Chapter 9: Project Human Resource Management Flashcards
What does confronting mean in the context of conflict management?
Solving the problem
Why is the Manage Project Team process more complex in a matrix organization?
Because the team members’ loyalties and accountabilities are split
What is a project organization chart?
A document that graphically depicts the project team members and their interrelationships for a specific project
What is colocation?
Physically locating all or most team mebers in the same location to allow them to work more effectively together
What are the enterprise environmental factors that can influence the Plan Human Resource Management process?
Organization, culture, and structure Existing human resources Geographical dispersion of team members Personnel administration policies Marketplace conditions
When dertermining project roles and responsabilities, what do you need to define?
Compentency or qualification
What type of theory is used to describe the manner in which individual resources, teams, and entire organizational units behave?
Organizational theory
What else does the staffing management plan show besides when and how team members will be released?
Training needs, recognition and rewards, and regulation or contract compliance
On which factors is the legitimate or formal authority of the project manager based?
Position, or formal authority, in the organization
Which factors contribute to the project manager’s referent authority?
The project manager’s personality
References by the project manager to the support and authority of someone higher in the organization
Respect the team members have for the project manager
What is Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs Theory?
Maslow defined five basic human needs, which he arranged in a pyramid. He stated that lower lever needs must be fulfilled before a person can move up to the next level. Once needs are satisfied at a particular level, those needs no longer motivate the individual, and the person progresses to the next step.
According to Maslow, the five levels of need are basic physical needs, safety and security needs, social need, self-esteem needs, and self-actualization needs.
What is the Expectancy Theory of motivation?
People are motivated if they expect to see a positive outcome. They will be motivated and remain productive as long as the reward meets their expectations, they believe the reward is strongly tied to their behavior and they are capable of doing the work requested.
This theory states that people will live up (or down) to what you expect of them.
Which type of chaart is frequently used to outline peoject roles and responsabilities?
RAM (responsability assignment matrix)
Where does informal and formal networking take plance?
Within an organization, industry, or professional environment
What are some components of the human resources management plan?
Roles and responsabilities
Project organization charts
Staffing management plan
The Aquire Project Team process involves getting the human resources assigned to the project. What is the project manager’s responsibility in this process?
Identiy the appropriate personnel Document the skills or knowledge needed Negociate with functional managers and other project managers for the desired resources Assign the project staff Create a team directory
What is the belief on which the project manager’s penalty or punishment authority is based?
That the project manager can inflict unpleasant consequences
What are the stages of team development?
Forming Storming Norming Performing Adjourning
What is McGregor’s Theory X?
Theory X assumes people are generally lazy and will avoid work unless threatened. They require constant supervisio, have no ambition, and require direct control to work effectively. Theory X managers believe people are motivated by punishment or money.
According tho Herzberg’s Hygiene Theory, what are the 2 factors that contribute to motivation?
Hygiene factors and motivating factors
What are the 4 element of the Situational continuum model?
Tell or direct: The project manager tells the team or a subordinate what to do.
Sell or coach: The project manager guides or leads through creative questioning.
Participate: The project manager works with the team or subordinate to lead them.
Delegate: The project manager delegates work or issues to the team or subordinate.
What is the new view of conflict?
Conflict is necessary, can be beneficial allows the team to grow and come up with more creative project solutions, and is best resolved by the team members and their immediate manager.
Which conflict resolution techniques are noted in A Guide to the Project Management Body of Knowledge (PMBOK Guide) - Fifth Edition?
Whithdraw\Avoid Smooth\Accommodate Compromise\Reconcile Force\Direct Collaborate\Problem Solve
What is representative authority?
Authority that is granted to an individual by a group
What are some of the organizational process asset that can influence the Plan Human Management process?
Organizational standard processes and policies and standardization role descriptions
Templates for organizational charts and positioin descriptions
Historical information about the organizational structures that have worked in previous projects
Escalation procedures for handling issues within the team and organization
What are some additional formats of a RAM that you can use to document team member roles and responsabilities?
Hierarchical-type charts
Matrix-based charts
Text-oriented formats
Other sections of the project management plan
What kind of information does the human resource plan provide to the project manager?
Guidance on how human resources should be defined and brought on to the project, along with the ressources should be managed, controled, and eventually released from the project.
According to A Guide to the Project Management Body of Knowledge (PMBOK Guide) - Fifth Edition, the staffing management plan helps project mangers deal with planning related to which type of resource-related issues?
Staff acquisition Timetable Staff release plan Training needs Recognition and rewards Compliance Safety
What is the belief on which the project manager’s reward authority is based?
That the project manager can issue rewards
In which Process group is team building typically shown?
According to Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs, what is true about a person’s level in the hierarchy?
It is constantly changing, moving up and down, depending on external circumstances
According to the Achievement Theory, which 3 needs motivate people?
Achievement, power, and affiliation
What is meant by a situational continuum in leadership theory?
That project managers adapt their leadership style based on the job maturity of the team members
In a matrix organizational structure, whose responsibility is it to manage the dual reporting relationship effectively?
The project manager’s
What is the view of the PMI regarding the collaborate/problem solve method of resolving conflict?
The collaborate/problem Solve thechnique for resolving conflict leads to consensus and commitment.
What is referent authority?
Authority that is inferred to the project manager by the team members
What is a war room?
A room set aside for the project’s use when team members are located in separate facilities; a common approach to colocation of the project team
What are the 4 processes of Project Human Resource Management?
Plan Human Resource Management
Aquire Project Team
Develop Project Team
Manage Project Team
What information does the RAM show?
Who is responsible to do the work (but not when the work should be completed)
What types of activities are involved in networking?
Meetings, correspondence, and informal conversations
A Guide to the Project Management Body of Knowledge (PMBOK® Guide) - Fifth Edition notes that special consideration should be given to the process of releasing resources once their project work is complete. Why?
To lower costs by better defining when and how team members will be relesead, as well as to help team member uncertainty about their futur after the project
What are the HR responsibilities of the project manager?
Creating role and responsabilities assignements
Developing a staffing management plan
Publishing an organization chart
Creating job descriptions
Identifying and fulfilling training needs
Negociating for team resources
Creating a team directory
Identifying and providing team-building activities
Providing input to project staff performance appraisals
Managing meetings
Which factor enables the project manager’s expert authority to influence stakeholders?
The project manager’s knowledge or expertise in both project management and technical areas
What is the purpose of a war room?
Serves as a common meeting room where team members can exchange information
What does Herzberg’s Theory say about the hygiene factors
It state that if the hygiene factors are met, people are neutral, but not motivated. Poor hygiene factor are demotivating, but improving hygiene factors typically will not increase motivation.
What is McGregor’s Theory of Y?
Theory Y assumes that people want to achieve, are creative, will work on their own, and will do a good job given the right motivation. Theory Y managers believe in participative management, providing support, and showing concern for their teams.
What is involved in the Manage Project Team process?
Tracking team member’s performance
Dealing with conflict
Handling changes and issues by both the project manager and the team
According to the PMI, what are some sources of conflict?
Scarce reources, scheduling priorities, and personal work styles
What does proper Human Resource Management mean?
Making effective use of everyone involved with the project, including the project team, sponsors, customers, contractors, and other stakeholders
What is team building?
Getting a temporary group of people together and getting them to work together
Which tools are involved in the Develop Project Team process?
Interpersonal skills Training Team-building activities Ground rules Colocation Recognition and rewards Personnel assessment tools