United States